2019年初中英语九年级上册Module7 《Unit2 It is still read and loved》课件

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1、Welcome to our class,Tell me the boys name in the video. Do you know the title of the work?,视频欣赏,The title: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,Unit 2,Unit 7,Great books,It is still read and loved.,adventure get into trouble run away escape cave dead,n. 冒险(经历) 遇上麻烦 逃走;逃跑 v. 逃离;逃脱 n. 洞穴 adj. 死的;去世的,for a ti

2、me neighbour funeral surprised alive southern,一小段时间;一度;一时 n. 邻居 n. 葬礼 adj. 惊奇的;惊讶的 adj. 活着的 adj. 南方的,state pay for action everyday dialogue,n. 州;邦 为付出代价 n. 举止;行为; 情节 adj. 日常的;普通的 n. 对话,接龙,幻灯片上单词或短语出现时,同学应迅速读出。,每人一词,按行/列依次接龙,3秒内说不出,此行/列同学即失去此答题机会,下一行/列同学接续。,suddenly appear,exciting story,have more tr

3、ouble,alive,a bad man,for a time,run away,get into trouble,actions,escape from,Fast reading,Task 1,Task 1,Look through the passage and match.,Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4,A the writers favourite part,C main characters,B the theme of the story,D a brief introduction,简短介绍,Careful re

4、ading,Task 2,1. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is by _. A.Confucius B. Mark Twain C.Shakespeare 2.The storys main characters are _ ( ) A. Tom,Huck Finn . B. Injun Joe. C. Both A and B,Read the paragraph1&2 of the passage and try to answer the questions,1. Tom and Huck didnt feel sorry when they hear t

5、hat everyone thinks they died 2. Everyone is not only surprised to see them but also pleased to find that they are alive. 3. They went to the Island to see their funeral . ( ),Read the paragraph3 of the passage and try to answer the questions,F,T,F,come back home,1.When did Mark Twain write this boo

6、k?,Read the paragraph4 of the passage and try to answer the questions,in 1876,2. What can we know from The Adventure of Tom Sawyer?,We can know how people live in the southern states of America at that time and how young people grow, how people love each other and how bad people pay for their action

7、s.,Now lets enjoy a flash,It tells how young people grow, how people love each other and how bad people pay for their actions.,Mark Twain,St Petersburg in the US,Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn, Injun Joe, Becky,Tom and his friends adventure,It is written in everyday English, and the dialogues sound especiall

8、y real.,Complete the table with the information about The Adventure of Tom Sawyer.,3,P59,Task 2,Find out the key phrases in the letters and discuss in a small group,我最喜欢的书之一_ get into trouble_ run away _ 为付出代价_ 从里逃跑_ for a time_,one of my favourite books,陷入麻烦,逃跑,pay for,escape from,一小段时间;一度;一时,One o

9、f my favourite great books is The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain. The story is set in the town of St Petersburg, Missouri, the US, in the nineteenth century. It tells some exciting stories about a boy who has many adventures. Tom, the hero of the book, lives with his aunt Polly. He is a live

10、ly and clever boy. He does not like people telling him what to do, so he always gets into trouble. He and his best friend, Huck Finn, run away to an island in the middle of the Mississippi River. Tom has more trouble because a bad man named Injun Joe is looking for him. Later, Tom escapes from a cav

11、e with another friend, Becky. He also finds Injun Joes treasure box and takes it away.,My favourite part of the book is when Tom and Huck start their adventures on the island in the Mississippi River. At first, they are happy. But when they hear that everyone thinks they are dead, they feel very sor

12、ry, so they come back home. They hide and watch for a time when they see their family and neighbours coming to their funeral in the church. Then, Tom and Huck suddenly appear. Everyone is surprised to see them at first, but very pleased to find that they are alive. The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is a g

13、reat book. It is more than an adventure story. Mark Twain wrote it in 1876. It describes peoples lives in the southern states of America at that time. It tells how young people grow, how people love each other and how bad people pay for their actions. It is written in everyday English, and the dialo

14、gues sound especially real. Today, it is still read and loved by people all over the world, and it is thought to be one of the greatest American stories.,The story is set in the town of St Petersburg 2. it is still read and loved by people all over the world 3. it is thought to be one of the greates

15、t American stories.,肯定句:主语+am / is / are+动词过去分词(+by+动作执行者),二、 完成句子。 1. 如果你遇到麻烦,我一定站出来帮 助你走出困境。 If you _ Ill step out and help you out. 2. 警察来时小偷已经跑了。 The thief had _ when the policemen came.,get into trouble,run away,3. 他在西班牙住过一段时期。 He lived _ in Spain. 4. 当然,遗失了自行车我愿意赔偿。 Of course, Im quite willing to _ the lost bike.,for a time,pay for,中考链接,一、 单项选择。 1. A lot of trees _ around here every year, and we can enjoy fresher air now. A. were planted B. are planted C. will planted D. are planting,2. What languages _ in that country? German and English. A


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