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1、Produced by 王承敏 Although we now tend to refer to the various crafts according to the materials used to construct them- clay, glass, wood, fiber, and metal- it was once common to think of crafts in terms of function, which led to their being known as the “applied arts.” (OG- Applied arts and fine art

2、s) 长难句类型:抽象词 难度:3 语法分析:Although we now tend to refer to the various crafts according to the materials used to construct them- clay, glass, wood, fiber, and metal- it was once common to think of crafts in terms of function, which led to their being known as the “applied arts.” 译文:尽管现在我们倾向于根据工艺品的制造材料比

3、如黏土、玻璃、木头、纤维以及金 属对他们进行分类, 但根据工艺品的功能进行分类 (这一做法) 在过去曾经很流行, (这 一做法)导致了这些工艺品被称作“实用艺术”。 解释:这句话的前半句,也就是让步的部分并不难,难就难在后面的转折部分,it 是形式主 语,真正的主语是“to think of crafts in terms of function”这一做法,而后面 which 引导的定语 从句也正是修饰前面的“to think of crafts in terms of function”这一做法,这句话是全文的第一 句, 事实上作者是在做一个背景导入, 根据这句话, 我们可知, 下面要讲的就

4、“是实用艺术”。 Produced by 王承敏 Since the laws of physics, not some arbitrary decision, have determined the general form of applied- art objects, they follow basic patterns, so much so that functional forms can vary only within certain limits. (OG- Applied arts and fine arts) 长难句类型:抽象词+插入语+易混指代 难度:4 语法分析:S

5、ince the laws of physics, not some arbitrary decision, have determined the general form of applied- art objects, they follow basic patterns, so much so that functional forms can vary only within certain limits. 译文: 因为是物理定律而不是随意的结论决定了实用艺术品的一般形式, 所以它们 (实用艺术品)遵循基本的样式,这也使得(它们的)功能形式只能在很小的范围内变化。 解释: 这句话前半

6、部分的原因状语从句并不难, 难就难在句子中的“they follow basic patterns” 这个句子中的“they”到底指代的是什么,并且 ETS 也针对这里的“they”出了一道指代题,我 们由前面的原因状语从句可知是物理定律决定实用艺术品,而这里说“它们”遵循基本样式, “basic patterns”事实上就是对前面“the laws of physics”的对应,因此“they”指代的就是 “applied- art objects”,明确这点之后,后面的“so much so that”一句就很好理解了,和前面的 句子是顺成关系。 Produced by 王承敏 That

7、this device was a necessary structural compromise is clear from the fact that the cannonball quickly disappeared when sculptors learned how to strengthen the internal structure of a statue with iron braces (iron being much stronger than bronze). (OG- Applied arts and fine arts) 长难句类型:复杂修饰 难度:4 语法分析:

8、That (this device was a necessary structural compromise) is clear from the fact that the cannonball quickly disappeared when sculptors learned how to strengthen the internal structure of a statue with iron braces (iron being much stronger than bronze). 译文:当雕塑家学会如何了用铁支架加强雕塑的内部结构后(铁比青铜更结实),就不再使 用金属球了,

9、由此看来,铁球的使用是对于必要结构性的妥协。 解释:这个句子难就难在主干不好找,这个句子的主干其实很简单,就是“that is clear”,第 一个“that”后面是其引导的主语从句,“from the fact”是目的状语,后面接着第二个“that”引导 的同位语从句,在这个同位语从句中又嵌套了一个“when”引导的条件状语从句。通过作者 的写法我们也可以知道这个句子最重要的部分就是“compromise”。 Produced by 王承敏 Even though the fine arts in the twentieth century often treat materials in

10、 new ways, the basic difference in attitude of artists in relation to their materials in the fine arts and the applied arts remains relatively constant. (OG- Applied arts and fine arts) 长难句类型:复杂修饰 难度:3 语法分析: Even though the fine arts in the twentieth century often treat materials in new ways, the ba

11、sic difference in attitude of artists in relation to their materials in the fine arts and the applied arts remains relatively constant. 译文:尽管在 20 世纪纯工艺品的制作通常采用新的制造工艺,但人们对制造两种工艺品的 艺术家的基本态度仍然不同。 解释:这个句子的前半部分是“even though”引导的让步状语从句,基本没有难度,关键在于 后面主句作者想表达的意图。后面的主句在主语“the basic difference”后是一个很长的定语, 定语部分到

12、“applied arts”结束。句子的表面意思当然就是对两种艺术家的态度不一样,我们 通过上文会发现作者想表达的意思就是:尽管已经是 20 世纪,人们仍然倾向于把实用艺术 和纯艺术分开来看。 Produced by 王承敏 Extinct but already fully marine cetaceans are known from the fossil record. (OG- The origins of Cetacean) 长难句类型:复杂修饰 难度:2 语法分析:Extinct but already fully marine cetaceans are known from t

13、he fossil record. 译文:一些灭绝了的但已经完全水生的鲸类可以通过化石被了解。 解释:这句话结构非常简单,并且很短,其难点在于主语“cetaceans”前的修饰成分,很多人 恐怕无法理解“fully marine”的意思,因为这样的用法本身就非常少见,要理解其意思还是需 要联系文章的主旨。在这句话之前,作者讲了海象、海豹等鳍足类动物,说它们与鲸类动物 不同,所以我们就可以大致推断出这里的“fully marine”指的是完全生活在海洋中的意思,而 不像鳍足类动物,仍然是两栖的生活状态。 Produced by 王承敏 Missing until recently were fo

14、ssils clearly intermediate, or transitional, between land mammals and cetaceans. (OG - The origins of Cetacean) 长难句类型:复杂修饰+倒装 难度:3 语法分析:Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate, or transitional, between land mammals and cetaceans. 译文:能清楚的反映陆地哺乳动物和鲸类之间关系的化石直到最近才被发现。 解释: 这是一句倒装句, 正常的语序

15、是“Fossils clearly intermediate, or transitional, between land mammals and cetaceans were missing until recently”,这句话本来的意思是这样的化石在近期 以前是一直没有找到的,换言之,就是最近被找到了。这句话是本文第一段话的最后一句, 我们由此可知,作者下面就要开始讲近期被发现的这些化石了。 Produced by 王承敏 The gradual drying of the soil caused by its diminished ability to absorb water results in the further loss of vegetation, so that a cycle of progressive surface deterioration is established. (OG Desert Formation) 长难句类型:复杂修饰 难度:2 语法分析:The gradual drying of the soil caused by its diminished ability to absorb water results in the further loss of vegetation, so that a cycle


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