lesson3 A changing world-文档资料

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1、1,U24 Lesson 3 A Changing World Reading,2,In this lesson, you are expected to be able to: 1. Master the new words appearing in the text; 2. Get familiar with the culture of Beijings Hutongs; 3. Practice one of the reading strategies summarizing.,Objectives,3,INDEX(索引),Fast reading,Word study,4,三十年河东

2、三十年河西,What do they tell us?,change,年年岁岁花相似 岁岁年年人不同,Step 1: Lead-in,5,A Changing World,Topic,6,To travel in Beijing you must not absolutely miss these three great things: Visit the Great Wall,eat Beijing roast duck and tour Hutongs. 到北京旅游,看长城、吃烤鸭、 游胡同是绝不能错过的3件大事儿。,7,Have you ever visited some Hutongs

3、 in Beijing?,“不进胡同,难知北京;不进胡同,枉来北京。”,8,9,10,A changing world-Beijings hutongs,11,Learn these new words and understand their meanings,alley:,Behind the hospital there is an old and narrow alley filled with boxes.,小巷,胡同,fragrant:,I want to buy some fragrant flowers so that the house smells nice.,香的,芳香的

4、,undertake:,We undertake to finish this job before Christmas.,承担,负责,flock:,People in the town flocked to the theatre to see the new opera.,蜂拥,聚集,squeeze:,She saw the little dog squeezing through the narrow gap in the fence.,挤过,Step 2: New word study,12,Fast reading,Read the text quickly and answer t

5、he following questions.,Step3:,13,1.Match the headings to the correct paragraphs,Bad times for hutongs When and why hutongs were built Beijings hutongs today What is hutong? Connecting lives,A,B,C,D,E,Identify paragraph topics,14,2.Choose the best title for the article from the list below.,a、Beijing

6、 Urban Planning b、Chinese Buildings c、Beijings Hutongs d、The History of Hutongs,15,Careful reading,Listen to the text carefully and answer the following questions.,Step4:,Step3:,16,1.What does the word “hutong” refer to?,1) The alleys that connect the courtyards,2) The courtyards themselves,3) The c

7、ommunities that live there,2. Were conditions of Beijings hutongs very good all the time?,No, they werent.,1). Towards the end of the Qing Dynasty, the conditions in Beijings hutongs went down. Many new hutongs were poorly made.,2). When the Peoples Republic of China was set up, conditions improved

8、a lot.The government preserved many of the oldest hutongs.,Changes in the meanings of hutongs,Changes in the conditions of Beijings hutongs,In the past,nowadays,17,Fill in the blanks with proper words,18,recipes,mops,fragrant,incense,900,Rongxian,longest,Qianshi,Yuan,Qing,narrowest,Changes in the fu

9、nctions of Beijings hutongs,(famous tourist attractions),Ming,19,Besides hutongs, do you know any other famous places in Beijing, which also experienced lots of changes over centuries?,Speaking,Step5:,20,the Great Wall,a defence against enemy attacks,famous tourist attractions,the Emperors home and

10、work place,change,the Forbidden City,21,Conclusion,Over centuries, they changed so much. But they still exist in a new look now.,经过了几个世纪,它们改变了很多。如今,它们仍然以一种全新面貌存在着。它们是中国古代建筑的代表。不管如何改变,都应该被当做国家的宝贵财富而保存下来。,They are features of Chinese ancient architecture.,No matter how they change, they should be preserved as treasures of China.,Step 6:,22,It is time for us to relax ourselves. Next, lets enjoy a song “Beijing Hutongs”.,Entertainment,23,Homework,Read the text again, paying attention to the key words and expressions. Finish Exx4-9 ,P39.,24,


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