201X年秋季七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Colours and Clothes复习课件(新版)冀教版

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1、精选,1,Unit 2 Colours and Clothes. Revision,精选,2,CONTENTS,目录,01,单元复习目标,02,单元词汇听写,03,单元语法集训,04,单元要点训练,05,单元实战演练,精选,3,复习目标,01,1,熟记本单元的重点词汇,短语和句型,2,熟练掌握人称代词和物主代词的用法,精选,4,词汇听写,02,同学们,本单元的单词你们都掌握了吗? 现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的音频开始听写吧!,精选,5,(一)人称代词,人称代词的定义:表示“我、你、他/她/它”和“我们、 你们、他/她/它们”的词。人称代词有人称、数和格的 变化,详见下表:,语法集训,03,精

2、选,6,人称代词主格在句中作主语。,I永远大写。宾格放在动词或介词之后作宾语。,主格、宾格记忆口诀:人称代词分主宾;只有八对要区分。你(们)它主宾同形;其余主宾需细分。,语法集训,03,考点一:,精选,7,Donald wants to go fishing. He asks his father to go with _(he),him,语法集训,03,精选,8,He Jiong is a famous host at Hunan TV Station. _does well in making jokes. AHisBHimCHe,C,语法集训,03,精选,9,考查人称代词主格的顺序。,两

3、个或两个以上的人称代词连用时,人称代词的顺序常常是:单数:二、三、一;复数:一、二、三。 eg:单数:you and I;you and he/she;he/she and I;you,he/she and I 复数:we and you;you and they;we,you and they,语法集训,03,考点二:,精选,10,人称代词排列顺序规律: 人称代词并列时,注意顺序礼貌见。单数人称二、三、一,复数人称一、二、三。麻烦事情“我”站前,其他人称没意见。男性女性都出现,需把男性放前面。,语法集训,03,精选,11,你、我和他都是学生。(根据汉语完成句子) _ _and _are al

4、l students.,You he,I,语法集训,03,精选,12,(二)物主代词,物主代词定义:表示所属关系的代词叫物主代词。分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。本单元主要讲形容词性物主代词。,语法集训,03,精选,13,考查形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。形容词性物主代词不能独自存在,后需加名词。,考查形容词性物主代词。her既可作形容词性物主代词,又可作人称代词宾格。 eg:I love her.(人称代词宾格)我爱她。 Her book is new.(形容词性物主代词) 她的书是新的。,语法集训,03,精选,14,The students are helping the old

5、 man clean _ house now. AherBhimChis,C,语法集训,03,精选,15,Hi,Bob! Is this your book or Marys? Its_book._book is on the desk. Amy;HerBher;Her Cmy;My Dme;Her,A,语法集训,03,精选,16,一、用所给人称代词的适当形式填空 1_(we) all like English very much._(it) is fun. 2The students are wearing_(they) uniforms at school. 3Mother is my f

6、irst teacher. She teaches _(I) a lot about life. 4George reads newspapers every morning. Thats_(he) habit(习惯) 5Boys, dont play computer games too much. It is bad for _(you) eyes.,We It,their,语法集训,03,me,his,your,精选,17,二、根据句意用适当的代词填空 6.They do well in Chinese. How about _English? 7.Betty and I go to t

7、he same school. _ are classmates. We like _ school. 8. Liu Yan is a good girl. _ teacher likes her very much. 9Danny likes _shorts. And _ are just right for him. 10I like _shoes. You look good in _,their,We our,Her,语法集训,03,his they,your them,精选,18,三、单项选择 11My brother likes painting. Its one of _ hob

8、bies. Amy Bher Chis DYour 12Everyone likes my father because _ is friendly. Ahis Bhim Che Dhimself,C,语法集训,03,C,精选,19,13_ English teacher is from America._ is nice. AMy;SheBMy;HerCI;SheDI;Her 14Whats your QQ number? _ is 355994127. AI BHe CIt DShe,A,C,语法集训,03,精选,20,classmates,要点集训,03,从方框中选出适当的单词并用其恰当

9、形式填空 I have a good friend. Her name is Betty. We are _(1). She is a visiting student. She is from _(2). Her favourite _(3) is red. Sweaters and pants are her favourite clothes. Today she is _(4) a red sweater. She looks very _(5) in the red sweater.,Canada,colour,wearing,pretty,精选,21,实战演练,05,Do the exercises online!,Unit 2 Colours and Clothes单元检测,精选,22,再见,


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