三年级下册英语期末考试卷 .

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《三年级下册英语期末考试卷 .》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级下册英语期末考试卷 .(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、三年级下册英语期末考试卷一、Write the right form. (写出下列字母的大写或小写形式。)(10分)I F d G Xr K Q J y二、根据所给情景,选择最佳答语。(10分)( )1在过教师节的时候,我们应对老师说: _AGood morning. BHow are you? CHappy Teachers Day!( )2当你把你爸爸介绍给Miss Wu时,你应说: _A. This is Miss Wu. BMiss Wu, this is my dad. CHe is my dad.( )3. 当别人称赞你的衣服漂亮时,你应说:_A. Thank you.B. Not

2、 at all. C. Youre welcome!( )4.当你见到一位新朋友时,应该说:_A. How old are you? B. Goodbye. C. Nice to meet you!( )5. 当问别人身体怎样时,应该说:_ How are you?B. How old are you? C. Very well, thanks.3、 根据算式选出正确的答案(用线把算式与单词连起来)。(15分)(1.5分一题)thirteen8+9= 3+11= elevenfourteen 5+6= 9+7= twentynineteen 18-6= 13+7= twelveten14+5=

3、 20-7= fifteensixteen 6+9=2+8= seventeen 四、请将下列图画字母标号填入相应单词前的括号内。(10分)( ) 1. balloons ( ) 2. hamburger ( ) 3. rabbit ( ) 4. bear ( ) 5. eraser五、根据图画,选择相应的单词,并将字母标号填在相应的横线上。(10分)六、下面你能看到五组分别被打乱顺序的问句和答句,请你重新搭配一下,把正确的答句的字母标号写在相应问句前的括号内。(10分) ( ) 1. How old are you? A. My name is Chen Jie.( ) 2. May I h

4、ave a look? B. Me too!( ) 3. Whats your name? C. Sure. Here you are( ) 4. Happy birthday! D. Im 9.( ) 5. I have a bag. E. Thank you.七、 根据下面情景, 选择恰当的选项。 (10分) ( ) 1. 当别人问你来自哪里后, 应回答说::_ A. Youre welcome. B. Im from America. . My name is Li Mei.( ) 2.当你很惊讶地看到一只大鹅时, 应说: _. A. What a big goose! B. How b

5、eautiful! C. What a big fish! ( ) 3. 当你把物品给别人时, 应说: _. A. Its here. B. Here you are. C. Here it is. ( ) 4. 当你正在找玩具汽车时, 应说: _. A. Where is my taxi? B. Where is my car? C. This is my car. ( ) 5. 当看到别人要摔跤时,应说:_. A. Watch TV. B. Watch out. C. Look at me. 八、 选出不同类别的单词,将其编号填在括号内。(10分) ( ) 1、 A.banana B.pe

6、ar C. short ( ) 2、 A.pencil B.car C. ruler ( ) 3、 A.pencil B.book C.school ( ) 4、 A.dog B.pig C.play ( ) 5、 A.red B.one C.green ( ) 6、 A.girl B.teacher C.bus ( ) 7、 A.class B.school C.pen ( ) 8、 A.Chinese B.English C.class ( ) 9、 A.mother B.father C.teacher ( ) 10、A .twelve B .five C.box 九、在B栏中找出A栏的

7、正确答语。(每小题1分,共15分) A B ( ) 1. Whats that ? A. I have thirteen. ( ) 2. Whos that woman ? B. Thats a pen. ( ) 3 . How are you ? C. Im from China. ( ) 4,. How old are you ? D. How do you do ? ( )5. Where are you from? E. She is a teacher .( )6. How many monkeys can you see? F. Im fine.( )7.Happy Womens

8、Day! G.Im Chenjie.( )8. How many pencils do you have ? H. Im eleven ( )9.Whats your mother ? I. I can see twenty-two.( )10.How do you do? J.Thank you( )11. Can I use your pen? K、Yes, I do .( )12. Do you like bananas? L、Shes my mother .( )13.Whats your name? M.Nice to meet you,too. ( )14.Nice to meet

9、 you! N、Its under the chair. ( )15. Where is the ball? O、Sure.参考答案:(10分)一、i f D g x R k q j Y (10分)二、1C 2B 3A 4C 5A (15分)三、8+9=seventeen 3+11=fourteen 5+6=eleven 9+7=sixteen 18-6=twelve 13+7=twenty 14+5=nineteen 20-7=thirteen 6+9=fifteen 2+8=ten(每题1.5分) (10分)四、1C 2F 3A 4E 5B (10分)五、 G F B E J A H I D C (10分)六、1D 2C 3A 4E 5B (10分)七、1B 2A 3B 4B 5B (10分)八、1C 2B 3C 4C 5B 6C 7C 8C 9C 10C (15分)九、1B 2L 3F 4H 5C 6I 7J 8A 9E 10D 11O 12K 13G 14M 15N


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