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1、Lesson 10International Payment,OUTLINE,(1)The complexity of payment in international trade A.Risks faced by the exporter and importer B.Political factors政治因素, commercial factors, geographical factors, etc (2)Two methods of payment used under certain conditions A.Cash in advance or partial cash in ad

2、vance B.Open account (3)The draft (bill of exchange) A.Definition B.Sight draft and Usance draft (tenor draft or term draft) C.Clean draft and documentary draft (4)Documentary collection A.Documents against payment (D/P) a.D/P at sight b.D/P after sight B.Documents against acceptance (D/A),Generally

3、 speaking, it is not very difficult for buyers and sellers in domestic trade to get to know each others financial status and other information, and payment is likely to be made in a straightforward manner, say (for example)by remittance or by debiting the debtors account.,Domestic: of concern to or

4、concerning the internal affairs of a nation; of or relating to the home; of or involving the home or family adj. 国内的;家庭的;一心只管家务的 domestic market 国内市场 domestic demand 国内需求;本地内部需求 domestic product 国内产品;本地生产 gross domestic product (GDP) 国内生产总值,Status: the relative position or standing of things or espe

5、cially persons in a society; a state at a particular time n. 地位;状态;情形;重要身份 current status 当前状态;目前状况 present status 现状 social status 社会地位 legal status 法律地位 所有这些报告都使用相同的状态结果。 All of these reports use the same status outcomes.,Remittance: a payment of money sent to a person in another place n. 汇款;汇寄之款;

6、汇款额 款子是通过银行汇寄的。 Remittance was made through a bank. 所有订单均须附汇款。 A remittance must accompany all orders. 我们已经收到你方解决我们索赔问题的汇款。 We have received your remittance in settlement of our claim.,Debtor债务人 : a person who owes money to somebody 欠别人钱的人 Creditor 债权人,In international trade, however, things are far

7、 more complicated. Purchase and sale of goods and services are carried out beyond national boundaries, which make it rather difficult for the parties concerned in the transaction to get adequate information about each others financial standing and creditworthiness (资信;信誉). Therefore, mutual trust is

8、 hard to build. Both the exporter and importer face risks as there is always the possibility that the other party may not fulfill the contract.,For the exporter there is the risk of buyer default(不按期付款). The importer might fail to pay in full for the goods. He might go bankrupt. His government might

9、, for various reasons, ban(禁止)trade with the exporting country or ban imports of certain commodities. The buyer might run into difficulties getting the foreign exchange to pay for the goods. It is even possible that the buyer is not reliable and simply refuses to pay the agreed amount on various exc

10、uses.,Default: act of failing to meet a financial obligation; loss resulting from failure of a debt to be paid; loss due to not showing up 食言,违约;未履行;疏忽;未履行债务,拖欠;缺席,不到场 我并不认为这些违约都是不可避免的。 I do not believe their default is at all inevitable. 由于拖欠按月应付的分期付款,他的汽车被收回了。 His car was repossessed because of de

11、fault of monthly installment.,Ban:prohibit especially by legal means or social pressure vt. 禁止,取缔 解禁;取消禁令 lift the ban 该影片被审查官员禁止上映。 The film came under the ban of censor.,On the part of the importer, there is the risk that the shipment will be delayed, and he might only receive them long after paym

12、ent. The delay may be caused by problems in production or transportation, and such delays may lead to loss of business. There is also a risk that wrong goods might be sent as a result of negligence(疏忽大意) of the exporter or simply because of his lack of integrity(honesty).,Integrity: an undivided or

13、unbroken completeness or totality with nothing wanting; moral soundness n. 完整;正直;诚实;廉正 territorial integrity 领土的完整 moral integrity 节操;气节 data integrity 数据完整性 structural integrity 结构完整性 business integrity 商业信誉 那座古塔还在, 但是不完整了。 The ancient pagoda is still there, but not in its integrity. 我很正直。 I have i

14、ntegrity.,Political risks such as war, quotas, foreign exchange control; commercial risks like market change and exchange rate fluctuations(波动); and even language barriers all add up to (increase)the problems in international trade. Because of these problems and risks, exporters are hesitant to rele

15、ase their goods before receiving payment, while importers prefer to have control over the goods before parting with their money.,Fluctuation: an instance of change; the rate or magnitude of change; the quality of being unsteady and subject to changes; a wave motion n. 起伏,波动 economic fluctuation 经济波动

16、 price fluctuation 经价格起伏,物价波动 temperature fluctuation 温度波动;温度涨落 market fluctuation 市场波动;市价涨落,Hesitant: lacking decisiveness of character; unable to act or decide quickly or firmly; acting with uncertainty or hesitance or lack of confidence adj. 迟疑的;踌躇的;犹豫不定的 你似乎犹豫不决。 You seemed hesitant. 我知道我们有很多东西,但是当时我还在犹豫要不要开始处理它们。 I knew we had too much stuff, but I was hesitant to start dealing with it all.,Various methods of payment have been developed to cope with different situations in international


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