八年级英语课件:Unit1《what’s the matter》单元语法聚焦(人教新目标板下册)

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《八年级英语课件:Unit1《what’s the matter》单元语法聚焦(人教新目标板下册)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语课件:Unit1《what’s the matter》单元语法聚焦(人教新目标板下册)(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、单元语法聚焦一,单元语法聚焦一,语法点击,情态动词should的用法 1情态动词should的用法 should表示“应该;应当”,后跟动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。should常用于提出意见或建议。如: You should have a good rest first. 你应该先好好休息一下。 My brother has a toothache and he should see a dentist. 我哥哥牙痛,他应该去看牙医。 2情态动词should的句式变化,单元语法聚焦一,单元语法聚焦一,You should take your temperature. 你应该量量体温。 I s

2、houldnt eat too much meat. 我不应该吃太多肉。 Should I take my temperature? 我应该量量体温吗? Yes, you should. 是的,你应该。,单元语法聚焦一,实战演练,. 单项选择 ()1.Get up, David. You _ sleep for too long. A. shouldB. shouldnt C. must D. need,解析 B句意:大卫,起床了!你不应该睡那么长时间。故shouldnt符合题意。,单元语法聚焦一,()2.Should I go to see a doctor today? _. If you

3、 dont go to see a doctor, you may feel worse. A. Yes, you should B. No, you shouldnt C. Yes, you can D. No, you cant,解析 B问句句意为“我今天应该去看医生吗?”,答语中提到了“如果你不去看医生,你或许会病得更严重”。结合答语可知,要用肯定回答“Yes, you should.”。,单元语法聚焦一,()3.Whats wrong with you,Tom?You look pale! I have a stomachache. You _ lie down and have a

4、rest, and you _ eat anything for the rest of the day. Ashould; should Bshould; shouldnt Cshouldnt; should Dshouldnt; shouldnt,解析 B本题考查should 和 shouldnt的用法。对话中最后一句句意:你应该躺下休息,并且今天你不要再吃任何东西了。故选B。,单元语法聚焦一,.翻译句子 1你应该去看牙医。 _ 2你不应该喝凉水。 _ 3“我应该先给他打个电话吗?” “是的,你应该。” _ _._,You should go to see a dentist,You shouldnt drink cold water,Should I call him first?,Yes, you should,单元语法聚焦一,4我们应该先完成我们的家庭作业。 _ 5你不应该在上学的晚上出去。 _,We should finish our homework first,You shouldnt go out on school nights,



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