安徽省高中英语总复习 Unit5 Canada — “The True North”(1)课件 新人教版必修3

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1、Unit5Canada “The True North”,根据语境猜词义 (1)She took part in a TV quiz show and won the first prize. (2)The teacher gave us a 5minute quiz.,1、quiz (pl. quizzes) n.,根据语义找匹配:A. 测验B. 问答比赛、知识竞赛,(1) B(2) A,1、quiz (pl. quizzes) n.,quiz/test/exam quiz 指事先没准备,随时进行的问答或小测验。也指广播或电视中的知识竞赛。 Please take out of paper.

2、 We will have a quiz.,辨析,test 指非正式的考试或测试,以达到某种标准。有“考查”之意。 After ten months of hard work, he has passed the driving test. exam 通常指正式的“考试”,如期终考试、入学考试、毕业考试或取得某种资格的考试。 We will take an exam for admission to college in June of this year.,辨析,1、quiz (pl. quizzes) n.,单项填空 ()We have a _ at the end of each mon

3、th and an _ once a year, but we will have a _ in class a little now and a little then. A. test; exam; quiz B. test; test; exam C. quiz; test; exam D. exam; test; quiz,1、quiz (pl. quizzes) n.,A考查有关“考试”的几个词的语义辨析。 句意是:我们每月进行一次测试,每年一次考试,但不时地在课堂上进行小测验。exam非常正式的“考试”;test测试以达到某种标准;quiz事先没准备,随时进行的问答或小测验。,1、

4、quiz (pl. quizzes) n.,2、chat n&v.,根据语境感悟其用法 (1)vi. 聊天、闲聊 (唠嗑、侃大山、摆龙门阵),常与 about/on连用。 After school, they will often get together to chat_about everything. 放学后,他们经常会聚在一起谈天说地。 Dont you think chatting_on QQ in a chatting room is rather boring? 你不觉得在QQ的聊天室里聊天很无聊吗?,2、chat n&v.,(2) n. 闲谈、聊天 Id like to_hav

5、e_a_chat about old times with an old friend of mine. 我想和我的一个老友叙叙旧。,have a chat with sb. about sth. 与某人聊某事,短语,talk/chat talk 比较正式、庄重。 有“会谈、谈判、会晤”之意。 The top leaders of the two nations will have a friendly talk in Beijing in May. chat 非正式,比较随便、没有固定主题。有“闲聊、瞎侃”之意。 Our English teacher is easygoing and of

6、ten has a chat with us between classes.,辨析,2、chat n&v.,单项填空 ()(1) He isnt doing anything all the time, _ with others. A. talk B. chat C. talking D. chatting,D考查talk与chat的语义区别以及非谓语动词的使用。语义是:他整天与人瞎聊,无所事事。依据语境语义以及在句中的作用表示伴随状语,所以答案是D。,2、chat n&v.,()(2) In order to help him realize his mistake, the teach

7、er decide to have a long _with him. A. chat B. talk C. speech D. report,B语义是:为了帮助他认识自己的错误,老师决定跟他进行一次长谈。从语境语义表明是比较慎重、正式。chat非正式;talk较正式;speech演讲;report报告,所以答案是B。,2、chat n&v.,3、surround v.,根据语境感悟词义 The small village is surrounded on all sides by green mountains and clear rivers, attracting visitors fr

8、om every corner. 青山绿水环抱着村寨,吸引八方来客。,3、surround v.,surround sb./sth. with sb./sth. 周围都是 sth./sb. be surrounded by/with sth. 被环抱,短语,surrounding adj. 周围的、附近的 surroundings n. 环境、 周围的事,链接,3、surround v.,surroundings / environment surroundings 专指自然环境,从周围的事物这一客观体着眼; environment 可指自然环境,也可指精神环境,均从环境对人的感受、道德观念的

9、影响着眼。 The little girl grew up in beautiful surroundings but not in a happy home environment.,辨析,单词拼写 (1) A lot of students at the school dont live in the town, but come from the surrounding (周边)country. (2) It took me weeks to get used to the surroundings. (周围的环境),3、surround v.,用surround的适当形式填空 (3)H

10、e likes to live in the surroundings which is quiet and beautiful. So last month he bought a new big house in a countryside, which is surrounded by many big trees. The surrounding scenery is also very nice. He is very satisfied with the new house.,3、surround v.,4、measure v&n.,根据语境猜词义 (1)They finished

11、 measuring that piece of land last week. (2)Education shouldnt be measured_purely by exam results. (3)The main bedroom measures 12 meters by 15 meters. (4)Id like to ask the tailor to make clothes to my own measure. (5)We should take firm and strong measures to keep fighting against pollution.,根据语义找

12、匹配:A. 衡量 B. 测量C. 有(的)长(宽) D. 尺寸E. 措施,(1) B(2) A(3) C(4) D(5) E,4、measure v&n.,注意作为“量”概念的语境运用: 量地 measure land 量体温 take ones temperature 量体重 weigh oneself 量身高 measure oneself,链接,单项填空 ()(1) All the measure we have _ against the price rising have proved greatly successful. A. put B. made C. taken D. ac

13、ted,4、measure v&n.,C语义是:我们所采取的阻止物价上升的所有的措施被证明为十分成功的。当我们的选项隐含在定语从句中的时候,我们要用代入还原法,即把先行词代入到从句中去,然后再看看句子之间的句式搭配。本句代入后形成的是take measures against sth.的句式,所以答案是C。,()(2) Do you know the history of the bridge_ as long as 200 meters? A. measured B. measuring C. measures D. have,4、measure v&n.,B考查非谓语动词的用法。语义是:你

14、知道那座长达200米的桥的历史渊源吗?遵循两个动词在同一句中没连词必定有一个是非谓语动词的原则,依据本句的特点该选项应该用非谓语动词,排除C和D。本句的非谓语动词是作定语的,和其先行词history是主动关系,所以答案是B。,5、 manage v.,根据语境猜词义 (1) He has managed to give up smoking because he knows smoking is harmful to his health. (2) His shop is badly managed and soon it will be closed.,根据语义找匹配 A. 经营、管理、处理

15、 B. 设法做到,(1) B(2) A,5、 manage v.,management n. 管理、管理部门 manager n. (公司或其他结构的)经理、经纪人、经营者; (运动队的)主教练,链接,manage/try/attempt manage 意思是“设法做到”,强调结果。 He managed to get the work done with very little help and got praised. try 意思是“努力做”,强调过程并且有成功的可能。 He is working hard at the work and tried to get it done wit

16、h little help. attempt 意思是“尝试做”,未必有成功的可能。 I attempted to get in touch with him but without success.,辨析,5、 manage v.,单项填空 () Teachers _ to stop students from surfing the Internet, but it works slightly. A. try B. manage C. attempt D. intend,5、 manage v.,A考查动词词义辨析。语义是:老师们想努力地去阻止学生们上网,但收效甚微。强调未实现的努力,所以答案是A。,6、wealthy adj.,根据语境猜词义 (1) We should spare our effort to make our country strong


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