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1、1人教版高三英语第三册(必修)Unit 1 词汇复习课堂检测单词拼写:根据首字母提示和汉语句子将单词拼写完整1.What can you c from these observations?你从这些观察中能得出什么结论?2.The color f when exposed to light.这颜色曝光后会褪色。3.They a to finish the task before July.他们试图在七月以前完成这项任务。4.The latest developments c me in my belief.最新的发展使我坚信我的信仰。5.The child was f with his new

2、 toy.那孩子对他的新玩具着了迷。6.The balloon b .气球爆炸了。7.The key words are u .关键的字下面划了线。8.Our population is c in the big cities.我国人口集中在大城市里。9.The clown d the audience.小丑逗乐了观众。10.Waldo went to the city hall to r the birth of his son.沃尔多去市政厅为他儿子作出生登记。将下列短语翻译成英语1. 一本畅销书 2. 做出结论 3. 追寻踪迹 4. 突出,引人注目 5. 被诊断患有 _ 6. 考虑进去,

3、纳入考虑的范围 7. 褪色的记忆 8. 创立纪录 9. 连续的 10. 确认纪录 11.公园管理部门 12. 极限运动 13. 集中,专心致志于 14. 青少年滑板爱好者 15. 抓住人们的心理 16.对很熟悉 17. 申请 18.突然大哭 19. 检查,视察 20. 尝试 21. 让某人高兴的是 22. 对.小心谨慎 23. 写下 24. 被分类 答案1.What can you conclude from these observations?你从这些观察中能得出什么结论?2.The color fades when exposed to light.这颜色曝光后会褪色。3.They at

4、tempted to finish the task before July.他们试图在七月以前完成这项任务。24.The latest developments confirmed me in my belief.最新的发展使我坚信我的信仰。5.The child was fascinated with his new toy.那孩子对他的新玩具着了迷。6.The balloon burst.气球爆炸了。7.The key words are underlined.关键的字下面划了线。8.Our population is concentrated in the big cities.我国人

5、口集中在大城市里。9.The clown delighted the audience.小丑逗乐了观众。10.Waldo went to the city hall to register the birth of his son.沃尔多去市政厅为他儿子作出生登记。1. 一本畅销书 a best seller 2. 做出结论 draw a conclusion 3. 追寻踪迹 keep track of 4. 突出,引人注目 stand out 5. 被诊断患有 be diagnosed with 6. 考虑,纳入考虑的范围 take into account 7. 褪色的记忆 faded m

6、emories 8. 创立纪录 set a record 9. 连续的 in a row 10. 确认纪录 confirm the record11. 公园管理部门 the park administration 12. 极限运动 extreme sports 13. 专心致志于 concentrate on 14. 青少年滑板爱好者 teenage skateboarder 15. 抓住心理 capture peoples minds and hearts 16. 对很熟悉 be familiar with 17. 申请 apply for 18.突然大哭 burst into tears/

7、burst out crying 19. 检查,视察 inspect 20. 尝试 attempt 21. 让某人高兴的是 to ones delight 22. 对 .小心谨慎 be cautious with 23. 写下 set down 24. 被分类 be put into categories 人教版高三英语第三册(必修)Unit 2 词汇复习课堂检测单词拼写:根据首字母提示和汉语句子将单词拼写完整1.What p me is why they didnt show up.令我百思不解的是他们为什么没有出现。2. He w in the streets.他在街上游荡。3.Many

8、Australians fought as v on the Allied side.许多澳大利亚人作为志愿兵与盟军一起战斗。4.Her expression s pleasure./that she was pleased.她面露喜色。5.They didnt a the purpose desired.他们没有达到预期的目的。6.I knew the lady was r to Bill when she spoke of a bright young boy.7.Between the copartners serious disagreements arose.合伙人之间产生了严重分歧

9、。38.He was punished for giving false e .他因作伪证而受到惩罚。9.Im sure I dont d so much praise.我肯定自己不值得这么多赞扬。10.The p praised his novel pretty highly.出版商们对他的小说评价甚高。将下列短语翻译成英语1.探索未知 2.以的名义 3.国家重点工程 4.用装备 5.占据,拥有_ 6.冒生命危险 7.形成的基础 8.起航,启航 9.提到,谈到 10.被俘虏 _ 11.不无风险_ 12.在的指挥下 _13.恢复关系_ 14.作为回报 _15.开设大使馆_ 16.中国驻美大使

10、17.找到路 18.伸出 19.除了以外 20.民族英雄 21.适应_ 22.做尝试 23. 耗光,用尽 24.到达山顶 答案单词拼写:根据首字母提示和汉语句子将单词拼写完整1.What puzzles me is why they didnt show up.令我百思不解的是他们为什么没有出现。2. He wandered in the streets.他在街上游荡。3.Many Australians fought as volunteers on the Allied side.许多澳大利亚人作为志愿兵与盟军一起战斗。4.Her expression suggested pleasure

11、./that she was pleased.她面露喜色。5.They didnt accomplish the purpose desired.他们没有达到预期的目的。6.I knew the lady was referring to Bill when she spoke of a bright young boy.7.Between the copartners serious disagreements arose.合伙人之间产生了严重分歧。8.He was punished for giving false evidence.他因作伪证而受到惩罚。9.Im sure I dont deserve so much praise.我肯定自己不值得这么多赞扬。10.The publishers praised his novel pretty high



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