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1、.,1,中考专题,之,选词填空,.,2,课标要求,在考试中,词汇试题主要是考查学生掌握所学词汇的程度。它要求考生必须掌握课程标准所要求的词汇,尤其是重点词汇的语义和用法,以根据句意选择所给词的正确形式填空。 1. 能熟练地运用基本拼读规则拼写单词,并能根据所学的构词法判断和记忆派生词和合成词的词形和词义。 2. 学会使用1500-1600个单词和200-300个习惯用语或固定搭配,能够在实际语言环境中做到活学活用。 3. 理解和领会词语的基本含义以及特定语境中的意义及用法。,.,3,它是在一篇语意完整的短文中有目的地制造一些空格(障碍物),造成信息链(语义)的中断,让考生在理解短文的基础上,综

2、合运用所学知识和常识,对每个题的备选项作出合理的分析、判断,选出最佳答案,将空格处缺失的信息补充完整,使重新构建的文章主旨鲜明,逻辑严密,文意通畅。,特点,:,.,4,1词汇是学习英语的基础,也是中考的高频考点之一。近几年来,许多省市的中考英语都非常重视考生在具体语境中运用词汇能力的考查,词汇部分在历年中考题中约占总分值的5%10%。 2命题特点:主要考查一些高频词汇(如名词、动词、形容词等);考查各类词形变化;考查六种时态的正确运用。 3考查题型:根据句意及汉语提示拼写单词;根据句意及首字母提示写出正确单词;用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空;用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。 4预计201

3、5年中考将会加大对各类词汇的灵活运用及单词拼写能力的考查。,.,5,1做此类题目首先要正确写出所给汉语提示所对应的英语词汇。 2若有两个以上的词汇符合所给的汉语意思,则要根据具体语境及固定搭配形式进行取舍。 3然后从语法角度确定英语词汇的适当形式。若填写的是名词,就要注意用名词的单数还是复数;若填写的是形容词、副词,就要注意是否需要用比较级或最高级形式;如果是动词,就要注意它们的时态、语态等。,.,6,词语运用(短文填空)是河南省中考英语自2008年出现的新题型,一直沿用至今。它建立在完形填空和阅读理解的基础上,但要难于完形和阅读,因为它需要考试不仅能够选中所需填的词,还要给出正确的形式。 一

4、般短文填空的题材为记叙文和说明文。 做此题一般需要8分钟左右,一定不能超过10分钟。,.,7,常考查点为: 1 动词 2 名词 3 形容词 4 副词 5 代词 6 数词 7 连词 8 介词 (冠词和感叹词不考),.,8,1 动词:4-5个,包括谓语动词的数、时态、非谓语 ing、ed、(to) do,注意个别的拼写,如stopped; 2 名词: 2个左右,包括单复数(-s),名词所有格(s/ s),词性的转换等; 3 形容词:2-3个,考查原级、比较级、最高级,词性转换等; 4 副词:1-2个,考查修饰动词、句子等,常由形容词派生而来(hard-hard; good-well; carefu

5、l-carefully); 5 代词:1个,考查不定代词、物主代词、人称代词的主格、宾格,反身代词等,一般由意思决定; 6 数词:1个,常考查判断是序数词还是基数词; 7 连词:1个,考查句子间的逻辑关系; 8 介词:1个,常考查固定短语搭配。,.,9,做题步骤: 1 预读短文,了解大意:速度短文,不填空。了解文章的大意、重要的动作时态; 2 逐一填空,仔细对比:每一个空都要比较所有的备选词,只要意思和语法都通的就都填上,把备选单词一个一个勾划掉;选定单词后,确定正确的形式。 3 通读短文,复查答案:站在短文中心意思的立场上,确立每个空所填的单词,逐个检查形式,可以从以往的经验去判断。 重点检

6、查内容: 1大小写 2 名词单复数 3 动词时态 4 形容词比较级 5 多余词,.,10,确立答案方法: 1 意思优先原则 通过把备选词的意思逐个带入空中,先确定填哪个词,在确定它的形式。,通过意思很容易读出,“他不会告诉任何人,除了我和你”,直接可以找到except。,need , animal , I , put , make , except , find , end , look , since , little , enough So I think he will not tell anybody _9_ you and me about what he found,.,11,确立

7、答案方法: 2 语法优先原则 首先通过分析句子的结构,然后判断空处所填的词性,然后在备选项中逐个筛选。,通过句子结构可知new 后应该是一个名词,充当are的主语,而且是复数形式。因此,备选项中可数的名词只有word和example,显然words的意思最通。,French, same, word, Chinese, example, many, why, great, much,what, another, tell Languages change with time and the world. So does English. New _1_ are borrowed from oth

8、er languages.,.,12,* 在未复查完成之前,不要草率地把答案写在答题横线上,一旦有错误,不好更改,因此建议做题时可以直接填在原文中的空处,最后做完题可以把答案誊抄在答题横线上。,.,13,词语填空(共10小题。计10分)2008年 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯(每个单词限用一次)。 like ,before,open,big, you,instead,watch, too , be, tooth Hot Tips for a Good Nights Sleep If youre fired,youd better hot stay up lateSle

9、ep is lovelyenjoy it! Have a fixed bedtime It makes _feel calm if everything is in order before you sleepSo brush your _,wash your face, _the window and go to bedYour mind will take in all the cue(提示) that its time to go the land of dreams and Youll be sleeping _a baby in no time Go to bed when your

10、e tired! If youre feeling really tired,go to bedDont stay up to _a late show,dont try to do a bit more workand dont plan to stay at your friends place _lateGo to bed Say yes to milk If you want a bedtime snack,have something calming and sleepyA glass of warm milk will help to sleep betterAnd try not

11、 to eat a _meal too close to bedtime,which keeps you awake Turn off the TV TV programmes make you excitedDont watch anything for an hour _you go to bedListen to some relaxing music_! It will send you to sleep in no time at all All the tips above _for a good nights sleepYour bodys going to thank you

12、very much for it,you,teeth,open,like,watch,too,big,are,before,instead,.,14,词语填空(共10小题,计10分)2009年 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯(每个单词限用一次)。 pick less which color true visit without toy because longer How to be a Green One What does it mean to be green? “Green” is more than just a _. It also means taking

13、 special steps to protect the environment land, and the air we breathe. Why green? Plants are green, and _them the Earth wouldnt be such a lovely human beings. Heres a four-step guide to being green: Reduce It! When you use less of something, you do for the Earth. For example, a shorter shower means

14、 you use _water and less fuel (燃料) _your house uses fuel to run the water heater that warms up the water. Reuse It! Sometimes were a little too willing to things and buy new things. Many times, if you no _need something, someone else just might need it. For example, if your baby brother grows out of

15、_, why not give them to another has a little kid? Recycle It! Recycling has never been easier. Many people will _it up right in front of your house and they will need it. Tell your mom or dad become “Head of Recycling” for your house. That means youll take the recyclable things in dustbins tell othe

16、rs _things can be recycled. Enjoy It! Its _that pollution is a problem remains a huge and beautiful place for you to go and study. You can start by _the naturally beautiful places in your hometown. Go for a hike, visit local nature centers and gardens, climb up mountains and so on.,color,without,less,because,longer,toys,pick,which,tr


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