高考英语一轮复习 Unit4 Astronomy: the science of the stars课件 新人教版必修3(福建专用)

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1、2013届高考英语一轮复习课件,新人教版福建专用,Unit 4Astronomy: the science of the stars, violent adj.,根据语境猜词义 (1)The boy had a violent pain in his stomach after eating too much fruit. (2)The violent earthquake left 3,000 homeless. (3)She had a violent temper. (4)He died a violent death, murdered by his enemy., violent a

2、dj.,根据语义找匹配 A急躁的;暴躁的 B激烈的;尖锐的;剧烈的 C强烈的;猛烈的;凶猛的 D致死的,答案 (1)B(2)C(3)A(4)D,链接 violence n. 暴力 violently adv. 暴力地; 猛烈地 do violence to 强暴地对待, violent adj., violent adj.,单项填空 The _ winds buried the village in sand. A. interesting B. peaceful C. violent D. spiritual,解析 句意:狂风把村子掩埋在沙中。,C, in time,根据语境猜词义 (1)T

3、he doctor came in time to save her life. (2)One can get over anything in time. (3)The marchers kept in time with the band.,根据语义找匹配 A及时地;在规定时间 B经过适当时候;最后 C(节拍)正确,A,B,C,链接 ahead of time 提早;提前 at a time 每次;逐一;依次 at one time 曾经;一度 at no time 绝不 at times 有时;偶尔 for the time being 暂时;眼下, in time,链接 from ti

4、me to time 不时地;间或 in no time 立刻;立即 in ones spare time 在某人业余时间里 kill time 消遣;消磨时间 take ones time 不着急;慢慢来, in time, in time,单项填空 _, I lost heart in English learning, but my teacher often said to me, “Keep on working hard, and youll succeed _. ” A. At a time; in time B. At a time; on time C. At one tim

5、e; in time D. At one time; on time,解析 句意:我曾经对英语学习失去信心,但我的老师常常对我说:“继续努力,迟早你会成功的。”,C, harmful adj. 有害的,致伤的,链接 harm n. 伤害;损害 vt. 伤害;损害 harmless adj. 无害的;无恶意的,根据语境感悟用法 (1)Fruit juices can be harmful to childrens teeth. 果汁对小孩的牙齿有害。 (2)the harmful effects of smoking. 吸烟的害处,短语 do sb. harm do harm to sb. 对某

6、人有害 be harmful to 对有害, harmful adj. 有害的,致伤的,句型 It does no harm to do sth. /There is no harm (in) doing sth. 不妨做某事 It wouldnt do sb. any harm to do sth. 做某事对某人并无害处 No harm done! (对别人做错事的一种劝慰) 没事儿! 不要紧!, harmful adj. 有害的,致伤的,用harm的适当形式填空 (1) Your smoking may be _ to the health of your baby. (2) The st

7、orm has done great _ to the crops. (3) The dog seems fierce, but actually hes _.,harmless,harmful,harm, harmful adj. 有害的,致伤的, develop v.,根据语境猜词义 (1)We should develop the habit of reading, because reading can develop the mind. (2)Shanghai has developed into a commercial center of our country. (3)We m

8、ust develop many more new products in order to satisfy the demands of market. (4)Lets have these pictures developed. (5)I developed a cold this week., develop v.,根据语义找匹配 A养成(习惯) B发展 C开发 D冲洗(胶卷) E 开始(生病),解析 (1)A(2)B(3)C(4)D(5)E, develop v.,链接 developed adj. 发达的 developing adj. 发展中的 development n. 发展,

9、 develop v.,用develop的正确形式填空 With the (1)_ of science and technology, some (2)_ countries have developed into (3) _ ones.,答案 (1)development(2)developing(3)developed, exist vi.,根据语境猜词义 (1)Problems also exist in agriculture. (2)Food will not get cheaper under existing conditions. (3)She exists on tea a

10、nd bread.,根据语义找匹配 A. 生存;生活 B. 现存的;现在的 adj. C. 存在;有,C,A,B,短语 exist in存在于中 exist on 靠为生 exist by 靠生存 existence n. 存在;生存 in existence 存在 come into existence 开始存在;成立 bring into existence 使产生, exist vi.,温馨提示: exist 是不及物动词,不能用于被动,也不能用于进行时态。 exist 还可用于there be 句型中表示“存在有”。类似的还有seem, appear, stand, lie, run,

11、 remain, etc., exist vi.,There appears to be lots of misunderstanding between us. 我们之间有很多误会。 There once lived two gods who were in charge of Earth and Heaven. 曾经有两个神,他们分别掌管地和天。,温馨提示:, exist vi.,单项填空 There, in the small temple, used to _ a big bell. But now it has gone. A. happen B. come C. exist D.

12、stand,解析 句意:在那个小寺庙里,曾经“有”一个大钟,但现在已经不见了。,C, exist vi., puzzle n. (成功地)完成 pull on (匆忙地)穿上 pull out 拔出; 驶出; 摆脱(困难) pull in 进站;靠岸 pull away 驶离;开走 pull together 通力合作; 整顿; 控制(感情) pull through 恢复健康;渡过难关, pull n. Let us 开头的祈使句,反意疑问部分则用will you。 14I wish或Let me 开头的祈使句,用May I提问。,2,15非谓语动词作主语,常用it提问。 16主语为句子,常

13、用it提问。 17It is /wasthat强调句型, 常用it提问。 18陈述部分主语是指示代词或不定代词everything, that, nothing, this, 疑问部分主语用it。 19陈述部分主语是不定代词everybody, anyone, somebody, nobody, no one等,疑问部分常用复数they。,2,20并列复合句的疑问部分,就邻近分句提问。 21陈述部分由neithernor, eitheror等连接的并列主语时,疑问部分根据其实际逻辑意义而定。 22陈述部分前有强调词,此时为反问语气,后面提问的肯定、否定形式与前面保持一致。 23感叹句省略主语时

14、,要就原来的主语提问。,根据实际情况回答下列反意疑问句 1. North Korea is a socialist country,isnt it? _. 2. India isnt a developing country,is it? _.,答案 1. Yes,it is 2. Yes, it is,根据实际情况回答下列反意疑问句 3. Beijing isnt the capital of China, is it? _. 4. Shanghai isnt the capital of China, is it? _.,答案 3. Yes, it is 4.No, it isnt,3,反

15、意疑问句的回答分两种情况理解。当陈述部分是肯定时,与汉语回答是一致的,因而容易理解。重点是要掌握陈述部分为否定时,与汉语回答的不同之处。换言之,要排除汉语干扰,培养英语思维。陈述部分为否定的反意疑问句回答时注意三点。,3,第一,回答时先完整地回答句子。如:India is a developing country(而不是简单回答It is); 第二,判断完整回答中的肯定或否定形式; 第三,根据肯定或否定形式确定Yes或No,肯定用Yes否定用NO,注意回答的一致性。,3,以“Shanghai isnt the capital of China, is it?”为例, 第一,回答时先完整地回答句子: Shanghai is not the capital of China.(上海当然不是中国的首都); 第二,判断完整回答中的肯定或否定形式:否定; 第三,根据否定形式确定No。注意回答的一致性:No,it isnt.可见,在陈述部分为否定的反意疑问句的回答中,Yes翻译成“不”,而No翻译成“是”。,



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