animals in the zoo (课堂PPT)

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《animals in the zoo (课堂PPT)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《animals in the zoo (课堂PPT)(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1,Animals in the zoo,沪教牛津09版五年级英语下册课件,2,zoo,3,4,kilo,(公斤,千克),Learn:,kilogramme,(Kg),5,kilo,(公斤,千克,),(meat, pears, ),one kilo of hay,Learn:,two kilos of hay,(meat, pears ),three kilos of,kilogramme (Kg),of,6,The elephants eat 50 kilos of hay.,(50kg),7,The eat kilos of .,(10kg),(50kg),8,The eat kilos

2、of .,(50kg),(10kg),(10kg),9,Date:Mar.10 Weather: Cloudy,Im busy every day. At half past six in the morning, I open the gates. After thirty minutes, I clean the cages. At a quarter to eight, I feed the tigers. They eat meat. They eat 10 kilos of meat. At eight oclock, I feed the monkeys.They eat bana

3、nas. They eat 10 kilos of bananas.,At a quarter past eight, I feed the parrots. They eat fruit and corn. They eat 5 kilos of fruit and 3 kilos of corn. At eight thirty, I feed the elephants. They eat hay. They eat 50 kilos of hay. At nine oclock, I feed the horses. They eat hay, too. But they eat 30

4、 kilos of hay. Oh, busy, busy, Im very busy!,10,Read and write:,11,Date:Mar.10 Weather: Cloudy,Im busy every day. At half past six in the morning, I open the gates. After thirty minutes, I clean the cages. At a quarter to eight, I feed the tigers. They eat meat. They eat 10 kilos of meat. At eight o

5、clock, I feed the monkeys.They eat bananas. They eat 10 kilos of bananas.,At a quarter past eight, I feed the parrots. They eat fruit and corn. They eat 5 kilos of fruit and 3 kilos of corn. At eight thirty, I feed the elephants. They eat hay. They eat 50 kilos of hay. At nine oclock, I feed the hor

6、ses. They eat hay. They eat 30 kilos of hay. Oh, busy, busy, Im very busy!,12, Feeding time:, Food:, How much?,Ask and answer:,8:30,hay,50 kilos,Mr Tang, what time do you feed the elephants?,What do they eat?,How much hay do they eat?,(How many kilos of hay do they eat?),They eat 50 kilos of hay.,I

7、feed the elephants at half past eight.,They eat hay.,13,They eat 50 kilos of hay.,How much hay do they eat?,How many kilos of hay do they eat?,Change:,( ?),14,Change:,1. They want 6 kilos of corn.,How much corn do they want?,How many kilos of corn do they want?,How many sweets does she need?,How man

8、y packets of sweets does she need?,( ?),15, Feeding time:, Food:, How much ?,Ask and answer:,8:30,hay,50 kilos,Mr Tang, what time do you feed the elephants?,What do they eat?,How much hay do they eat?,(How many kilos of hay do they eat?),They eat 50 kilos of hay.,I feed the elephants at half past ei

9、ght.,They eat hay.,(How many kilos of?),16, Feeding time:, Food:, How much ?,Ask and answer:,9:00,hay,30 kilos,(How many kilos of?),17,8:00,bananas,10 kilos,Ask and answer:,(How many kilos of?),18,7:45,10 kilos,meat,(How many kilos of ?),Ask and answer:,19, Feeding time:, Food:, How much ?,8:15,frui

10、t & corn,6 kilos &1 kilo,(How many kilos of ?),Ask and answer:,20,8:15,fruit & corn,1 kilo &6 kilos,(How many?),(How many?),(How many?),21,Today, Mr Tang is ill (生病). Now he is in the bed. He cant feed the animals and birds. He worries (担心) about them. What can he do?,22,Timetable,Morning,6:00 Open

11、the gates,6:30 Clean the cages,7:45 Feed the tigers,(10 kilos of meat),8:00 Feed the monkeys,(10 kilos of bananas),8:15 Feed the parrots,(5 kilos of fruit and 3 kilos of corn),8:30 Feed the elephants,(50 kilos of hay),9:00 Feed the horses,(30 kilos of hay),Homework,1. Read Mr Tangs diary.,2. Write a timetable about your daily life.,23,Goodbye,


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