【中国好题源】(含答案解析)人教选修八 Unit 3 Inventors and inventions

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1、Unit3 Inventors and inventions单项选择题1.【原创】I sleep with the window open unless its really cold.A if B whether C unless D how【解析】我总是开着窗户睡觉, 除非天气非常冷才关上窗户.unless=if not 除非.【答案】C【教材原句】The criteria are so strict that it is difficult to get new ideas accepted unless they are truly novel.2. 【原创】The ice is th

2、ick enough to your weight.A bear B beard C beat D beer【解析】这块冰厚得足以支撑你的重量。bear 支撑 ; beard 胡须;beat 击败;beer 啤酒。【答案】A【教材原句】I cannot bear the smell of burnt sausage on the barbecue.3.【2012合肥模拟】I tried phoning her office,but I couldnt_.Aget along Bget onCget to Dget through【解析】考查短语动词辨析。句意:我试着给她办公室打电话,但没有打通

3、。get along 进展,相处;get on 上车;get to 到达;get through 接通,通过。依据句意,选 D。【答案】D【教材原句】But I need exercise to get through each day.4. 【2012福州模拟】Its not easy for experts to _ A/H1N1 flu in humans from regular human seasonal influenza.Adistinguish BseparateCdefine Drecognize【解析】句意:专家不容易把人身上的甲型 H1N1 流感和常规的季节性流感区分开

4、。distinguish.from.把和区分开,符合句意。separate.from. 强调把某物从总体中分离出,不符合语境。【答案】A【教材原句】Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by inventing something merciful that would catch snakes but not harm them.5.【2012成都质检】His aunts letters _ him of those beautiful days when they used to live t ogether in his homet

5、ow n.Acall at Bcall forCcall on Dcall up【解析】call at“拜访”;call for“要求,需要”;call on“访问,号召”;call up“打电话,使想起”。句意为:他姨妈的来信使他想起了那些在他们家乡一起度过的好日子。【答案】D【教材原句】When I called up my mother in the countryside on the telephone she was very upset.来源:Z&xx&k.Com6.【2013 届云南省师大附中高三适应性月考】23一 with us another two hours, I su

6、ppose , and we will fulfill the task perfectly一 Will that do? OK, lets have a tryATb stay BStaying CStay D Stayed【答案】C 【解析】祈使句(原形动词)+and + 陈述句。句意:和我们一起再干 2 个小时,我想我们就会出色的完成任务。Follow it up,explore all around it,and before you know it,you will have something worth thinking about to occupy your mind. 7.

7、【2013 届四川雅安中学高三 1 月考】8.It will be quite a long time _ she is back again, so dont be too cross with her.A. before B. since C. that D. until【解析】It will be +一段时间+before. “一段时间之后,才 ”【答案】AThe next morning I got up early before the sun was hot.本单元语法:过去分词作定语、表语和宾语补足语8. 【 2013 届山西太原五中高三 12 月考】23. When choos

8、ing a product, I sometimes try to figure out the meaning_ to its brand name.A. attaching B. having attached C. to attach D. attached【解析】能说 attach the meaning to its brand name; attach 同 the meaning 之间存在被动关系,故应用过去分词作后置定语。【答案】D9.【2012福州质量检测】The digital dictionary I got _ the other day cost me a lot.Ar

9、epaired BrepairingCto repair Dto be repaired【解析】get动词的过去分词”形式表示被动,意为“使完成(某事) ”,符合句意,故选A 项。【答案】A 10.【2012南宁检测】With the timely help, those _ in the subway have successfully escaped from the underground. Atrap BtrappingCtrapped Dwere trapped【解析】trap 和其修饰的代词 those 之间是动宾关系,故使用过去分词短语作后置定语。“trapped in the

10、subway”译为 “被困在地铁里面的”。【答案】C完形填空【原创】Thomas Edison, the youngest of seven children, was born in Milan, Ohio, on February 11, 1847. Home schooled and an avid reader, Edison began his scientific 1 at the age of ten when he built a laboratory in the basement of his 2 .Edisons early experimentation was alm

11、ost 3 when his mother became 4 of bad odors and fumes filling the house.Edison left the laboratory 5 for a career as a candy butcher on the Grand Trunk Railway in 1859, selling candy, dried fruit, snacks and newspapers. Three years later he made history when he began to publish his own 6 , the Weekl

12、y Herald, aboard the train. The first newspaper to be 7 aboard a moving train, the Weekly Herald, was printed on a secondhand printing press Edison 8 in the baggage car of the train. In 1863, he began his first 9 as a tramp telegrapher, going from place to place including Ontario, Cincinatti and Nas

13、hville, 10 his skills 11 a telegrapher. He finally 12 in Boston, working the New York wire for Western Union.It was in Boston that Edison began experimenting in a more professional 13 than ever before, first studying Michael Faradys writings on electricity. His first patent in 1868, was a vote recor

14、der which sped up, through 14 messages, the counting of votes for assemblies and meetings. Finding no 15 for his first invention, he formed a policy to 16 attempt to invent anything 17 he was 18 there was a commercial 19 for it. His next 20 demonstrated his commitment to this ideal, a stock ticker that would bring brokers Wall Street quotations more quickly.1. A experiments B reports C discoveries D inventions 2. A city B house C factory D town3. A began B continued C ended D stopped4. A angry B happy C tired D terrified5. A behind B front C back D away6. A magazine B



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