高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(十九) 模块6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world 译林牛津版

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《高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(十九) 模块6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world 译林牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(十九) 模块6 Unit 4 Helping people around the world 译林牛津版(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课时作业(十九)模块6Unit 4 Helping people around the world(限时:30分钟).单项填空1Though _ money, his parents managed to give him a good education.Alacked Blacking ofClacking Dlacked in2Without electricity human life _ quite different today.Ais Bwill beCwould have been Dwould be3In his opinion,that park,though relati

2、vely small,is easy_Ato deal with Bto be dealt withCdealt with Ddealing with4Can I buy a Fridays air ticket for Moscow?Im sorry,but here are no tickets _ for Fridays flight.Aprecious BvacantCavailable Dunusable5He was very busy yesterday,otherwise he _ to the meeting.Awould come BcameCwould have come

3、 Dhad come6It is worth considering what makes “convenience” foods so popular,and _ better ones of your own.Aintroduces Bto introduceCintroducing Dintroduced7Facing the economic depression, every possible means _ this year to save the company from going bankrupt.Ahas been tried Bhas triedChave been t

4、ried Dhave tried8The problem just _ is a very important one.Areferring to Breferred toCreferred Dreferring9Only if you sleep,which is equal to turning the TV set off,_ kept away from the unending cry of “You Need It! Buy It Now!”Ayou are Bought you to beCyou will be Dcan you be 10He_ good ideas for

5、the product promotion.Acame up Bcame out Ccame up with Dthought over11The island is _ attractive in spring and autumn because of the pleasant weather in both seasons.Apartly BmerelyCnearly Dequally12_ not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.AReminding BReminde

6、dCTo remind DHaving reminded13Though interested in buying the stamp,the man pretended to be very uninterested._,he managed to get the stamp at half the original price.AOn the contrary BIn addition CAs a result DNevertheless14In addition to world hunger,some environmental problems human activities ha

7、ve contributed to _ soon.Aneed solving Bneeding solvingCneeding to be solved Dneed to solve15_Saturday,rather than_at home, I preferred_.AIt being; stay; to travelBBeing; to stay; to travelCHaving been; stay; travelDIt was; to stay; traveling.阅读理解A2012广东卷 I was blind, but I was ashamed of it if it w

8、as known. I refused to use a white stick and hated asking for help. After all, I was a teenage girl, and I couldnt bear people to look at me and think I was not like them. I must have been a terrible danger on the roads. Coming across me wandering through the traffic, motorists probably would have t

9、o step rapidly on their brakes. Apart from that, there were all sorts of disasters that used to occur on the way to and from work. One evening, I got off the bus about halfway home where I had to change buses, and as usual I ran into something. “Im awfully sorry,” I said and stepped forward only to

10、run into it again. When it happened a third time, I realized I had been apologizing to a lamppost. This was just one of the stupid things that constantly happened to me. So I carried on and found the bus stop, which was a request stop, where the bus wouldnt stop unless passengers wanted to get on or

11、 off. No one else was there and I had to try to guess if the bus had arrived.Generally in this situation, because I hated showing I was blind by asking for help, I tried to guess at the sound. Sometimes I would stop a big lorry and stand there feeling stupid as it drew away. In the end, I usually ma

12、naged to swallow my pride and ask someone at the stop for help. But on this particular evening no one joined me at the stop; it seemed that everyone had suddenly decided not to travel by bus. Of course I heard plenty of buses pass, or I thought I did. But because I had given up stopping them for fea

13、r of making a fool of myself, I let them all go by. I stood there alone for half an hour without stopping one. Then I gave up. I decided to walk on to the next stop.16. The girl refused to ask for help because she thought _ Ashe might be recognized Basking for help looked silly Cshe was normal and i

14、ndependent Dbeing found blind was embarrassing17. After the girl got off the bus that evening, she _ Abegan to run Bhit a person as usual Chit a lamppost by accidentD.was caught by something18. At the request stop that evening, the girl _ Astopped a big lorry Bstopped the wrong bus Cmade no attempt to stop the bus Dwas not noticed by other people19. What was the problem with guessing at the sound to stop a bus? AOther vehicles also stopped there. BIt was unreliable for making judgments. CMore lorries than buses responded to the girl. DIt too


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