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1、 订 购 合 同 PURCHASE CONTRACT PURCHASE CONTRACT 合 同 号 : Contract No: 日 期 : Date : 买 方: Buyers: Cable: Tel: Fax: 卖方: Sellers: Cable: Tel: Fax: 经买卖双方确认,同意按照下列条款,由买方购进,卖方售出下列商品,特订立本合同: This contract is made by and between the Buyers and the Sellers,whereby the Buyers agree to buy and the Sellers agree to

2、sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 1 品名 Name of Commodity 规格型号 Type & Specification 数量 Quantity 单价 Unit Price 总价 Total Price 合 同 总 值 (大写): Total Value of Contract(in capital): 2技 术 条 件: Technical Requirements: 3包装和唛头:每件货物上标志毛重、净重、编号、尺码、目的口岸,原产地

3、并列明下列唛头: Packing and shipping Mark: Each Package shall be stencilled with gross and net weights ,package number Measurement ,port of Destination , country of origin and the following shipping mark: 4交 货 期 限: Time of Delivery: 5装 运 口 岸: 6. 目 的 口 岸: Port of Loading: Port of Destination: 7生产国别和制造厂: Cou

4、ntry of origin and Manufacturers: 8保险:由卖方按发票总值的 110%投保 险。 Insurance:To be covered by the Sellers for 110% of the total invoice value against. 9付款条件: A. 信用证项下:买方接到卖方根据第十三条规定所发出的装运通知后,在装船前 天内,开出与合同 Terms of payment 总值等值的以卖方为受益人的不可撤消的即期信用证。 Under Letter of Credit:The Buyers upon receipt from the Seller

5、s of the delivery advice specified in Clause 13 hereof .shall days prior to the date of delivery. Open an irrevocable letter Of credit at sight with in favor of the Sellers ,for th total value of shipment. B直接付款:买方收到卖方根据第十条规定所发出的装船单据后 天内,将货款电汇或信汇给卖方。 By Direct Remittance:Payment shall be effected by

6、 the Buyers ,by T/T or M/T,within days after receipt from the Sellers of the shipping documents specified in Clause 10 hereof 卖方: 买方: Sellers: Buyers: 签名: 签名: Signature: Signature: Address: Address: Bank: Bank: 10、单据: Documents: A 请将提单注明“运费到付”或注明“运费按租船合同办理”安样,空白背书、空白抬头。 Clean on board Bill of Lading

7、 made out to order blank endorsed marked “Freight Payable at destination” or “Freight as per charter party” B 发票:注明合同号,唛头及信用证号;如果分批装船厂,须注明分批号。 Invoice:indicating contract number,shipping mark,number of the Letter of Credit and shipment number in case of partial shipment. C 装箱单:注明合同号及唛头,并逐件列名毛重和净重。 P

8、acking list:indicating contract number,shipping mark,gross and net weights of each package. D 制造工厂的品质及数量/重量证明书。 Certificates of Quality and Quantity/Weight lssued by the manufacturers of the goods contracted. E 货物制造地商会所配发的产地证明书。 Certificate of origin issued by the chamber of commerce at the place wh

9、ere the goods manufactured. 11、技术文件: Technology Documentations: A、 出厂检验报告及性能表。 Manufacturers testing report and characteristics table. B、 英文使用及技术说明书。 (必要时包括线路图) Instructions for operation and installation in English(including systematic circuit diagram,whenever necessary.) 12、包装: Packing: 坚实木质或集装箱包装

10、。适合远洋、空运要求、防水、防震、防潮。 To be packed in strong wooden case(s) or in carton(s).suitsble for long distance ocean/over land/air freight transportation,well protected against wolsture and shocks,Pressure,wet. 13、装运通知:卖方在货物装运前,先将合同号、品名、件数、毛重、净重、发票金额,载货飞机名及启航日期、航班号以传真通知买方。 Advice of shipment : The Sellers sh

11、all upon completion of loading ,advise the Buyers by cable of the contract number,name of commodity,number of Packages,gross and net weights,invoice value,name of vessel and its loading date. 14、检验: Inspection: 15、索赔:如发现货物的品质、规格和数量与合同、信用证或发票不符,除属于保险公司及船公司的责任外,买方有权在货卸目的口岸后 90 天 内,根据中国商品检验局出具的证明书向卖方提出

12、索赔。如果卖方在收到买方提出的索赔后一个月之内未做答复,买方即认为索赔已被卖方 接受。索赔的一切费用由卖方承担。 Should the quality , specification and quantity/weight be found not in confermity with the contract,letter of credit or invoice the buyer shat be entitled to lodge claims(including re-inspection fee)with the Sellers on the basis of CCIBS inspe

13、ction Certificate within 90 days after discharge of the goods at the port of destination,with the exception, howover,of those claims for which the shipping company and the insurance companay are to be held responsible ,If the Sellers fall to answer the Buyers within one month after receipt of the aforesaid claim,the claim shall be reckoned as having been accepted by the Sellers ,All the expenses of claim aball be borne by the Sellers. 16、人力不可抗拒:由于一般公认的人力不可抗拒原因造成不可预测的事以致不能按合同约定交货时,卖方应立即以电报通知买方,并在 14 天 内航寄买方事故发生地点的有关政府或商会发给的证明文件证明事故的存在。卖方由于人力不可抗拒所造成的事故发生,在买方未确认前不 排除


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