五年级下册英语表格式导学案-Lesson20 Jenny Goes home 冀教版(三起)(无答案)

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1、冀教版三起五年级下册英语姓名: 上课时间:2020.05.6Lesson20 Jenny Goes home学习目标1.我要掌握:had、went、saw、ate2.我会说:Did you miss me? Yes,I did. What did you do yesterday?学习重点1.我要掌握:had、went、saw、ate2.我会说:Did you miss me? Yes,I did. What did you do yesterday?学习难点我会说:Did you miss me? Yes,I did. What did you do yesterday?学案:.目标导学1.

2、我要掌握:had、went、saw、ate2.我会说:Did you miss me? Yes,I did. What did you do yesterday?自主学习 1.读课文找出不理解的句子._._._2.找一找,写一写(写出下列单词的过去式)do_ go_ see_ eat_合作交流 1.小组相互交流,互相帮助熟读课文。 2.小组讨论画出课文中出现的过去式。 IV 测评反馈 一、选择合适的单词完成句子。1. A. eat B. ateI _ ice cream yesterday.They often _ fruit every day.2. A. do B. Did _ you g

3、o shopping yesterday?I _ my homework on Sundays.3. A. liked B. like We _ to play cards.They _ to go to the zoo yesterday.4. A. see B. sawI _ Zhang Ling yesterday.Did you _ my brother yesterday?5. A. going B. went C. goesWe are _ to the park tomorrow.Lucy _ to school at 7: 00 every morning.He _ to the library yesterday.二、选择合适的答语。(1) What did you do yesterday? A. A new T-shirt.(2) Do you often go to the cinema? B. I called my mother.(3) Did you eat an egg? C. Thank you.(4) This scarf is for you! D. I often go there on Sundays.(5) What did you want to buy yesterday? E. No, I didnt.学习成果:我学会了:_


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