12 Unit 9 The Damned Human Race.doc

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1、备 课 纸任教课程:综合英语(二) 年 月 日Unit 9一、授课时间:第15-16周二授课类型:课文分析8课时;习题讲解4课时三授课题目:The Damned Human Race四授课时数:12五教学目的和要求:通过讲授课文使大学生了解有关马克吐温幽默讽刺的写作风格,学会用英语解释句子以达到学以致用的目的。要求学生主动地预习课文,课前准备练习,学会分析文章体裁和进行段落划分。六教学重点和难点:1)背景知识的传授:About the author;2)文章的体裁分析及段落划分;3)语言点的理解:Word study: allegiance; ascent; atrocious; avaric

2、ious; brood; conjecture; degenerate; descent; disposition; exterminate; gory; mutilation; oblige; rabid; scruple; wantonlyGrammar Focus: Study and learn how such contrast expressions as and, but, compared to/with, while, unlike, and on the other hand, are used.七教学基本内容和纲要Part One Warm up1.1 Warm-up Q

3、uestions1.2 Define the following words and phrasesPart Two Background Information2.1 Have you read much of Mark Twain? Can you name some stories, novels or essays he wrote? How do you like him? What qualities in his writings brought him world renown? Is this essay written in his usual humorous vein?

4、 Part Three Text Appreciation3.1 Text Analysis3.1.1 Theme of the text 3.1.2 Structure of the text3.2 Writing Devices3.2.1 Contrast3.2.2 Humorous3.2.3 Satire and Parallelism3.3 Sentence ParaphrasePart Four Language Study4.1 Phrases and Expressions 4.1.1 Word list:4.1.2 Phrases and expressions list: 4

5、.1.3 Word Building4.2 Grammar 4.2.1 Object Part Five Extension5.1 Group discussion八、教学方法和措施本单元将运用黑板、粉笔、多媒体网络辅助教学设备等教学手段,主要采用以学生为主体、教师为主导的任务型、合作型等教学模式,具体运用教师讲授法、师生讨论、生生讨论等方法进行教学。九作业,讨论题,思考题完成课后练习;多看英语报刊杂志及英语经典小说,扩大阅读量;精听与泛听相结合,逐步提高自己的听力水平;积极参加英语角等有助于提高英语口语的活动;坚持用英语写日记;做一些专四相关练习;十参考资料:1) 杨立民主编,现代大学英语精

6、读(4)第二版,学生用书。北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2012。2) 杨立民主编,现代大学英语精读(4)第二版,教师用书。北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2012。3) 李观仪主编,新编英语教程(第三、四册)。上海:上海外语教学研究出版, 1999。4) 黄源深,虞苏美等主编,综合英语教程(1-4册)。北京:高等教育出版社,1998。 5) 高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲,北京:外语教学研究出版社,2000。6) Judy Pearsall主编,新牛津英语词典。上海:上海外语教育出版社,1998。7) 丁往道、吴冰等编著,英语写作手册。北京:外语教学与研究出版社。8) 张道真,现代英语用法词典(重排

7、本)。北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1994。9) 张道真,温志达, 英语语法大全上、下卷。北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1998。十一、课后小结Unit 9 The Damned Human RacePart One Warm up1.1 Warm-up Questions1. Do you have any idea why Mark Twain became more and more bitter in his later years? Do you agree that it was largely due to his personal misfortunes? How would y

8、ou describe this essay? Serious and matter-of-fact? Scientifically detached and objective? Hilariously humorous? Bitterly satirical? Or what?2. What is the main idea of this essay? Do you think the subject of human nature still deserves our close attention today? Is Twains condemnation of human bein

9、gs in line with the Darwinian theory of evolution? How does the author come to doubt this? Is that the result of scientific experiment? Is Mark Twain serious when he says that he has done many months of painstaking and fatiguing work in the London Zoological Garden? What kind of effect do you think

10、he hopes to achieve with this mock seriousness? 3. Do you take Mark Twains views seriously? Why do you think Twain wrote this essay? Does he have any serious purpose other than amusing his readers?1.2 Define the following words and phrases1. sport2. loose3. grace4. confined5. occasion6. prior7. unhu

11、manly8. distinction9. subject sth/sb to sth10. have not scrupled to do sth11. cheat sb out of sthPart Two Background Information2.1 About the author:Mark Twain (1835-1910) was born Samuel Langhorne Clements in Florida, Missouri, but lived as a child in Hannibal, Missouri, on the Mississippi River. H

12、e took the pen name Mark Twain from the call of the pilots on the river steamers, which indicated that the water was twelve feet deep, a safe depth for a steamer.During his early years, he worked as a riverboat pilot, newspaper reporter, printer, and gold prospector. But then he turned to writing, a

13、nd became one of the greatest of American writers.2.2 His masterpiece:Innocents Abroad 1869The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 1876The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 1885Life on the Mississippi 1883The Prince and the Pauper 18822.3 His writing style: hilariously humorous bitterly satirical2.4 About the sto

14、ry: The author writes about ugly human traits and dispositions. In his opinion, human beings are not ascended from the lower animals but descended from the higher animals. Part Three Text Appreciation3.1 Text Analysis1. Questions for thinking: a. How does the author contrast human beings with other

15、animals? What specific human traits and dispositions does he condemn? How would you describe the image of human beings in the authors writing? And what arguments does the author give to support his views? b. Why does he say that man is the cruel animal? What examples does he give to illustrate the point? Do you agree with Twain that human beings are cruel whereas tigers, wolves, and anacondas are not? 3.1.2 Structure of the textI. Introduction: Topic and credibility of the authors resea


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