八年级英语上册 Module12教案 外研版

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1、Module 12 Traditional Life一 Key points.情态动词must和can的用法。1 must表示”必须”,mustnt表示“禁止”,后加动词原形。for example,You must clean your classroom every day.You mustnt speak rudely to others.2 can和cant的用法。本模块中表示允许和不允许,后加动词原形。Eg.) You can do homework after dinner.You cant stay out after 9:00pm.3.must可表肯定推测,cant可表否定推测

2、。例如It must be Linglings book, because her name is on it.She cant be our English teacher, she has gone abroad.二 含有must的一般疑问句肯定回答用must,否定回答用neednt,或用dont have to,表示“没必要”eg)Must I return your money tomorrow?Yes, you must. No, you neednt(dont have to).三 Usages of some key words.1. stop doing sth. 停止做某事T

3、he students stopped talking when the teacher came in.stop to do sth.停下来去做某事They walked for a long time, so they stopped to have a rest.stop sb. from (doing) sth.阻止某人做某事The heavy rain stopped us going to the park.2both表示两个都both of,both and谓语动词用复数。Both of them are students.Both he and she come from Li

4、aocheng.3.enjoy doing sth. enjoy oneself=have a good timeenjoy ones stay in sp.在某地逗留得很开心。4notice sb. do/doing sth.I notice him go into the room.I notice them playing chess under the tree.hear sb. do/doing sth.5.so many, so much, so little, so few6.be/get married to sb.和某人结婚. marry sb.She got married

5、 to him in the end.四 Translate the following phrases. 别聊了_ 迫不及待_用红纸_ 快点 _取出_ 等等 _到达_ 大声喊叫_查阅_ 好运气_保持安静_ 例如 _和不同_ 和一样_加奶的茶_ 参加聚会_脱掉_ 打扫卫生_ 五Translate the following sentences.1当接受礼物时,你必须用双手。When you _ _ _,you must_ _ _.2你必须用红色的纸包红包,因为这象征着吉利。You must_ Hongbao _,because its_.3你不能理发。You cant _.4说是喝茶,其实是下

6、午四点钟左右的一顿简单的加餐。Tea is _ a drink _ but a light meal at _4pm.5你必须先倒茶,后放奶。不能先放奶,在倒茶。You must _, then the milk. You cant _ the milk in first, then the tea.6接住花的女孩将是下一个要结婚的人。 The girl _ them will be _ to _.7. 在公共场合大声说话是不礼貌的。8在中国你必须靠右行。六补全对话。A. Hi, Peter. How was your vacation?B. Hi, Bill! It was great.A._B.I went to Tokyo with my family.A. Really? Wow!_B. Well, we visited a lot of museums.A._B. They were really interesting. But there were always too many people.A._B. Yes, I did. The stores were very cool.A._ _Did you meet any Japanese?B. Yeah, the people were really friendly.2用心 爱心 专心



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