江苏高考英语模拟卷易错题和难题归类整理 无答案

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1、高考模拟卷易错题和难题归类整理1、 名词性从句1. It is a frequent situation faced by contemporary people _ they have to move to a new place because of the requirement of work.A. that B.where C.which D.whether 2. President Xi makes it clear _ the principal contradiction facing Chinese society in the new era is _ between un

2、balanced and inadequate development and peoples ever-growing needs for a better life.A.that; one B.what; that C.that;that D.what; one成语习语&情景交际1.I hear that you have quit. Is it the low pay that makes you quit the job finally?Well, to be exact,making me work late every weekday was _.A. a Judas kiss B

3、.the riddle of the SphinxC.the last straw D,an open invitation 2.The old couple decided to sell me the house at a cheap price and gifted me some old funiture_.A.at third hand B.on the cheap C.for my eyes D.for good measure 3.The new employee lost the data he had collected, which made the chief accou

4、ntant _.A.take to his heels B.stick to his guns C.fly off the handle D.beat about the bush 4.Mary, we have been working the whole afternoon. When can we have a rest?Well, _. In fact, theres nothing more than we can do.A.thats it B.hold on C.its a deal D.take your time 5.As the responsible and wise p

5、arents, you cannot live your childrens lives for them; you can only be there to _when things go wrong.A,pick up the pieces B.kick up a row C.win in the canter D.get the wooden spoon6. Should I ask Tom if he was still upset at not being invited to the party?If he hasnt said anything about it, just _.

6、A. bite your tongue B.let sleeping dogs lie C.eat your words D.face the music7. Wall Street English just launched a new WeChat learning platform and we can take free classes!_! Let me have a look!A.You dont say B.B.You have got it C.You have me there D.You can say that again虚拟语气1.He cant spare some

7、time for a holiday and sometimes he would rather he _such an organization in the city of Shenzhen.A. hasnt run B.doesnt run C.didnt run D.hadnt run 2.Can you give me some advice on how to deal with that tough customer?I _to her instead of tryinf to explain over the phone if in your shoes.A. will wri

8、te B.would write C.were to write D.would have written 3.动词搭配1. China has witnessed a digital transformation which has _through cloud computing, edge devices and big data.A. come about B.faded away C.gone through D.broken out2. Though the singer was turned away after two rounds, his song Chengdu has

9、_ ever since.A. held on B.caught on C.come on D.passed on 相近词义和搭配的辨析1. With the day of the festival approaching, the children can barely _their excitement.A. burden B.costant C.express D.preserve2. The two young mothers tend to talk away for hours on end directly they meet.It is evident that the exp

10、erience of raising children is rather _ to each other.A. impressive B.parallel C.sensitive D.rigid 3. I thought I could finish repairing the bicycle in no time. But as it turned out, it was _easy.A. nothing but B.none but C.anything but D.all but 4. I dont agree on everything that Trump says, but he

11、s been _in his message about bringing manufacturing back to the United States, bringing the cash back to the United States.A. dynamic B.consistent C.compulsory D.ambiguous5. You see, my watch _10 minutes a day, and that was why I was always late these days.A. wins B.gauns C.leaves D.loses6. Daylight

12、 saying time was introduced in some European countries in the 1960s and today some 70 countries worldwide still _ the practice.A. observe B.conserve C.innovate D.abolish 7. As a big fan of the Houston Rockets, to my delight, when the second quarter was over, the score was 55-46_ the Rockets.A. in pr

13、aise of B.in favor of C.in control D.in defense of 8. Many graduates arent prepared for what the future has _when they come out of school.A. in demand B.at ease C.at length D.in store 9. Thomas made _his concerns about the changes that had been introduced at work.A. plain B.perfect C.easy D.ambiguou

14、s 倒装句1.Worlds No.1 human player _. Kejie lost all his three games to Gooles artificial intelligence program AlphaGo.A. although is he B.although he is C.as he is D.as is he 3. There is some possibility that the patient could make a full recovery, _ a certain cure for the disease.A. there should be B.was there C.there was D.should there be 4. Nearby,_Mrs White, stretching out cautiously to collect her costly jewels.A. standing on a wooden box was B.was stand


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