高考英语总复习 Unit19 Language语言课件 北师大版选修7

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1、Unit 19Language语言,1The best way to _(扩大) your vocabulary is to read more. 2You have my _(保证)that Ill finish the job on time.,enlarge,guarantee,3Please _ (通知)everyone the meeting is cancelled. 4He worked all summer to save money for the _(购买)of a piano. 5Several nurses helped to lay the _(无知觉的)boy on

2、 the operating table.,inform,purchase,unconscious,6She was not beautiful;she did not _(像,类似)her mother. 7Peace _(协商)are still going on but the government seems not like to _(协商;谈判) with the terrorists. 8The plan had the _ (同意,赞成)of the school authorities.,resemble,negotiations,negotiate,approval,8Th

3、e plan had the _(同意,赞成)of the school authorities. 9It is _ that our streets are so dirty but someone doesnt think it a real _.(embarrass),approval,embarrassing,embarrassment,10_(系) your seat belts when you drive! 11Some _(偷窃)and rob cases happened in this area.,Fasten,theft,1_使走在前面,获得进步 2_ 以的形式出现(存在

4、) 3_ 学会 4_ 很久;很长时间,get ahead,take the form of,catch on,for ages,5_ 由组成 6_ 不管,不顾 7_ 如果;条件是 8_ 我肯定 9_ 与有联系,consist of,regardless of,provided that,I bet,be associated with,10_ 突出;出色;坚持抵抗 11_ 记住 12_ 故意地 13_ 遵守;遵循,stand out,keep.in mind,on purpose,keep to,1_as early as the 1700s that English would one da

5、y be the global language and that has proved to be the case in the last few decades.早在18世纪就有人预测英语将会成为世界语言,而这一预言在最近几十年中得到了证实。,It was predicted,2_they make sure there is an adequate amount of input in English conveyed to the students through various mediums.这就意味着他们要确保通过多种方式给学生足够的英语输入量。,What this means

6、 is that,3This can _reading and listening materials which must be of the highest quality.它可以以阅读和听力材料的形式存在,但这些材料必须具有最高的质量。 4_so they can help motivate you as well.把你的目标告诉朋友,他们也能给予你鼓励。,take the form of,Inform a friend of your targets,5_,you need to keep in mind why you are learning English.为了能矢志不渝,你有必

7、要记住为什么在学英语。 6Somebody jumping for joy is easy to see _a raised eyebrow conveying doubt is easier to miss.人高兴时跳起来很容易被看到,而眉毛挑起表示怀疑却不易被人看到。,To stay dedicated,while,7Thirdly,you say that there is a discount _I pay in advance.第三,你们说我如果提前付费的话就可以打折优惠。 8_almost a million litres of oil into the sea.据认为有将近一百万

8、升的石油泄漏到海水中。,provided that,It is believed to have leaked,1absencen不存在;缺席;缺乏 (回归课本P6)However,learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the absence of a native language environment.然而,没有英语语言环境,学习英语是非常难的。,归纳拓展,例句探源 (朗文P5)We were worried by the absence of definite figures in the report.

9、报告里缺少具体数字,这使我们担心。,(朗文P5)In the absence of any further evidence the police were unable to solve the murder. 由于缺乏更确实的证据,警方破不了这宗谋杀案。 (朗文P5)How many students are absent from class today? 今天有多少学生缺席?,即境活用 1He will not be set free unless he provides sufficient_that shows he is innocent. Apresence Bevidence

10、 Cabsence Dpatience,解析:选B。考查名词辨析。句意:除非他提供能证明他无罪的充分证据,否则他是不会获得自由的。evidence表示“证据,证明”,符合语意要求。,2surroundvt.环绕,围绕 (回归课本P6)Some respected theories on language acquisition believe that to attain a high level of fluency and accuracy in a foreign language,you need to be surrounded by it.,一些备受推崇的关于语言习得的理论相信,要

11、想达到高水平的外语流利程度和准确性,你得置身于该语言的环境中。,归纳拓展,例句探源 (朗文P1555)She was sitting on the floor surrounded by books.她坐在地板上,周围都是书。 Every time Obama appears,he is always surrounded by reporters.每次奥巴马出现,他总会被记者包围。,即境活用 2用surround的适当形式填空 (1)They lived in a house_by trees,which created the most pleasant_in the world. (2)

12、The factory and the_area was polluted seriously.,surrounded,surroundings,surrounding,3ensurevt.确保,保证 (回归课本P6)Quality input ensures quality output,whether it is speaking or writing. 不管是说还是写,高质量的输入确保高质量的输出。,归纳拓展 ensurethat从句 确保 ensure sb.sth.保证某人某事 ensure sb.against sth.确保某人防止某事,例句探源 (2010高考上海卷)Every

13、few years,the coal workers have their lungs Xrayed to ensure their health.每隔几年,当地的煤矿工人都要进行X光检查以确保他们的身体健康。,We can ensure that the work shall be done in the right way. 我们可以保证把工作做好。 This pill will ensure you a good nights sleep. 这颗药一定会使你晚上睡个好觉。,即境活用 3Careful planning and hard work will _our final succe

14、ss. Aenclose Bensure Cassure Dsure,解析:选B。句意:精心规划和勤奋工作能确保我们最终成功。enclose表示“把围起来”;assure搭配不对;sure为形容词,不作谓语动词,所以只有B项正确。,4adjustvi.& vt.调整,调节;使适合,使适应 (回归课本P6)Watching a favourite DVD,but adjusting the language to English in parts you know well.观看你喜爱的一张光盘,但要把你熟悉的部分的语言调换成英语。,归纳拓展,例句探源 He had no problems in adjusting to the new school. 他在适应新学校方面没有问题。 Some of the staff found it hard to adjust to all the changes in technology and working methods. 有些员工发现很难适应技术和工作方式的所有变化。,即境活用 4You cant see through a telescope unless it is correctly_ to your sight.



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