201X届中考英语复习 课时15 八下 Units 9-10课件 人教新目标版

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《201X届中考英语复习 课时15 八下 Units 9-10课件 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《201X届中考英语复习 课时15 八下 Units 9-10课件 人教新目标版(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课时15,八年级(下) Units9-10,课前自主热身,believable,unbelievable,rapidly,usually,unusual,encouragement,social,peaceful,it,its,itself,collection,safety,simply,Indian,foxes,mostly,memories,scarfs/scarves,softly,owner,certainly,dishonest,honesty,truthful,especially,considered,consideration,held,中考考点解读,amusement pa

2、rk,tea art,tea set,a couple of,thousands of,on the one hand.on the other,all year round,yard sale,bread maker,soft toy,check out,board game,junior high school,clear out,no longer,as for,to be honest,according to,close to,part with,hear of,somewhere different,in the autumn,all year round,might,put up

3、,kinds of,give away,hand.,Have you ever been,Yes,No,never,been to,never,neither,How long,had,for,Have you ever played football,甘肃真题专练,1.2017兰州99题She (study) English in the school since she left her hometown. 2.2015省卷24题He is a(n) (honest) boy so we seldom believe what he says. 3.2015省卷28题Her mother

4、told her to put it (某地) safe and she did it. 4.2017兰州104题她参军已经快十年了。 She in the army for almost 10 years.,5.2016省卷77题May I speak to Nick? Sorry, hes (go) to Paris and will be back in 2 weeks. 6.2016省卷41题The movie for about 5 minutes. So lets see the next one. A. has been on B. has started C. started

5、D. began,has studied,dishonest,somewhere,has been,gone,A,【重点词汇】,【重点词汇】,课堂重点剖析,1,consider的用法,You should consider people before you act. 在行动之前你应该先考虑别人。,consider 用作及物动词,意为“考虑”。后接名词、动词的ing形式、宾语从句或“疑问词+动词不定式”。如:We must consider what to do next.我们必须考虑接下来要做什么。 consider用作不及物动词,常用于“consider sb./sth. (as)+名词”

6、结构或“consider sb./sth. (+to be)+形容词”结构中。如:At first, they considered me as a doctor.起初,他们认为我是一名医生。 We consider this matter to be very important.我们认为这件事很重要。,1.Im considering (go) abroad some day. 2.我们现在不要打扰他,他正在考虑接下来做什么。 Lets not bother him at the moment. He is considering _ next. 3.为什么不考虑游览北京呢?那里有如此多名

7、胜古迹。 Why not visiting Beijing? There are so many places of interest there.,考点小练,going,what to do,consider,2,辨析have been to, have gone to与have been in,Have you ever been to a museum? 你曾经去过博物馆吗?(Unit 9, P65),4.她去图书馆了,你可以在那里找到她。 She the library. You can find her there. 5.我正在期待我女儿给我打电话,她已经去纽约三年了。 Im exp

8、ecting a call from my daughter. She in New York for three years. 6.Where is Mr. Zhang? He together with his students the Summer Palace. A. has gone to B. have gone to C. has been to D. have been to,考点小练,has gone to,has been,A,7.I Hong Kong twice with my parents. We have many beautiful memories there

9、. A. have gone to B. have been in C. have been to D. has gone to,C,3,辨析no longer, not.any longer, no more与not.any more,We have decided to each sell five things that we no longer use. 我们已经决定每个人卖五件我们不再用的东西。(Unit 10, P75),8.冰箱里没有面包了。只剩下一瓶橙汁了。 There is bread in the fridge. Only a bottle of orange juice

10、is left. 9.她现在不再去乡下了,但她过去每周去那儿。 She doesnt go to the countryside now, but she used to go there every week.,考点小练,no more,any longer,4,辨析among与between,Among these is Zhong Wei, a 46-year-old husband and father. 在这些人中间,钟伟是一位46岁的丈夫和父亲。(Unit 10, P78),考点小练,10.城市和城镇之间将会有一条新路吗? Is there going to be a new ro

11、ad the city and the town? 11.他在苹果中发现了一个梨。 He found a pear the apples. 12. thousands of people, you will meet those you want to make friends with. A. Between B. By C. To D. Among 13.The doctor told us to eat more fruit two meals. So my brother bought me many apples. A. among B. between C. in D. since,between,among,D,B,14.It is easy to find my brother the students because he is the tallest. A. between B. among C. in D. with,B,


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