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1、精品自学考试资料推荐全国 2018 年 10 月高等教育自学考试现代语言学试题课程代码: 00830 . Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completesthe statement and put the letter A, B, C, or D in the brackets.(2%10=20%)1Vibration of the vocal cords results in a quality of speech s

2、ounds called voicing, which is a feature of()A all consonantsB vowels onlyC all consonants and some vowelsD all vowels and some consonants2The negative prefix “ in-” in English, when added to the adjective“ possible”, is actually pronounced/im/,and spelt asThis is the result of the _rule at work. ()

3、A deletionB assimilationC phoneticD sequential3 The word “ ecology ” is-morphemeatwocluster that contains_. ()A two rootsB a root and a suffixC a root and a free morphemeD a prefix and a root4When we move the adverbial phrase“ every day” in the sentence“ Every day, we study English” towe are now _ t

4、he phrase to the right. ()A rewritingB preposingC postposingD maintaining5 Antonyms are divided into several kinds .Which of the following is NOT a kind of antonyms?()A complementaryB relationalC superordinateD gradable6 In terms of predication analysis , the utterance“ Is it going to snow this afte

5、rnoon?(”) is a_A one-place predicationB two-place predicationC three-place predicationD no-place predication7 In Old English, word order was freer because the case endings were rich. So in Old English, word orders included SVO,VSO, SOV and OSV. However, Modern English has a much weaker case system,

6、so its sentences have to follow a basicword order of_.()A SOVB SVOC VSOD OSV1精品自学考试资料推荐8 Black English is a kind of _dialect.()A regionalB standardC ethnicD situational9The critical period for language acquisition refers to the short period of _years old in onewhich the human brain is most ready to

7、acquire a particular language.()A 1-2B 2-12C 1-12D 13-1810 In a sense, humans can be said to be biologically programmed to acquire at least one language. What is meant by this_view of language acquisition is that humans are equipped with the neural prerequisites for languageand language use.()A beha

8、vioristB nativistC mentalistD empiricist . Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is alreadygiven as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given.(1% 10=10%)11.A scientific s

9、tudy of language is based on the s_ investigation of language data.12.The limited range of sounds which are meaningful in human linguistic communication and are of interest to linguistic studies are called the p_ medium of language.13.phrase structure rules can generate an infinite number of sentenc

10、es with infinite length, due to their r_properties.14.A f_ clause is a clause that takes a subject and a main verb, and at the same time stands structurallyalone.15.In terms of truth condition, if X is true, Y is false, and if X is false, Y is true. The relationship between X and Y is i_16.In Austin

11、searly speech act theory, c_ were statements that either state or describe, and were thusverifiable.17.In the historical development of language, sound change is inevitable, such as sound loss, sound a_ andsound movement.18.Slang is often perceived as a low or vulgar form of language and is deemed t

12、o be undesirable in f_styles of language.19.D_listeningtests involvesimultaneouslypresenting, through earphones, two differentauditorysignals, one to the right ear and the other to the left ear.2精品自学考试资料推荐20.At childrenlanguages development, one-word utterances can be used to express a concept or pr

13、edication similar to asentence in adult speech. For example, a c hild might use the word“ dada ” to mean“ Dada, come here” ,“ Give me more candy” . Those utterances can also be hcalledsentences. .Directions: Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Put a T for true or F for false in thebracket in front of each statement. If you think a statement is false, you mus



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