Green Book《绿皮书》电影完整中英文对照剧本(9月11日).pptx

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1、纽约人民你们好我是鲍比莱德尔 Hello New York! Im Bobby Rydell. 我很高兴能来到这里 And Im glad to be here. 谢谢大家今晚来看我们的演出 Thank you all for coming to see us tonight. 今天是科帕俱乐部的周六狂欢夜 Its Saturday night in the Copa! 我们认为你们今晚会玩得很开心 We think youre gonna have a great time tonight. 我们会竭尽全力确保你们玩得开心 Were gonna do our best to make sur

2、e of that. 一如既往我们要特别感谢朱尔斯波德尔先生 As always a very special thanks to Mr. Jules Podell 科帕卡巴纳夜店的运营者 让我们有玩乐的可能 for having us out. 开始吧 Lets get started. *我已经完全被那古老的黑魔法控制* *That old black magic has me in its spell* *就是你运用得如此娴熟的黑魔法* *That old black magic that you weave so well* *那冰冷的手指顺着我的脊柱上下探索* *Those icy

3、fingers up and down my spine* *跟我们目光相接时你施展的巫术一样* *The same old witchcraft when your eyes meet mine* *令我着迷* *I love them so well* *跟我彼时内心感受到的微微刺痛感一样* *The same old tingle that I feel inside* *随后电梯开始上升* *And then that elevator starts its ride* *亲爱的.* *And darling.* 你好啊亲爱的 Hello sweetheart. 这是我的大衣 Here

4、 is my coat. 看到这顶帽子了吗 And you see this here hat? 我希望你用生命来守护它 I want you to guard it with your life. 这是我母亲送我的礼物,1,It was a gift from my mother. 遵命劳斯库德先生 Yes, Mr. Loscudo. 这是赏你的 Thats for you. 谢谢您先生 Thank you sir. 吉奥 Gio! -卡迈因你还好吗-很高兴见到你 - Carmine! How are you pal? - Good to see you. 谢谢您完全不必如此的 Oh tha

5、nk you! Thats unnecessary. 来我们走去听音乐 Come on! Lets go. On the album. 我两年前在南费城见过那个叫鲍比莱德尔的小子 I saw this kid Bobby Rydell two and a half years ago in South Philly. 当时他还是个无名之辈 Nobody knew who he was. 现在他可出名了 They know now. 把劳斯库德的帽子给我 Gimme Loscudos hat. 但他叫我守. But he said to guard it. 我知道我听到了 I know, I h

6、eard. 给我行吗 Give it to me. Aright? *我应该远离你但我能怎么办* *I should stay away but what can I do* *我听到你的名字.* *I hear your name.* 放尊重点嘴巴放干净点 Be respectful and watch your mouth. 闭嘴是她卖弄风骚勾引我 Shut up! She wants it, Okay? 硬汉你能怎么样 Tough guy, what are you gonna do? 托尼利普 Tony Lip! *你就是我一直在等待的爱人* *Youre the lover I ha

7、ve waited for* *是我命中注定的爱侣*,2,3,*The mate that fate had me created for* *每次我们亲吻时.* *And every time you lips meet mine* 你竟敢对我动手混蛋 You put your hands on me, you punk? 给自己留点面子跟你朋友一起回家去吧 Do yourself a favor. Go home with your friends. 你无权命令我该去哪儿 You dont tell me where to go! 你知道我是谁吗我非要进去 Do you know who

8、I am?! Im goin back in there! *那叫做爱情的古老黑魔法啊* *That old black magic, yeah love* 你去告诉朱尔斯波德尔 You tell Jules Lipobdell. 如果找不回我的帽子我就把这家夜店烧了 If I dont get my hat Im gonna burn this joint down. 吉奥它肯定会再出现的 Gio, its gonna turn up. 我发誓它一定会再次出现的 I swear to God its gonna turn up. 是吗你告诉那个犹太肥猪 Really? You tell th

9、at fat Jew bastard 如果拿不回帽子我就把科帕俱乐部给烧了 I dont get my hat Ill burn Copa down! 科帕俱乐部重新装修期间停业 我只能继续去开垃圾车谋生了 Im gonna have to go back to driving garbage trucks. 老天呐 Jesus Christ! 妈的他真是疯了 Screw those! Hes out of his mind. 至少我们今晚挣到了钱 We earned our money tonight. 利普我当时以为你要杀了那家伙 Lip, I thought you were gonna

10、 kill that guy. 是啊 Yeah! 他死总比我死要好 Better him than me. 那停业期间你打算去做什么 So. What are you gonna do while were closed? 我不知道或许会去我叔叔的披萨店工作 I dont know. Maybe go work at my Uncles pizza joint.,4,-你呢-我要喝两个月的酒 - You? - Im gonna drink for 2 months. 送我回家利普 Take me home, Lip. 再见卡迈因 See you, Carmine. 不你不该那样不应该发生这种事

11、 No! You shouldnt. That shouldnt happen. 我不想当一个. I dont wanna be a. 我的帽子 My hat! 我听说它丢了于是我就找了找 Heard it was missing, so I looked into it. -我当时都想杀了那个小婊子-不不是她的错 - I wanted to kill that broad. - No. No. Wasnt her fault. 是谁胆大包天敢偷吉奥的帽子 Who had the balls to clip Gios hat? 别担心我已经解决他了 Dont worry about it, I

12、 took care of him. 很好希望你把他好好打了一顿 Yeah! I hope you gave him some beating. 给收下吧放进钱包里 Here. Take this. Put it in your kick. 不谢谢了能帮忙是我的荣幸劳斯库德先生 No. No thanks. It was a pleasure, Mr. Loscudo. 别废话了收下吧 Bullshit! Take it. 从现在开始别再叫我劳斯库德先生了 And from now on, you dont call me Mr. Loscude, 听到了吗 ya hear me? 我是你的好

13、兄弟吉奥 Im your pal Gio. 布朗克斯 纽约 白箭香烟 早安 Good morning. 晚安 Good night! 一名击球手出局下一位是罗杰马里斯 One down, and the batter will be Roger Maris. 加油啊罗杰击个好球,5,Come on, Roger! Hit one out! 约翰尼闭嘴你会给他招来霉运 Johnny quite! Youre gonna jinx it. 约翰尼你还能吼得更大声点吗 Johnny, think you can yell a little louder? -马里斯上场了-是啊我也被吵起来了 - Ma

14、ris is up. - Yeah, so am I now. 你们到这里来干什么 What the hell are you guys doing here? 我们是来陪德洛丽丝的 We came over to give Dolores company. 不是吧 Come on! 你别只顾着自己睡觉让我女儿一个人 面对这些黑鬼 你明白我的意思吗 我事先也不知道他们会派谁上门来啊 我不知道他们会派黑鬼过来 这应该是意大利人的工作真可耻 谢谢你夫人 Thank you, maam. 投球了 Heres the pitch. 出界飞向观众席 Fouls it back to the crowd.

15、 一坏球一好球 One ball, one strike. 加油啊罗杰拜托了 Come on Roger! Please! -我送你们出去-好的 - Ill walk you out. - Sure. 看来还得我们重回赛场了拜托 We need to get back to this ball game. Come on! -非常感谢-如果有问题给我们打个电话 Thank you so much! - Any problems, give us a call. -两好球一坏球-加油 The one-two pitch. - Come on, baby. 球径直飞进右外场深处 The curve

16、 is hit deep into right field. 赢了赢了 We got it! We got it! 再来一次再来一次加油宝贝 Do it again. Lets do it again. Come on baby! 别托尼快去穿衣服我们要开饭了,6,No! Tony, go get dressed. Were gonna eat. 好吧 Alright! 没第七场了不用打第七场了 No game seven. No game seven. 主啊感谢您的慷慨阿门 From thy bounty, through Christ our Lord, Amen. 阿门 Amen. 如果谁听闻有适合托尼的工作岗位告诉我们一声 And if anyone hears of a job for Tony, let us know. -德洛-怎么了 - Dolor! - What? 别这样 Please. -发生什么事了你被开除了吗-不是 - What happened? Did you get fired? - No. 不是科帕俱乐部要停业


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