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1、,American education system,Education In The USA,A Brief Introduction of American Education Kinds of Education in Differnt Ages Well-known Univercities in America Comparison with China Education,Part1-1.History,Education in American can be tracked back to the puritans(清教徒) in the early 17thcentury,th

2、ey think every person should be able to read the Bible .In 1634 they opened a“Lain grammer”school for those who wanted to preper for college.In 1636,Haryd was founded for the training of religious ministers .During 1630s 1640s,laws were passed for compulsory education for all children and public tax

3、ation for schools.,2.Position in the US,The education is regarded as both an individual benefit and a social necessity Every American has the right and obligation to be educated .The majority of Americans firmly believe that the future of the nation depends on the popularity of people who are well-e

4、ducated.,3.charatirastic,The American education varies in different things,such as the size,control of the instiutions,the education policies and practices. There is not a national system of edcuation in the USA .The federal government influences education and contributes financially to its developm

5、ent,but it has no control over education policy and practice across the states.,4.Different Stages,美国的教育制度,整体上可分为四个阶段,那就是:学前教育 (pre-school education);初等教育(elementary education);中等教育(secondary education);高等教育(higher education) 。 从学前教育、初等教育到中等教育,都是属于大学前(pre-college)的教育,包括保育学校 (nursery school)及幼儿园(kind

6、ergarten)、小学、初中 (junior high school)及高中(high school)。,Part2-American Schools,Public school is free for all students from ages 5 until 18 All children must attend school at least until the age of 16 The public schools are run by the local state government State taxes pay for the school system,Compari

7、sonThe public school The private school,The great majority of American students go to public schools,which are supported by taxpayers and free for students.The revenue to operate schools primarily come from states and localities. The public school ,usually larger in size,arecreated,financially suppo

8、rted and governed by state or communities .,The rest of students attend private schools, most of which need certain amount of tuition fees from the parents.Private schools are run by religious groups,private or individuals,where religious teaching is a part of the curricula(课程) in addition to the no

9、rmal courses of reading, mathematics,history,geography and science.,Pre-school education,What do students learn? No Specific subjects,but School entry Communication entry、Group entry、Elementary knowledeges,such as alphabets,numbers,colors,seasons. Start from the family. 美国的幼教工作者认为,学前教育不是从幼儿园(Nursery

10、)才开始的,而应从家庭开始。因为家庭教育是个别化的,一对一的。 Individualized teaching style. 美国的幼儿园会有一个学习报告给父母,让父母知道孩子的学习进展和需要加强的方面。评定一个孩子的表现是以会不会用剪刀,懂不懂得划或描一条线为标准的。,Primary School,Also called elementary school or grammar school Students learn reading, math, science, history, spelling, penmanship and art The class stays together

11、 all day and has one teacher for all of their subjects Students eat lunch at school Students are picked up and taken home by the school bus,Middle School-Subject,Students learn reading, math, science, history, vocabulary, writing, music and art Students begin to study computer and have P.E. class,Ac

12、tivities,Often students learn to play an instrument or join the school chorus Often students go on school field trips,Styles,The class stays together all day and changes rooms for their different teachers School might require a uniform About 20% of schools in America have them,High School,Students l

13、earn advanced subjects like math, science, history, economics, speech, music and art Each student has his own schedule and moves to different classrooms for each class Students choose many different electives Art Choir Band Cooking Acting Drivers Education,Sports(1),Boys American Football Boys Socce

14、r,Girls Volleyball,(2),Both Track,Both Basketball,Test,Students have a guidance counselor to help prepare for the future Each student takes an SAT or ACT test SAT: Scholastic Aptitude Test ACT: American College Test,Higher Education,Higher Education,Most of Americans believe that higher education is

15、 necessary for maintaining a democratic government as well as for a good income. For some careers such as law,medicine,engineering,etc.a college education is a must. Higher education in the USA began with the founding of Harvard College in 1636. It is reported that the successful applicants at such

16、colleges are usually chosen in the basis of their high school record;recommendations from their high school teachers;the impression they make during interview at the university;their sores on the SAT. Since the 1970s and 1980s ,there has been a trend away from the traditional liberal arts and pure science.Instead,students become mire vocation-oriented.In the early 1990s ,more than half Bachelors degrees were conferred in majors such as business and management ,computer and in


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