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1、前言 Preface 有人说合肥这几年长高了、变美了、发展更快了,只要您在这 个城市住上几天,你就能感受得到这个城市不断向上的冲动和日新 月异的变化,正如图片中的那些细节和面孔,总有一股跳动的激情, 一种向上的活力,要无法遏制地舒展开来。 People say Hefei has grown taller, more beautiful and faster in recent years. Staying here for a few days, you can feel the strong aspirations and rapid changes of the city. The sc

2、enes and the faces in the photos display a throbbing passion, an upbeat vitality that is spreading dynamically. 于是,有了这样一次特殊的“采访”。全国新华社的百名签约 摄影师,用两天两夜的时间,不知疲倦地用镜头、用眼睛、用心灵, 展现这个城市一个个微小而独到的细节、鲜活而生动的面孔、幸福 而温润的美好。 Therefore, a special “photo shoot” was arranged here. About 100 photographers from Xinhua N

3、ews Agency and its local offices all over China spent two days in the city. They used their cameras, their eyes and their hearts to reveal the unique details of the city in its development, and share the lively faces and happy moments of the people. 美国城市学家雅各布斯说,“一个城市,它承载了所有创造者 与见证者的梦想、渴望和骄傲。”作为见证者,他

4、们用自己的方式 分享创造者们的梦想、渴望与骄傲,这个城市无处不在的活力、巨 变与美好,洋溢在一张张图片的精彩光影之中。 American urbanologist Jane Jacobs is said to have remarked that a city bears the dreams, aspirations and pride of everyone who built and witnessed it. As witnesses, these photographers came to share the dreams, aspirations and pride of the

5、local people and they incorporated the ubiquitous vitality, great changes and charm of the city into colorful and inspiring pictures. 如今,环拥巢湖的合肥,又有了大湖靓市的梦想,按照“科 学发展新跨越、主要指标进十强”的美好愿景,努力建设泛长三角 地区继沪宁杭之后的现代化新兴中心城市,朝着区域性特大城市不 断前行. Today, with Chaohu Lake now in its embrace, Hefei has a new dream to becom

6、e a more enchanting lakeside city. With the vision of “making new strides in scientific development and elbowing into the Top 10 in terms of major economic indicators”, Hefei spares no effort to build itself into a modern, prosperous and central city next only to Shanghai, Nanjing and Hangzhou in th

7、e Pan-Yangtze River Delta, and continue its advancement to be a regional super city. “一个城市的未来是它过去合乎逻辑的延伸。”今天,当我 们一起阅读新华社百名摄影师记录的惊美瞬间的同时,留住的则是 明天的历史,打开的则是一个城市的远大理想! A citys future is but a logical extension of its past. When appreciating the stunning moments shot by the photographers, we feel what th

8、e photos have recorded are the history of tomorrow and the lofty ideas to be realized in the future! 大湖靓市 温泉之都 中国合肥欢迎您 Welcome to Hefei, a beautiful city home to Chaohu Lake and hot springs in China 这是一座巢湖岸边美丽的山水城市,气候宜人、园林如画。 This is a beautiful city by Chaohu Lake with pleasant climate and pictures

9、que gardens. 这是一座充溢着筑造梦想的创新城市,人才辈出、理想辉煌。 This is an innovative city that makes dreams come true with talented people and brilliant ideas. 千年文明,湖光山色。 Thousand years of civilization and beautiful lakes and mountains 合肥,位于中国中部,居安徽之中,处江淮之间,因东淝河、 南淝河在此交汇而得名,并因隋唐明清时为庐州路、郡、府治所在 而别称“庐州”,是全国唯一环拥五大淡水湖之一巢湖的省会城

10、市。 Located in the Central Region of China, Hefei is in the center of Anhui Province between the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River, the only provincial capital city that embraces one of the five largest freshwater lakes (Chaohu Lake) in China. Geographically, the name of Hefei means the converging p

11、oint of the Dongfei River and the Nanfei River. As it was made prefecture seat of Luzhou in the Sui, Tang, Ming and Qing dynasties, it is also known as Luzhou. 现辖肥东、肥西、长丰、庐江 4 个县,巢湖市,瑶海、庐阳、蜀 山、包河 4 个区和合肥高新技术产业开发区、合肥经济技术开发区、 合肥新站综合开发试验区、合肥巢湖经济开发区 4 大开发区,市域 总面积 1.14 万平方公里,常住人口 752 万人。 Under its jurisd

12、iction, there are four counties (Feidong, Feixi, Changfeng and Lujiang), one sub-city (Chaohu) and four urban districts (Yaohai, Luyang, Shushan and Baohe). The city also possesses 4 development zones, namely, Hefei Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, Hefei Economic three local specialties are whit

13、ebait, white shrimp and hairy crab. Bantang is a major spa resort for leisure and rehabilitation in Anhui, for the water from the hot springs is rich in more than 30 kinds of active mineral elements. Tangchi, a small beautiful town in Lujiang County, is another spa resort known as the place with the

14、 No. 1 hot spring in East China. Golden Peacock Spa Resort, a 4A rated holiday village, is now a famous health resort for tourists in East China. 合肥,群山相拥,层峦叠翠, 是全国首批 3 个“全国园林城市” 之一,两次荣膺“中国人居环境示范奖”。 With green hills nestling into each other, Hefei is one of the first three national garden cities. It

15、won the China Best Habitat Environment Award twice. 合肥以“园在城中、城在园中”而独负盛名。敞开式环城公园, 构成了环绕老城、连接新城、水陆相依的独特景致,宛如一条翡翠 项链镶嵌于城市之中。合肥是全国生态旅游城市,巢湖是国家级重 点风景名胜区,包公文化园、紫蓬山、岱山湖、三河古镇等 14 个国 家级 4A 景区风光旖旎。 The harmonious pattern of gardens intermingling with the city makes Hefei remarkably unique in the whole country

16、. The open around-the-city park is just like a jadeite necklace around the old urban area, forming a distinctive and pleasant view of lands and waters. Hefei is a national ecological tourist city, with Chaohu Lake as a national key scenic spot. It also owns 14 national 4A tourist attractions, like Lord Bao Culture Park, Mt. Zipeng, Daishan Lake and Sanhe Ancient Town. 文化合肥 徽风和韵兼容南北风情 Hefei, a cultural integration of Anhui style with both northern and southern fl



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