中考英语书面表达专题复习课件 .

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1、,英语书面表达训练,书面表达: 是中考英语中的必考题,占卷面总分的12.5%,分值为15 分 。,中考英语书面表达评分标准 一档:(12-15分):内容切题、层次清楚、语言流畅、基本无语言表达错误。 二档:(8-11分):内容切题、层次比较清楚、语言比较流畅、语言表达错误较少。 三档:(5-7分):内容基本切题、层次不够分明、语言表达错误较多。 四档:(1-4分):有一定内容、但语言表达错误很多。 (注意:书面表达语法错误全卷扣分不得超过2分;单词拼写错误全卷扣分不得超过2分;抄袭试卷中阅读材料的,抄袭部分不给分。),How can we write a good composition?,文

2、章的形成过程:,单词 短语,结构 句子 文章,可见: 句子在书面表达中起着举足轻重的作用,因此, 句子的训练成为写文章的必要手段之一。,分析文章的形成过程,方法一:用以前所记忆的短语和结构造句。 他总是鼓励我们努力学习。 她的父母不允许她 晚上一个人出去。 方法二:多记同义句和同义词。 他还没到上学的年龄。 He is so young that he cant go to school. He is such a young boy that he cant go to school. He is too young to go to school. He isnt old enough t

3、o go to school.,He always encourages us to work hard. encourage sb to do sth,sothat-,such-that-,tooto-,enough-to do sth,训练句子的方法:,Her parents dont allow her to go out alone at night.,allow sb to do sth,例如英语九年级上有这样一句话: Im looking forward to this. (仿写1) 我正期望着收到你的来信。 Im looking forward to hearing from y

4、ou. (信尾使用) (仿写2)我正期望着你的答复。 Im looking forward to your reply. (仿写3)我期望着暑假的到来。 I look forward to the summer holiday.,方法三:仿写,方法四:遇到难以表达的句子,可另辟 蹊径,化难为易,化繁为简。,1.我们应该守时 2.我们不应该闯红灯(traffic lights),我们应该按时做每件事.,当交通灯是红灯时,我们不应该过马路.,We should do everything on time,We shouldnt go across the road when the traffic

5、 lights are red.,1.句型、结构 - 避免出现Chinglish 现象。 We all very like her. We all like her very much. He by bike to school. He goes to school by bike. 避免方法: 多记短语和句型,2 注意语法项目,人称一致: Alice is my best friend, he likes sports. 时态: He has gone to Guilin yesterday. 主谓一致: This pair of shoes are mine. The shoes are

6、new. 习惯用法: He helps me in my English.,she,is,with,went,审列加连美查誊,书面表达七步法,审:认真审题, 找出文章要表达的中心及要求,确定人称和时态。,书面表达第一步:审,节约资源,保护环境,从我们身边的小事做起。Li Ming 是一个注重“低碳”生活的中学生,假设你是他, 请以 “My Low-carbon Life”为题,写一篇80-120词的短文,简单描述自己的“低碳生活”。 要点:(1)每天步行上学; (2)离开教室时,关灯、电扇、电视等; (3)不用水时, 记得关水龙头,循环使用水; (4)充分使用纸张(5)不使用塑料袋。 参考词:

7、on foot, turn off, tap(水龙头), reuse, make full use of, plastic bag 写作要求:(1) 内容包括所提供的信息及要点,可适当发挥,但不要逐条翻译;(2) 不得透露考生姓名、学校等信息。,文章中心:,我叫李明(全部考生都叫李明),我的低碳生活,要求:,1.80-120词,2.写作要求(1)(2),列:用简单的句子和短语列出文章的要点.,书面表达第二步:列,I go to school on foot every day. I walk to school every day. 2. remember to turn off the li

8、ghts, the TV and the fans . 3. turn off the tap, reuse water. 4. I make full use of paper. 5. Dont use plastic bags.,I go to school on foot every day./ I walk to school every day. 2. I always remember to turn off the lights, the TV and the fans when I leave the classroom. 3. When I am not using wate

9、r, I always turn off the tap. I often reuse water. for example, when I finish washing the clothes, I use the water to clean the floor and water flowers. 4. I think saving paper is necessary, so I make full use of paper. 5. I use cloth bags instead of plastic bags when I go shopping.,为了衔接紧密和避免逐条翻译的嫌疑

10、,可 以在适当的地方添加事例或紧密相连的话, 然后连成句。,加:加首尾,使文章结构完整。可以采用总分总,分总结构。开头应注意简洁,最好采用开门见山的形式,结尾应注意与题目或开头相呼应,并且要紧扣主题。,书面表达第三步:加,My name is Li Ming. I am a middle school student. I like having a low-carbon life. 结尾:Its important for us to protect the environment. Its important for us to live a low-carbon life to prot

11、ect the environment.,开头:,(比较),连:恰当运用连接词,使文章层次清晰,各部分衔接自然。,书面表达第四步:连,1.When I am not using water, I always turn off the tap. I often reuse water. for example, when I finish washing the clothes, I use the water to clean the floor and water flowers。 2.I think saving paper is necessary, so I make full us

12、e of paper,恰当的连接词,书面表达第五步:美,美:写好词句,美化文章。在有把握的情况下展示自己 的语言功底。 1.I think saving paper is necessary, so I make full use of paper. I make full use of paper because I think saving paper is necessary . 2.She can swim, so can I. She can swim, I can swim, too 3. He helped an old man who was lost yesterday. H

13、e helped an old man yesterday, the old man was lost.,但要注意:一般的同学一定要以写正确/通顺的简单句为最基本要求,切勿一味地追求高水平,反而弄巧成拙。特别是第三句,我们班能正确运用定语从句写句子的人不多。,better,better,查:检查 1 格式是否正确 2 词汇 是否用对 3 是否符合英语习惯表达 4 时态是否正确 5 用主动语态好还是用被动语态好 6 标点是否用对 7人称是否用对 8 主谓是否一致 9 名词的单复数等,书面表达第六步:查,誊:誊写。将检查后的作文整洁 地抄写在横线上 注意:横线就是我们英语作业本的第三条线(基准线)

14、,小写字母 都要穿过这条线。 卷面潦草一定要扣分。,书面表达第七步:誊,f /g /j /p /q /y,My name is Li Ming. I am a middle school student. I like having a low-carbon life. I go to school on foot every day. I always remember to turn off the lights, the TV and the fans when I leave the classroom. When I am not using water, I always turn

15、 off the tap. I often reuse water, for example, when I finish washing the clothes, I use the water to clean the floor and water flowers. I never use plastic bags. I think saving paper is necessary, so I often make full use of paper. Its important for us to live a low-carbon life to protect the envir

16、onment.,a nice head(总),a nice body (分),a nice tail(总),My Low-carbon Life,My name is Li Ming. I am a middle school student.As far as I know,low-carbon life is popular.Do you know what a low-carbon life is?Now let me tell you.,All in all, it is important for us to live a low-carbon life to protect the environment. We should start from ourselves. If everyone can do something to the


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