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1、实用英语2 Unit Two建议学时8 H开课学期2学习目标:总体目标:通过对英语基础知识的学习和训练,培养听、说、读、写、译五大语言基本技能,使语言学习、语言实践、语言应用以及文化体验有机结合,同时也借由此教学情景让学生谈谈成功之路的艰辛,让他们懂得努力才能获得成功。本情景具体学习目标如下:1、听说能力目标:通过介绍运动方面的词汇,使学生能自如地用英语描述自己喜欢的体育运动,提高其听说能力。 2、阅读能力目标:通过教材阅读,在扩大学生词汇量的同时,使学生掌握如何通过主题句理解中心思想,如何通过构词法和上下文猜生词,从而加强学生阅读能力。 3、写作能力目标:通过对证书与证件写作格式的讲解,使学

2、生掌握证书与证件所包括的相关内容以及格式,从而使学生具备正确书写毕业证书与学生证书的能力。 4、翻译能力目标:汉译英:了解和掌握“在范围”、“熟悉、看破”、“引以为豪”等词组的翻译,提高其翻译能力。内容:该学习情景的内容,可分解为以下几个学习及训练环节: TextThe Road to Success GrammarTense(三) ReadingThe God in Youth. Practical EnglishCredentials & Certifications Listening and SpeakingSports 教学方法建议:1.宏观:A: 头脑风暴法B:任务设计法C:角色扮

3、演法D: 四步教学法2.微观:A:讲授式教学法 B:分组讨论法 C:音频、视频媒体:1多媒体教室PPT课件教材及教参教师教学指南学生学习指南6 校园网 7 航院老师考核与评价:学生的基础:已达到大学一年级学生的英语水平,即具备一定的听、说、读、写、译能力,基本掌握了约2900个英语单词和约400个习惯用语或固定搭配。教师需要的能力:1. Proficiency in English language2. Proficiency in language teaching 3. Proficiency in management of classroom4. Proficiency in stud

4、ents psychology5. A good master of cultural background20082009学年第2学期实用英语课程第二单元教学设计(Section One)本次课标题:Unit 2 They road to success(1)授课班级上课时间上课地点教学目标能力目标知识目标1.To be able to understand the outline of the text; 2. To be able to give a brief introduction about Bill Gates. 1. To get acquainted with the ke

5、y words and expressions related to this topic;2. To master the sentential structures in the text;3. To understand the theme of each paragraph. 能 力 训 练 设 计 ( 精 读 训 练 )步骤教学目标内容期望媒介方法时间任务前阶段 (pre-task) 引入(Introduction)1.了解相关文化背景2.对本主题产生兴趣1.让学生讨论:1. Do you know something about Bill Gates?2. Was Bill Gat

6、es a common boy with average intelligence when he was nine or ten years old?3. How was Bill Gates hooked by computing?学生期望:了解更多Bill Gates课件板书头脑风暴法、提问式、讨论法10教师期望:学生关注积极参与任务环阶段 (task-circle)略读 (skimming)能找出文章主旨The main idea of the passage:The Road to Success 学生期望:教师恰当提示课件板书语篇教学法;讨论法6教师期望:积极参与研读(Readin

7、g for details)能把握文章细节Questions for discussion: Exercise III(p.31) 学生期望:教师恰当提示课件板书讨论法 14教师期望:积极参与语言点(Language focus)正确朗读拼写单词短语;掌握常用词汇、短语的使用I. Words: contemporary, desperate, exceptional, exclusive, fascination, financially, hook, mathematical obsession, overtake ,rigorous, available, challenge, detai

8、l, enable, extent, ideal, leisure, neglect, response, budget, dumb, logical, potential, pursue, nerd, goof, score, competitive, dominate, occasion, rival, infinitely, physicalII. Phrases:in detail, toextent, dash over, use up, have an insight into, pride yourself on (doing) sth. be desperate to do s

9、th., draw up , come into sth.学生期望:讲解详细,有实例课件板书语境教学法;讲解法;实例法20教师期望:认真听讲,理解记录操练(Drills)掌握重要句型结构的用法和译法I. Grammatical Structures to Learn:1) Funds were raised, mainly by parents, which enabled the school to gain access to a computer 2) Bill Gates was immediately hookedso was his best friend at the time,

10、 Kent Evans, and another student, Paul Allen, who was two years older than Bill.学生期望:讲解详细,有实例课件板书语篇教学法任务法实例法10教师期望:认真听讲,理解记录任务后阶段 (post-task)课文理解理解文章结构和细节完成课后阅读理解练习:Exercise IV-VII (p.32-34)学生期望:给予提示课后练习任务法练习法8教师期望:积极参与,提出问题巩固与拓展1.能复述课文内容;2.掌握课文中重要的语法结构1 To retell the text 2.Grammatical structures:.

11、 学生期望:给予提示与帮助课件板书练习法任务法15教师期望:理解,掌握,应用总结掌握文章中的知识要点1. 28words and 8 phrases2. important sentence patterns3. grammatical structures学生期望:小结应清楚、明确课件归纳法5教师期望:理解,掌握,应用作业巩固所学重要句型1.词汇、句型练习IV- VIII2.翻译技巧练习IX3.重要短语的运用 X4.复习课文,背诵第三自然段5.预习语法学生期望:掌握用法教材练习法任务法2教师期望:认真独立完成考核课堂提问及活动参与和听写;现场教学小练习; 补充练习参考资料学习资源教材、教参、

12、课件、网络资源20082009学年第2学期课 时 授 课 计 划课题:课文学习The Road to success (1) No. 1课号:03455 Tool: Tape-recorder/Blackboard教学目标:1. To master key words and phrases and grammar points in the text.2. To get a clear idea of the text and to retell the passage.3. To recite the first paragraph of the text.重点与难点:1. New wor

13、ds: 28 words and 8 phrases.2. Grammar points: tenses. 3. To retell the passage.教学设计:Introduction to the textAnalysis of the text, mastering the key words and phrasesDrillsSummary作业布置:1. To do the exercises II- VII2. To review the language points in the text.3. To recite the first paragraph.4. To preview the grammar points - tenses时间分配:课堂教学环节课堂组织引入讲解新课巩固新课布置作业时间分配(分)2858202授课班次: 课程执行情况: Section One Part I TextThe Road to Success Step One: Pre-task Phrase (任务前阶段) (10)I. Leading in by asking some questions related to Bill Gates让学生讨论问题:1. Do



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