高考英语总复习 Units 19 Modern agriculture课件 大纲人教版

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1、2012全新教程高考英语总复习(大纲版)课件:SB Units 19 Modern agriculture,Unit 19Modern agriculture现代农业,重 点 难 点 研 析,知 能 强 化 训 练,Unit 19,基 础 知 识 自 采,核心词汇 1The workers have _(去掉) the stones on the road to make way for the trucks. 2With the development of science and technology,more _(发现)are being made every day. 3They tr

2、ied to increase _(产量)by using better methods and tools. 4I think we should try again using a different _(方法),基 础 知 识 自 采,5People are questioning the _(智慧,明智)of building an entirely new subway system. 6To avoid the bad influence from the financial crisis,the government introduced _(保护)for the car ind

3、ustry. 7That fat woman looked ridiculous in her tight _(金色的)dress. 8_(缺乏)of skilled workers is our main difficulty.,9用guide的适当形式填空: (1)Under the _ of her teacher,Ms.Sulliven,Helen learned to read and write,and became a famous writer. (2)Dad has given me a lot of _ on choosing a career. (3)We were al

4、ways _ by the belief that we would be rescued. 10At the meeting he put forward a good and _ suggestion.After a heated discussion,we made up our minds to put it into _.(practise),高频短语 1_依靠;信赖;取决于 2_ 等等(表示列举未尽) 3_ 对有影响 4_ 引进 5_ 对有害 6_ 对友好 7_ 代表 8_ 换句话说 9_ 种种 10_ 违反,违背,1.depend on/upon2.and so on3.have

5、 an effect on,4.bring in5.be harmful to6.be friendly to7.stand for8.in other words9.a variety of10.go against,重点句式 1Some of the land in China is _ crops. 中国的有些土地太潮湿,不能种植庄稼。 2_ as much use of the land as possible,two or more crops are planted each year _.为充分利用土地,在有条件的地方,人们每年种植两季或两季以上的庄稼。,3_ from the

6、early 1990s _ scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment.从20世纪90年代早期开始,科学家们开始开发既能增加农业产量又不破坏环境的新技术。 4_ the best thing would be to. 据我所知,最好的事情 5The temperature is controlled with computers,_ the weather is outside. 不论外边天气如何,室内的温度是由电

7、脑控制的。,1.too wet to grow2.To make;where possible3.It was;that4.As far as I can see5.no matter how,重 点 难 点 研 析,1practicaladj.实际的,实践的,实用的,有实际经验的 【教材原句】(P48)Jia Sixies book is a practical guide to farming.贾思勰的书是实用的农耕指南。 (朗文P1595)We have to be practical and not spend much money.我们必须实际点,不能花这么多钱。 Its an in

8、teresting idea,but there are many practical difficulties.这是一个很有意思的想法,但存在许多实际困难。,思维拓展,(牛津P1551)She is determined to put her new ideas into practice.她决心要把自己的新想法付诸实践。 Youd better practise/practice speaking English as possible as you can.你应该尽可能地练习说英语。,即境活用 1(2009年高考浙江卷)In the good care of the nurses,the

9、 boy is _ recovering from his heart operation. AquietlyBactually Cpractically Dgradually 解析:选D。考查副词辨析。句意:在护士的悉心照料下,这个男孩心脏手术后正在逐渐恢复。quietly静静地;actually实际上地;practically实际地;gradually逐渐地。,2protectionn保卫,保护 【教材原句】(P43)The passage you hear talks about protection of nature. 你听到的这段文章谈论的是自然保护。 The protection

10、 of the country is the duty of everyone. 保卫国家是每个人的责任。 (牛津P1593)Wear clothes that provide protection against the wind and the rain. 穿上可以防风雨的衣服。 Under the protection of the police,he overcame the difficulty. 在警察的保护下,他克服了困难。,protect.from/against 保护使其免受,思维拓展,Something must be done to protect the environ

11、ment from being polluted.必须采取措施保护环境免受污染。,即境活用 2完成句子 (1)据报道已经派出部队保护援助工作人员免遭袭击。 It is reported that troops have been sent to _ attacks. 答案:protect aid workers against (2)他穿着厚大衣以御寒。 He is wearing a heavy overcoat as _ the cold. 答案:a protection against,Some sports that were part of the Olympics in the p

12、ast have been removed. 有些曾是奥运会比赛的项目如今已被淘汰了。 Several students have been removed from school for cheating in the final exams. 几个学生因为期末考试作弊被学校开除了。 The manager was removed from his post due to a bribe case.经理因为一起受贿案被免职了。,(牛津P1684)She removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes. 她摘下眼镜,揉了揉眼。 (2)vt.拿开,移动 Pleas

13、e remove your bag from the seat so that I can sit down.请把你的书包拿开让我坐下。 Our office has removed to Shanghai from Beijing. 我们的办公室已从北京迁到上海。,【高效记忆】,即境活用 3Bad habits are no way easy to be_;it needs your determination. AreplacedBmoved CremovedDgot rid 解析:选C。remove 除掉;replace 替换;get rid后加of。,4go against违反;违背;

14、对不利 【教材原句】(P44)When farming goes against nature,environmental problems are the result. 当农业违反了自然规律时,结果就会出现环境问题。 Dont go against your mothers wish. 别违背你母亲的心愿。 Its no use going against the customs of a country that you are visiting.不认同你要访问的国家的习俗是无济于事的。,思维拓展,go by 走过;过去 go out 出去;出远门;灯火等熄灭 go over 仔细检查;

15、从头至尾温习;再读一遍 go through 经历;仔细检查;浏览;翻阅;做完 go up 上升;攀登;增长;被建造起来,(牛津P871)Things will get easier as time goes by. 随着时间的推移情况会有所改善。 (牛津P873)I always start the day by going through my email. 我每天第一件事就是要看电子邮件。,即境活用 4We mustnt do anything that_the interest of the people. Ago againstBare against Cgoes against Dgoes off 解析:选C。本题考查了两个要点:一是定语从句中谓



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