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1、姓名:姓名: 外研版六年级英语上册第一模块短语和句型外研版六年级英语上册第一模块短语和句型 一、短语:一、短语: 1、be great 太棒了 2、visit America 拜访(参观、游玩)美国 3、in New York 在纽约 4、look at 看. 5、a picture of. 一张.图画(相片) 6、tell sb. more about.多给某人讲点关于. 7、how long 多长 8、Its about .它是大约(关于). 9、six thousand seven hundred kilometres 六千七百千米 10、tell me something about.

2、告诉我关于.的事 11、how big 多大 12、eight million people 八百万人 13、fourteen million 一千四百万 14、Thats a lot!太多了! 15、an animal 一只动物 16、in the east of 在.的东部 17、in the west/south/north of 在.的西/南/北部 18、San Francisco 旧金山 19、a (big) map of.一(大)张.地图 20、lots of=a lot of=many/much 许多 21、from.to.从.到. 22、such a big country=a

3、 so big country 如此大的一个国家 23、every day and night 每个白天和夜晚 24、What am I?我是干什么的(什么职业)? 二、句型:二、句型: 1、Daming is visiting America.大明正在美国游玩。 2、Hes in New York with his cousin Simon.他和他的堂兄西门在纽约。 3、And look at this one.看这个。 4、Tell me more about the Great Wall.多给我讲一些关于长城的事情。 tell sb. more about.多给某人讲点关于.。 5、Ho

4、w long is it?Its about six thousand seven hundred kilometres. 它有多长?它大约有 6700 公里。how long.? .有多长?它还可以表示“多久、多长时间” 。 6、New York is in the east of America.纽约在美国的东部。 7、What a big map of America!多么大的一张美国地图呀!what 引导感叹句 外研社版英语六年级上册2015、9、12 第一模块重难点、考点 一、单项选择 ( ) 1 Hes in New York_ his cousin, Simon. A at B

5、with C for ( ) 2 Tell me more _the Great Wall. A about B How long C in ( ) 3 _is it ? Its about six thousand kilometres. A. How B. How long C. How about ( ) 4 _is Beijing? A How long B How big C How many ( ) 5 Daming is _America. A visiting B visit C visited ( ) 6 Its a _of the Great Wall. A .pictur

6、es B. picture C. photos ( ) 7 Its _eight million people. A get B got C gets ( ) 8 Its a lovely cat. Please look _it. A at B out C in ( ) 9 Here are two _the Great Wall. A. pictures B. picture C. pictures of ( ) 10 Please tell me more things _Shanghai. A. in B. about C. on ( ) 11 Beijing_got eight mi

7、llion people. A. is B. us C. has ( ) 12 Fourteen_. A. millions B. milliones C million 三、选择 ( )1 How long is it ? A. Its in the east of America. ( )2 How big is Beijing ? B. Beijings got about fourteen million people. ( )3 Are you a teacher ? C. Its in the northeast of China. ( )4 Wheres Harbin? D. Y

8、es, I am . ( )5 Wheres New York ? E. Its about two thousand kilometres. 三、阅读理解,选择正确答案 Lucy is my friend. She lives in a small house near a park in Canada. I am ten, Lucy is ten, too. Lucy tells me more about Canada. I know Canada is such a big country. So I want to learn English. And I tell Lucy mor

9、e about China. Lucy likes China and she wants to learn Chinese. We usually write emails to each other on Saturdays and Sundays. ( ) 1 How old is Lucy? A Ten B Eleven C Twelve ( ) 2 Does Lucy like China? A Yes, she does. B Yes, I do. C No, she doesnt. ( ) 3 What do they write on Saturdays and Sundays

10、 ? A Letters B Emails C Homework ( ) 4 Is Canada a big country? A Yes , they are . B Yes, it is. C No, it isnt. 姓名: 班级: 外研版六年级英语上册第二模块短语和句型外研版六年级英语上册第二模块短语和句型 一、短语:短语: 1、Chinatown 唐人街(中国城) 2、in America 在美国 3、send an email to.给.发送电子邮件 4、my family in China 在中国的家人 5、want to do sth.要做某事 6、Chinese shops

11、and restaurants 中国商店和饭馆 7、Chinese dancing 中国舞蹈 8、postcards from China 来自中国的明信片 9、the Changjiang River 长江 10、the Tiananmen Square 天安门广场 11、riding bicycles to work 骑自行车上班 12、the West Lake 西湖 13、the Huangshan Mountain 黄山 14、noodle shop 面馆 二、句型: 1、Im sending an email to my family in China. 我正在给中国的家人发送电子

12、邮件。 2、Do you miss China?你想念中国吗? 3、 Theres a Chinatown in New York.在纽约有一条唐人街。 4、Lets go to Chinatown now.让我们现在就去唐人街吧。 5、Lets.让我们.吧!Lets=Let us,如:Lets have our class.让我们上课吧。 6、You do miss China!你确实很思念中国呀! 7、阅读幽默: Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. What did you do with the money I gave you y

13、esterday? I gave it to a poor old woman, he answered. Youre a good boy, said the mother proudly. Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman? She is the one who sells the candy. 外研社版英语六年级上册 2015、9 第二模块重难点、考点 一、用 There is / There are 填空 1 _ a lot of books on the table . 2

14、_ a famous river in China . 3 _a pencil and 100 pens on the desk . 4 _ lots of books in the library . 二、选择 ( ) 1 There _ a Chinatown in New York . A is B am C are D be ( ) 2 Im _an email to my family in China . A send B sends C sending D sent ( ) 3 Do you miss China ? _. A Some time B Sometime C Som

15、e times D Sometimes ( ) 4 You _miss China. A do B does C doing D did ( ) 5 What _you doing , Daming ? A am B is C are D be ( ) 6 Do you want _ to Chinatown ? A go B goes C going D to go ( ) 7 There are _ Chinese shops and restaurants there . A a lot B a lot of C any D much ( ) 8 And theres Chinese _ . A dance B dances C dancing D danced ( ) 9 I want to go to _. A th



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