unit5 first aid 教学设计-(最新版)

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1、Teaching Design of First Aid UNIT 5 First Aid Period 1 Warming up, Pre-reading and reading IAnalysis of the teaching material The topic of this unit is about first aid. As is known to all, life is full of unexpected things. You never have the idea when and how an accident come upon you. Therefore, f

2、irst aid is very important in human life. According to the overall objectives described in the new English curriculum, after talking about this topic, the students will concern more about safety and develop their ability to face with the emergence. Meanwhile, they can learn to grasp the detailed inf

3、ormation and learn the strategies of reading skills. A. Teaching aims According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus, after the lesson, the students will be able to: 1. Knowledge a. master the key words of describing first aid: injury, bleed, organ, poison, swell, damage, wound, mild, squ

4、eeze, symptom. b. analyse the key sentence structure: If burns are on arms and legs 2. Ability a. develop the students reading ability, learn to use some reading strategies such as skimming, scanning and so on. b. learn basic methods of first aid by reading the text. 3. Feelings and Attitudes a. sti

5、mulate students sense of safety. b. develop students cooperative spirit. B. Key points and difficult points 1. Training of reading skills, such as predicting, skimming and scanning. 2. Students can apply what they have learned in the class to the their daily life. II. Analysis of the students After

6、learning in junior middle school, the students( Senior high school, Grade 2) have formed a basic learning method of their own and have master some skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. However, the insufficiency of vocabulary and deficiency of grasp the substance of the text still prev

7、ent them from understanding the whole passage. III. Teaching methods Question and answer; task-based language teaching and communicative language Approach IV. learning strategy 1. Cooperative learning 2. Autonomous learning V. Teaching aids A multi-media computer, a projector, blackboard, ppt VI. Te

8、aching Procedures Step 1: Leading-in (5 minutes) Ask the students to watch a short video and give questions: a. what has happened to the young lady? b. What did the old woman do to the young woman? Intention: To make the students feel relaxed and to arouse their interest. Media: show the title of th

9、e unit and play video Step 2: Warming up (10 minutes) 1. Show students some pictures of different emergence and divide them into 6 groups to discuss the different situation and how to react. 2. Give the definition of first aid 3. Ask the students to recall the words describing accidents and first ai

10、d. Questions: what words can you think of when we are talking about accidents and first aid? Intention: Enable the students to have basic knowledge of first aid and pave the way for the reading part. Media: show pictures, the definition of first aid, questions and words describing accidents and firs

11、t aids Step 3: Fast-reading (7 minutes) 1. Show the key words and expressions of the text. Intention: help the students to understand the text better. 2. Ask the students to read the text following the tape record and try to give the subtitle of different parts. Intention: train the students ability

12、 of summarizing and scanning skill. Media: show useful words and expressions, play the tape record. Step 4: Careful reading (1o minutes) Divide the text into five parts and ask the students to read the text part by part according to the questions and exercises on the screen. Intention: train the stu

13、dents ability to find detailed information and the ability to discovering useful information. Media: show questions and exercises, Step 5: Post-reading (5 minutes) Show students task. One day in the classroom, Monica got some very hot water. But John and Mars spilt it, and Monicas leg got injured by

14、 hot water. Her burn was rough and red, and she had extremely pain. Questions: a. Which degree burn did Monica get? Why? b. What should Monica do? (please give at least three suggestions.) Intention: reinforce students ability of collect useful information and their ability of cooperate with each ot

15、her. Media: show task and questions Step 6: Summary and homework (3 minutes) Review the whole text with the students together and give students homework. Intention: let the students consolidate what they have learnt and improve their reading ability. Media: show homework VII. Writing on the blackboa

16、rd VIII. Learning flowchart Unit 5 First Aid The First Period Part 1: The functions of skin Part 2: How we get burned Part 3: Types of burns Part 4: The characteristics of burns Part 5: First aid treatment Show video to lead in the new unit Watch the video and answer questions Beginning Display pictures Show pictures Show video Describe the situation Give key words and expressions Play the tape record Read th


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