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1、2020年新人教版高中英语必修一综合检测(一).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AEarthquakes have killed many people and have caused serious damage to peoples life.Here are some of the worst earthquakes that happened around the world.Haiti EarthquakeA great earthquake hit Haiti on January 12,2010.Its center was located just southwe

2、st of PortAuPrince,the capital and largest city of Haiti.It is the strongest earthquake to hit the country since 1770.It led to 100,000 to 316,000 deaths and left 2 million people homeless and 3 million people in need of immediate help.At least $195 million have been given by different countries,alo

3、ng with a large number of rescue workers to support (支援) rescue efforts.Kashmir EarthquakeThe Kashmir earthquake happened on the morning of October 8,2005.It was centered near the city of Muzaffarabad.The official number of deaths was 75,000 and there were 106,000 people who were injured.As Saturday

4、 is a normal school day in the area,most students were at schools when the earthquake happened.Many young people were buried under destroyed school buildings.Many people were also trapped in their homes.Reports say that entire towns and villages were completely wiped out in northern Pakistan.The ser

5、ious damage was mainly because of poor buildings.Indian Ocean EarthquakeKnown as the SumatraAndaman earthquake,Indian Ocean Earthquake happened on December 26,2004.While the earthquake itself lasted for only 10 seconds,it caused a tsunami (海啸)The tsunami killed about 200,000 to 310,000 people along

6、the shores (海滨) of Indonesia,Sri Lanka,South India and Thailand.There was one death even happening at Port Elizabeth in South Africa,8,000 miles away from the center.【语篇解读】语篇类型是应用文,主题语境是自然灾害。文章简要介绍了世界上三次较为严重的地震。1What can be learnt from Paragraph 2?AHaiti is a poor country.BHaiti suffered many disast

7、ers.COver 400,000 people died in the earthquake.DHaiti received international help after the earthquake.D细节理解题。根据第二段的最后一句可知,海地发生地震后,得到了来自不同国家的资金和人员的援助。2Why were many young people buried in Kashmir Earthquake?AIt is the strongest in history.BIts center was near Muzaffarabad.CIt happened during the sc

8、hool time.DThere were too many school buildings.C细节理解题。根据第三段的As Saturday is a normal school day in the area.可知,由于克什米尔发生地震时正是学生们上课的时间,因此很多年轻人在地震中被埋。3Why does the author mention a death in South Africa in the last paragraph?ATo suggest South Africa is far away.BTo show how strong the earthquake was.CT

9、o tell us the earthquake killed many people.DTo prove the earthquake was felt by South Africa.B推理判断题。根据最后一段的.8,000 miles away from the center可知,甚至在距离震中八千英里以外的南非都有一人遇难,作者借此说明此次地震之严重,波及面之广。BSchoolgirl Lorna OBrien was in her kitchen when she looked out of the window and was terrified (惊恐的) at what she

10、 saw.“Help!”she shouted.“Theres smoke and fire coming out of the kitchen window opposite.”Her father,John,ran across to the house while her 15yearold brother Paul called the fire service.Lorna,16,rushed across and caught up with her dad,who had just kicked open the front door.They looked upstairs wh

11、ere they saw smoke coming out of the top flat.Lorna followed her father into the flat,where they found a pan (平底锅) on fire in the kitchen and the young mother,Mane Linn,who had been asleep,passed out (失去意识) in the smokeblackened sitting room.Lornas dad threw a wet cloth over the pan and then turned

12、off the stove (炉子) before starting to help Mane through the smoke down the stairs to safety.Suddenly Mane started crying,“My baby,my baby!”“Wheres the baby?” asked Lorna.“In the bedroom,” Mane shouted back.While John pulled the crying mother from the house,Lorna,without a thought for her own safety,

13、turned back to search for the baby.She found the little girl,14monthold Ann,lying with her eyes closed.Lorna quickly took the baby, rushed downstairs through the fire and smoke.“It didnt cross my mind at the time that I was near to dying when I rushed through the smoke”, said Lorna.“I was just think

14、ing of the baby.Even after I came out of the house,I wasnt frightened.”When help arrived,baby Ann and her mum were taken to hospital for treatment.It was only when Lorna got back into the safety of her own house that she realised the danger she had faced.“I started shaking all over and thought of wh

15、at could have happened to me,”she said.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文,女孩儿偶然间发现邻居家里着火,她不顾自身安危,与父亲一起将邻居母女救出失火房屋。4What did Lornas dad choose to do first when he entered the flat?APut out the fire.BTurn off the stove.COpen the windows.DHelp Mane downstairs.A细节理解题。由第二段中的They looked upstairs.down the stairs to safety可知,Lor

16、na的父亲进入失火公寓之后,首先扑灭了火源。5What was the cause of the fire?AMane fell asleep while cooking.BAnn was careless when playing with fire.CMane suddenly passed out while cooking.DThere was something wrong with the stove.A推理判断题。由第二段中的they found a pan.smokeblackened sitting room可知,厨房的平底锅着火,而Mane在客厅睡着,并因浓烟失去意识。因此可推断,Mane在做饭时睡着导致平底锅着火。6


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