高中英语 unit4 section ⅰ warming up &ampamp; reading课件 新人教版必修4

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1、Unit 4 Body language,Section Warming Up & Reading,一、根据课文内容,选择最佳答案,1Why did Akira Nagata and George Cook apologize to each,other?_,ABecause they didnt get to the airport on time. BBecause they didnt know each other.,CBecause they didnt understand each others manners. DBecause they knocked into each o

2、ther.,C,2Spain is similar to _ in the way of greeting. ACanada BSouth American countries CItaly DB and C,3.,Which of the following is TRUE about greeting according,to the passage?_ AMen from Muslim countries are used to touching women. BPeople from Britain tend to put up their hands. CPeople from Jo

3、rdan like to bow to each other. DPeople from France often shake hands and kiss each others cheek.,D,D,4Whats the authors attitude towards different body language,in different countries?_,ACritical.,BSupportive. CNegative.,DSatisfactory.,B,5The word “approached” in “Tony,approached,Julia” in,line 11

4、has the same meaning as that of the sentence “_” AThe lions approach drove away the small animals. BAs you approach the town, youll see the college on the left. CIt might be possible to approach the problem in a different way. D Oil prices have approached their highest level for almost ten years.,B,

5、二、阅读课文,然后完成下列表格,international,greetings,summary,三、课文内容复述,Not all (1)_ greet each other in the same way.Each country may have its (2)_ way to express feelings.In Britain, people may keep (3)_ certain distance.In Japan, they may bow to each other (4)_ they meet.In France, People shake hands and kiss e

6、ach other twice on each (5) _ ,And in South American countries, they stand close and touch each,other.(6)_ in Middle East Muslim countries, they shake hands only with men, (7)_ with women.Today, most of people in the world shank hands to greet each other, but some,cultures,own,a,when,cheek,But,not,c

7、ultures remain their own customs, one of which is that the Japanese who prefer to bow.Different greeting ways are just the reflection of countries cultural (8)_However, in such a modern world with various cultures, (9)_ international customs, that is different customs in different countries, will he

8、lp us avoid (10)_,development,studying,difficulties,四、在空格处填上适当的词概括课文 This text shows (1)_ language differs from culture to culture.Not all people (2)_ each other in the same way.So we should study international customs for better (3)_,body,greet,communication,There are many different ways to greet s

9、omeone using,words.用言语问候他人有许多不同的方法。,1greet vt.,解析 (1)迎接;问候;招呼,She greeted him with a smile. 她微笑着跟他打招呼。,(2) 常用被动语态( 以特定方式) 接受;对作出反应 (with) His proposals were greeted with hisses. 人们对他的建议报以嘘声。 运用 完成句子 They _ ( 彼 此 拥 抱 着 致 意 ) and said,“Merry Christmas!” They _ ( 报以欢迎电影明星) loud applause. The new plan _

10、 (被抱怨) because its not thoughtful.,greeted the film star with,is greeted with complaint,greeted each other with a hug,Yesterday, another student and I, representing our,universitys,student,association,went,to,the,Capital,International Airport to meet this years international students. 昨天,我和另一个学生代表我们

11、学校的学生会,到首都国际机 场迎接今年的国际学生。 2represent vt. 解析 (1)代表 They said that they represented the committee. 他们说他们代表该委员会。,(2)象征,The dove represents peace. 鸽子象征和平。 (3)描绘,描写,The picture represents a hunting scene. 这幅画描绘了一幅狩猎的场景。,拓展 represent sb./sth.代表某人/象征某物,represent sb./sth.to be/as 把某人或物描写/描绘成 represent sth.t

12、o sb.把某事向某人阐明,运用 完成句子,The red lines on the map _ (代表铁路) She _ ( 把她哥,哥描写成一名小战士) in the diary.,Let me _ (向你说明我的想法),in another way.,represent railways,represented her brother as/to be a little soldier,represent my idea to you,After half an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive, I saw several young

13、 people enter the waiting area looking around,curiously.在等待了半个小时之后,我看见几个年轻人走进了等 候区,好奇地四处张望。 3curiously adv.好奇地,典例 He looked curiously at the people. 他好奇地看着那些人。 拓展 curious adj.好奇的 curiosity n好奇;好奇心 be curious about 对好奇 be curious to do sth.渴望做某事,运用 完成句子 The little boy opened the box _ ( 好 奇 地) The bo

14、y _ ( 对好奇) everything he saw. He _ (渴望知道) what she said.,curiously,was curious about,is curious to know,Tony approached Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed,her on the cheek! 托尼走近朱莉娅,摸了摸她的肩,亲了亲她 的脸!,4approach,解析 (1)vt.& vi.接近;靠近;走近,He cautiously approached the house. 他小心地走近那间房子。,The time when we m

15、ust be on board is approaching. 我们上船的时间快到了。,(2)n.接近;方法;途径 Heavy footsteps signalled the teachers approach. 沉重的脚步声说明老师已经走近了。 All approaches to the city were blocked. 通往这座城市的所有道路都封锁了。,拓展,at ones approach at the approach of 在快到的,时候 an approach to 到某处的路径;处理某事的方法,运用 完成句子,Slowly we _ (接近这艘船),_ ( 在快到时候) the evening,peasants working in the field went back home.,Its not _ ( 处理这个问题的,好方法) for me.,approached the ship,a goo



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