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1、Unit 16 Stories,Module 6,Part 2 Of 2,11. count on / upon(=depend on / upon或rely on / upon) 指望,依赖,count on sb. / sth. 指望或依赖某人 count on sb. to do / doing sth. 指望某人做某事,Can I count on your help?(=Can I count on you to help me? / Can I count on you helping me?) 我能指望你的帮助吗?,谣言不足为信。 _ _ 父母都指望我学习优秀,我却让他们失望了。

2、 _ _,You may not count / depend / rely on / upon rumors. / Rumors are not reliable.,My parents counted on me to do well in study, but I let them down.,12. uncover vt. 揭开,揭露 Tom uncovered the dish on the desk and found a hamburger there. 汤姆揭开桌子上的盘盖发现了一个汉堡包。 The young officer uncovered a secret plan t

3、o rob a bank. 那个年轻的警官揭露了一个抢劫银行的密谋。,un-作为构词法中的前缀,用来表示否定的含 义,加上前缀后,单词本身的词性不改,较多用 于形容词。,acceptable unacceptable (adj.) fair unfair (adj.) certain uncertain (adj.) usual unusual (adj.) happy unhappy (adj.) known unknown (adj.) lock unlock (v.) cover uncover (v.),13. be / get caught in 陷入,卷入;偶然遇上(雨、 交通堵塞

4、、地震等) Im afraid we shall be / get caught in the rain on the way. 我担心我们在路上会遇到下雨。 Youre sure to be caught in the middle. 你一定会被搞得左右为难。,be caught doing sth. 被撞上 / 被抓住正在做 某事(尤其是坏事);主动形式 catch sb. doing 撞上某人在做某事 He was caught stealing books in the library. 他在图书馆偷书被人撞上。,14. live on 靠生活,以为主食 还可把on用作介词,意思为“继

5、续生活下去”。 He still lives on her parents. 他仍然靠父母生活。 Ive been living on bread and water, but Im happy. 我一直过着粗茶淡饭的生活,但我感到很快乐。 He is eighty, and is likely to live on. 他80岁了,看来还能活下去。,live by 以为生 live for 为而生活 live through 经历过,经受住 live up to 不辜负,1. 她靠写作为生。 She lives _ writing. 2. 南方人以大米为主食。 Southerners live

6、 _ rice. 3. 他们只是为了享乐而生活。 They live _ nothing but pleasure.,by,on,for,4. 他们靠正当的劳动生活。 They lived _ honest labor. 5. 我们没有辜负老师的期望。 We lived _ the teachers hopes. 6. 她经历过两次世界大战。 She has lived _ two world wars.,by,up to,through,15. be named after 以命名 主动结构name sb. after 以给某人命名 She was named after her grand

7、mother. 她是根据她祖母的名字命名的。 Then named the island after its discoverer, A.J. Tasman. 然后,人们以其发现者塔斯曼的名字来给那 个岛命名。,by name 名叫,凭名字 call sb. names 谩骂,骂人 in the name of 以的名义,代表,The teacher knows all the pupils by name in the class. 那位老师能叫出全班学生的名字来。,I know him only by name. 我只知道他的名字。(指没有见过此人) It isnt good to cal

8、l others names. 骂人不好。 Were very glad to greet you in the name of the Chinese people. 我们非常高兴以中国人的名义向你们致意。,16. go wrong 出错,发生故障 go在本短语中的意思是“变为,成为”。 注意“go + adj.”这一类的常见搭配还有: go red 变红 go bad 变坏 go mad / crazy 变得疯狂 go hungry 处于饥饿的状态,My hair is going gray. 我的头发渐渐花白了。 Her face went red. 她的脸红了。 This meat h

9、as gone bad. 这块肉坏了。 Poor people often go hungry. 穷人经常饿肚子。 Where did I go wrong in my calculation? 我在计算中什么地方出了差错?,go away 走开,离开 go back 回去 go by (时间)过去;经过 go down 下去;(船)下沉 go home 回家 go off 走开 go to sleep 睡着 go out (灯,火)熄灭 go over 检查;复习 go through 浏览;翻阅 go to bed 上床,睡觉 go to school 上学,go on with sth.

10、 继续做某事 go to the cinema 去看电影 go in for sth. 从事(某工作);喜欢 go on doing sth. 继续做(原来的)事 go on to do sth. 继续做另一件事 go fishing / shopping / skating / swimming 去钓鱼 / 买东西 / 溜冰 / 游泳,17. make sense 讲得通,有意义,言之有理 This sentence doesnt make sense. 这个句子没有意义。 It doesnt make sense to buy that expensive coat when these

11、cheaper ones are just as good. 这些便宜的大衣也很好, 何必非买那件贵的。,in a sense 在某种意义上说 in no senses 决不 a sense of humor 幽默感 common sense 常识,通情理,她虽然不很聪明,但很有见识。 _ _ 让小孩玩火柴有意义吗? _ _,Although shes not very clever shes got lots of common sense.,Does it make sense to let children play with matches?,18. above all 首先,首要的是

12、 He will be remembered above all as a loving husband and family man. 他首先是作为一个深情的丈夫和喜欢家庭 生活的人而被人所铭记。,19. refer to 查阅;提到,涉及;提交 She referred to the subject several times during her speech. 在演讲中她好几次提到这个话题。 Please refer to our catalogue for details of all our products. 对于本公司所有产品的详细情况请查阅商品 目录。,这件事已经结束了,所以

13、别再提了。 _ _ 关于这个问题,请参阅我们的调查数据。 _ _,This matter is finished, so please do not refer to it.,As to this matter, please refer to the data of our survey.,1. It was / will be+一段时间+before引导的从句 过了/要过就/才 这里用的是“一段时间”而不是一个时间点, 如果用的是时间点,则后面的before改为when。 It was 3 years before we met again. 我们过了3年才又见面。,试比较以下几句: It

14、 was evening when we reached the town. 我们到达那个小镇时已是傍晚了。 It was in the evening that we reach the town. 我们是在晚上的时候到达小镇的。(强调句) It was 2 hours before we reached the town. 过了两个小时我们才到达小镇。,常见的用法: It was (not) long before(没过)过了很久才 It was long before he realized his mistakes. 过了很久他才意识到自己的错误。 It wasnt long before he realized his mistakes. 没过多久他就意识到了自己的错误。,before与until before “(在主句的动作之后)才”, “之前”,强调的是时间的先后顺序; I didnt know any English before I came here. 我来这之前不懂英语。(可能现在还是不懂) until “在之前(不)”,“(动作)持续到”,如用 于notuntil句型则表示“直到才”,强 调与以前的情况相反。,I didnt know any English until I c



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