高考英语一轮复习 第13讲 情景交际用语课件 新人教版(浙江专用)

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《高考英语一轮复习 第13讲 情景交际用语课件 新人教版(浙江专用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语一轮复习 第13讲 情景交际用语课件 新人教版(浙江专用)(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2013届高考英语一轮复习课件,新人教版浙江专用,1. 问候 a. Good morning / afternoon / evening. Hello / Hi! b. How are you? c. Fine, thank you. And you? / Very well, thank you. 2. 介绍 a. This is Mr. / Miss / Mrs. b. How do you do? Nice / Glad to see / meet you. c. My name is Im a student / worker, etc. ( here),3. 告别 a. I thin

2、k its time for us to leave now. b. Goodbye! (Byebye! Bye!)See you later / tomorrow. 4. 打电话 a. Hello! May I speak to? b. Hold on, Please. He / She isnt here right now. Can I take a message for you? c. Im calling to tell / ask you Goodbye.,5. 感谢和应答 a. Thank you (very much) / Thanks a lot. Many thanks.

3、 Thanks for b. Not at all. Thats all right. Youre welcome.,6. 祝愿、祝贺和应答 a. Good luck! Best wishes to you. Have a nice / good time. Congratulations! b. Thank you. c. Happy New Year! / Merry Christmas! / Happy birthday to you. d. The same to you.,7. 意愿 Im going toI will Id like toI want / hope to 8. 道歉

4、和应答 a. Im sorry. (Sorry.)Im sorry for / aboutExcuse me. b. Thats all right. It doesnt matter. Thats nothing. 9. 遗憾和同情 What a pity! Im sorry to hear,10. 邀请和应答 a. Will you come to? Would you like to? b. Yes, Id love toYes, its very kind of you / nice of you. c. Id love to, but,11. 提供(帮助等)和应答 a. Can I

5、help you? What can I do for you? Here, take this / my Let mefor you. Would you like some? b. Thanks. That would be nice / fine. Thank you for your help. Yes, please. c. No, thanks / thank you. Thats very kind of you, but,12. 请求允许和应答 a. May I? Can / Could I? b. Yes / Certainly. Yes, do please. Of cou

6、rse(you may). Thats OK / all right. c. Im sorry, butYoud better not.,13. 表示同意和不同意 a. Certainly / Sure / Of course. Yes, please. Yes, I think so. Thats true. All right / OK. Thats a good idea. I agree (with you) b. No, I dont think so. Im afraid not. I really cant agree with you.,14. 表示肯定和不肯定 a. Im s

7、ure. Im sure (that) b. Im not sure. c. Maybe / Perhaps. 15. 喜好和厌恶 a. I like / lovevery much. I like / love to b. I dont like (to)I hate (to),16. 谈论天气 a. Whats the weather like today? Hows the weather in? b. Its fine / could / windy / rainy, etc. Its rather warm / cold / hot, etc. today, isnt it?,17.

8、 购物 a. What can I do for you? May / Can I help you? b. I want / Id likeHow much is it?Whats the price of it? Thats too much / expensive, Im afraid. Thats fine. Ill take it. Let me havekilo / box, etc. c. How many / much do you want? What color / size / kind / do you want? d. Do you have any other ki

9、nd / size / color, etc.?,18. 问路和应答 a. Excuse me. Wheres the mens / ladies room / toilet / restroom / washing room? Excuse me, can you tell me the way to? How can I get to? I dont know the way. b. Go down this street. Turn right / left at the first / second crossing. Its aboutmeters from here.,19. 问时

10、间或星期、日期和应答 a. What day is (it)today? Whats the date today? What time is it? Whats the time, please? b. Its Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / Sunday. Its January 10th. Its five oclock / half past five / a quarter to five / five thirty, etc. Its time for,20. 请求 a. Can / Cou

11、ld youfor me? Will / Would you please? May I have? b. Please give / pass mePlease wait (here / a moment )Please wait (for )your turn. Please stand in line / line up.,21. 建议和劝告 a. Youd betterYou shouldYou need (to) b. Shall we? LetsWhat / How about? 22. 禁止和警告 a. You cant / mustntIf you, youll b. Take

12、 care. Be careful! Look out!,23. 表达感情 a. 喜悦Im glad / pleased / happy toThats nice. Thats wonderful / great. b. 焦虑Whats wrong? Whats the matter / trouble / problem (with you)? Im / Hes / Shes worried. Oh, what shall I / we do? c. 惊奇Really? Oh, dear! Is that so?,24. 就餐 a. What would you like to have?

13、Would you like something to eat / drink? b. Id likeWould you like some more? Help yourself to some c. Thank you. Ive had enough. Just a little, please.,25. 约会 a. Are you free this afternoon / evening? How about tomorrow morning / afternoon / evening? Shall we meet at 4:30 at? b. Yes, thats all right

14、. Yes, Ill be free then. c. No, I wont be free then. But Ill be free d. All right. See you then.,26. 传递信息 a. Will you please give this note / message to? b. asked me to give you this note. c. Thanks for the message.,27. 看病 a. Theres something wrong withIve got a cough. I feel terrible(bad)I dont fee

15、l well. Ive got a pain here. This place hurts. b. Take this medicine three times a day. Its nothing serious. Youll be all right / well soon.,28. 求助 a. Help! b. Whats the matter? 29. 处理交际中的障碍 Pardon? Please say that again / more slowly. What do you mean by? Im sorry I cant follow you. Im sorry I know only a little English.,注意:情景交际解题要注意“四忌”。 一:忌上词下用;二忌中文思维;三忌直接回绝;四忌答非所问。 要避免此类错误,一要掌握常用的功能意念会话项目,特别是一些口语式的固定搭配; 二要理解对话交际场合和交际意图,理清答题思路。,



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