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1、1,Group Meeting,Dong-Ming Fang,April 18, 2008,2,Work in the last two weeks,Completed ,1,Read ,2,Read ,3,Read ,4,Downloaded ,5,Conceiving ,6,3,Work in the last two weeks,Completed PPT file for oral speech,4,Work in the last two weeks,Thesis draft written by,5,Work in the last two weeks,Processes Info

2、rmation Storage,PECVD:SiO2, Si3N4, SiC Sputter: Ti, Au, Pt, Al, Cr, W, Pb LPCVD: PolySi, SiO2,Si3N4 Si Oxidation:HO,O2,H2O,Membrane,Ion Injection:As+,P+,B+,BF2+ Diffusion: P+,B+,Adjusting,ICP: Si, Ti/Al, Cr/Cu, Cr/Pt, Ti/Pt/Au, Pyrex, SiO2 RIE:Si,SiO2,Si3N4, SiO2, Solutions: KOH, BHF, HF, H3PO4,Etch

3、ing,Anode (electrostatic), Au-Si, hot,Bonding,6,Work in the last two weeks,References and PPT files,7,Work in the last two weeks,Safety and Operation Handbook,8,Future work in the next week,9,Work in the last week,10,Work in the last week,11,Work in the last month,12,Work in the last month,实验相关,曝光显影

4、,电镀,甩胶烘胶,正胶AZ P4903,13,Work in the last month,2008.4.22,用,2008.4.25,. 大概15um,14,Work in the last two weeks,电镀,项目申请,申请的准备,3,.会议投稿,1,2,4,15,Work in the last two weeks,稀释HF溶液 HF 0.4mol/L, 腐蚀速率: 室温100nm/s, 32度时200nm/s,HF 2.6mol/L HNO3 2.2mol/L 32度时300nm/s,Ti湿法腐蚀,50:1:1 H2O:HF:HNO3 20:1:1 H2O:HF:H2O2 1:1

5、:20 HF:H2O2:HNO3,16,Work in the last two weeks,I2 0.09mol/L KI 0.6mol/L 腐蚀速率: 室温8-15nm/s,Au湿法腐蚀,1:2:1 0 I2:KI:H2O 25g:7g:100ml Br2:KI:H2O 1:2:3 HF:HAc:HNO3,17,Work in the last two weeks,国家基金对项目的要求越来越高,基础性 前瞻性 战略性,强调原创性,提高 交叉项目的 强度和比例,强调学科交叉,18,Work in the last two weeks,研究实力,写作技巧,创新思想,一新遮百丑 基金有多种 手段

6、保护 创新思想,以往的 研究积累 和研究水平,准确、清晰、 具体、可行 的研究计划,申请基金的三要素,19,Work in the last two weeks,申请书的核心问题,创新性 重要性 实用性 连续性 可行性,科学选题,做什么(What) -问题的提出 为什么(Why) -意义分析 怎么做(How) -技术路线,立项依据,工作积累 实验条件 人才梯队,支持条件,20,Work in the last two weeks,立项依据,阐述项目对社会或经济的意义,1,本项目国内外进展情况,2,提出本项目解决的目标,3,强调项目的必要性和重要性,4,21,Work in the last t

7、wo weeks,研究目标,1,研究内容,2,拟解决的关键问题,3,充分反映特色和创新点,4,预期成果,5,研究方案,22,Work in the last two weeks,支持条件,以往研究的积累,研究者的水平和专长,研究所需的设施和设备,合作研究,23,Work in the last two weeks,题目、内容摘要、主题词,研究组组成,年度计划及预期进展,申请经费的额度和预算,专家和单位的推荐意见,1,2,3,4,5,其它内容,24,Work in the last two months,PECVD:SiO2, Si3N4, SiC Sputter: Ti, Au, Pt, Al

8、, Cr, W, Pb LPCVD: PolySi, SiO2,Si3N4 Si Oxidation:HO,O2,H2O,薄膜工艺,Ion Injection:As+,P+,B+,BF2+ Diffusion: P+,B+,调整参数,ICP: Si, Ti/Al, Cr/Cu, Cr/Pt, Ti/Pt/Au, Pyrex, SiO2 RIE:Si,SiO2,Si3N4, SiO2, Solutions: KOH, BHF, HF, H3PO4,刻蚀工艺,Anode (electrostatic), Au-Si, hot,键合工艺,微电子所工艺信息库,25,Work in the last t

9、wo months,MEMS 和IC的 关键性 差别,IC无可动部件,而MEMS 器件可以产生某种运动,IC依靠其表面之下的各种效应来工作,而MEMS 基本上是靠表面效应工作的器件,IC本质上是平面化的,MEMS一般来说却不是,26,Work in the last two months,MEMS 的优势,集成化,微型化,多功能,低成本,高性能,低功耗,27,Work in the last two months,.组件层面,.系统层面,.元件层面,.技术层面,28,Work in the last two months,.加工技术,加工,技术,加工,技术,29,Work in the las

10、t two months,悬空结构,模片,沟、槽,单晶硅 多晶硅 键合技术 微电子所四个体硅标准工艺,机械性能好 几何尺寸大 浪费硅材料 与IC兼容不好,各向同性腐蚀,各向异性腐蚀,体微加工,30,Work in the last two months,表面微加工,两层多晶硅表面微加工(北大微电子所),三层多晶硅表面微加工(Berkley SA中心,PolyMUMPs),五层多晶硅表面微加工(美国Sandia国家实验室),两层MEMS结构:一层是结构材料,另一层为地面材料,多晶硅作为结构层,淀积PSG作为牺牲层, 氮化硅作为电隔离层,两层主要的薄膜层,结构层:多晶硅, 牺牲层:二氧化硅,31,

11、Work in the last two months,LIGA技术,LIGA技术 准LIGA技术 SLIGA技术,电镀 ( Galvanoformung),压模(Abformung),光刻 (Lithographie),32,Work in the last two months,易于大批量生产,5,不适合制作多层结构,6,LIGA技术特点,33,Work in the last two months,硅/硅键合,1、灵活性和半导体工艺兼容性 2、温度在键合过程中起着关键的作用 3、硅片表面的平整度和清洁度,硅/玻璃键合,1、两静电键合材料的热膨胀系数近似匹配 2、阳极的形状影响键合效果 3

12、、表面状况对键合力也有影响,金属/玻璃键合,1、电压、温度和表面光洁度影响键合反应 2、离子扩散阳极氧化影响键合 3、键合界面处产生过渡层,键合技术,键合技术可以将表面加工和体加工有机地结合在一起,34,Work in the last two months,三维MEMS结构加工中的材料,35,Work in the last two months,金属: 如Ti,Al, Cu,Cr 等,非金属: 二氧化硅、氮化硅、 碳化硅和磷硅玻璃等,有机物和聚合物: 如光刻胶,聚酰亚胺、PMMA、SU-8等,牺牲层 材料,36,Work in the last two months,前CMOS (pre-

13、CMOS),混合CMOS ( intermediate-CMOS),后CMOS(post-CMOS),CMOS-MEMS技术:将MEMS部分和CMOS电路做在同一块衬底上,一种是在CMOS结构层上面再淀积一层结构层的微加工,另一种是直接以CMOS原有的结构层作为MEMS结构层的微加工,37,Work in the future,2. 考虑,1. 完成,3. 制作,4. 加工,38,Work in the last two weeks,Attend 08MEMS training,01,Write SC-JRP application,02,Write application,03,Design

14、 the ,04,39,Work in the last two weeks,Write SC-JRP application,Input Chinese and English version,Contact with Vincent of NUS,The joint unit not Univ., but A*STAR,Cooperation failed, but be trained,40,Work in the last two weeks,Write .,Proposal Title,Complex,面向,41,Work in the last two weeks,42,Work

15、in the last two weeks,The ,Develop ,Current ,Fabricate .,Aims and Significance,43,Work in the last two weeks,investigate .,study ,realize ,set up ,44,Work in the last two weeks,Applications,Multiband ,Integration ,High .,R,45,Work in the last two weeks,Novelty,Current research Most .,This proposal I

16、nvestigate .,46,Work in the last two weeks,Methodology,SSS,Single wafer ,Measure .,Step2,Step3,Step4,Optimize Simulate .,Silicon-based Traditional . Polymer ,Develop . Integrate switches .,Test Modify Set up,Step1,Design,47,Work in July and in this term,48,Work in July and in this term,Applications ,Key ,Project,49,Work in July and in this term,



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