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1、1,新概念复习一(1-20),2,excuse 原谅 me 我(宾格) yes 是的 is be 动词现在时第三人称单数 this 这 your 你的,你们的 handbag (女用)手提包 pardon 原谅,请再说一遍 it 它 thank you 感谢你(们) very much 非常地,3,umbrella 伞 please 请 here 这里 my 我的 ticket 票 number 号码 five 五 sorry 对不起的 sir 先生 cloakroom 衣帽存放处,4,Mr. 先生 good 好 Miss 小姐 new 新的 student 学生 French 法国人 Ger

2、man 德国人 nice 美好的 meet 遇见 Japanese 日本人 Korean 韩国人 Chinese 中国人 too 也,5,I 我 am be 动词现在时第一人称单数 are be 动词现在时复数 name 名字 what 什么 nationality 国籍 job 工作 keyboard 电脑键盘 operator 操作人员 engineer 工程师,6,hello 喂(表示问候) hi 喂,嗨 how 怎样 well 身体好 fine 美好的 thanks 谢谢 goodbye int. 再见 see 见 whose 谁的 blue 蓝色的 perhaps 大概 white

3、白色的 catch v. 抓住,7,colour 颜色 green 绿色 come 来 upstairs 楼上 smart 时髦的,巧妙的 hat 帽子 same 相同的 lovely 可爱的,秀丽的,8,customs 海关 officer 官员 girl 女孩,姑娘 Danish 丹麦人 friend 朋友 Norwegian 挪威人 passport 护照 brown 棕色的 tourist 旅游者,9,employee 雇员 hard-working 勤奋的 sales 推销员 man 男人 office 办公室 assistant 助手 matter 事情 tired 累,疲乏 bo

4、y 男孩 thirsty 渴 Mum 妈妈(儿语) sit down 坐下 right 好,可以 ice cream 冰淇淋 children 孩子们(child的复数),10,人称代词和物主代词,I,we,you,he,she,it,it,her,him,you,me,its,her,his,your,my,its,hers,his,yours,mine,they,them,you,us,their,your,our,theirs,yours,ours,you,11,一般疑问句: 1、用Yes或No作答的疑问句叫一般疑问句。 2、以be动词、助动词或情态动词开头; 3、往往读升调; Is y

5、our father a teacher? Does Danny like animals? Can Jenny speak French?,一般疑问句和特殊疑问句,12,如何将陈述句变成一般疑问句 :,1.看句中有没有be动词(am、is、 are、 was、 were)或情态动词(can、must、will、may等),如果有,将其提到句首,句末打上问号即可。 It was rainy yesterday. Was it rainy yesterday? Toms father can play the piano. Can Toms father play the piano? I ha

6、ve finished my homework. Have you finished your homework?,13,2、如果句中没有be动词或情态动词,则根据谓语动词的形式借助do的相应形式放在句首。具体方法是:如果谓语动词是原形,则借do;如果谓语动词是一般现在时第三人称单数形式,则借does;如果谓语动词是过去式,则借did. 需要注意的是,借does或did后,原句的谓语动词要变回原形。 They go to school by bike. Do they go to school by bike? Bill gets up at 6:30 every day. Does bill

7、 get up at 6:30 every day? The students saw a film yesterday. Did the students see a film yesterday?,14,陈述句变一般疑问句应注意的事项 :,1.如果陈述句中有第一人称,则变问句时最好要变为第二人称。 例:I usually have lunch at school. Do you usually have lunch at school? 2.如果陈述句中有some, 则变问句时往往要变成any 。 例: There is some water on the playground. Is t

8、here any water on the playground?,15,一般疑问句的回答,1.第一个词:不是Yes就是No 2.第二个词:问谁答谁。即答语中的主语须与问句的主语一致(但必须用主格代词)。 如果主语是 this that,回答时用 it 代替,如果问句中主语these, those,回答时用 they代替。 3.第三个词:用什么问,用什么答。即沿用问句中的引导词。 Can Jim play soccer? Yes, he can./Does Mr Bean speak English? Yes, he does. 需要注意问题:(1).用 may 引导的问句,肯定回答用may,

9、否定回答用 cant 或mustnt,用 must 引导的问句,肯定回答用 must,否定回答用neednt. 4用No开头作否定回答时,结尾要加上 not。,16,His father is an English teacher. 2. These cats are crying. 3. They can swim. 4. I like to read English. 5. I go to school on foot. 6. He likes English. 7. His father goes to work by bus. 8. He is crying under the tre

10、e. 9. His birthday is on the twentieth of November. 10. Mrs. Li and Kitty are in a big shop. 11. Kitty is wearing her new uniform. 12. The boy under the tree is hungry.,17,特殊疑问句,以疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。 常用的疑问词有:what who whose which when where why whom how等 . what time:问时间点 what colour:什么颜色 what we

11、ather:什么天气 what job:什么职业 How fast:多快(速度) How many:多少数量 How long:多长(可用于时间,问做多长时间) How much:多少钱价格 How often:多少次 (问频率)(频率副词) How far:多远路程 How soon:多久 How old:多少岁,18,选择正确的单词填空: (who, where, when) 1._ is that pretty girl? She is my sister. 2._ are Jack and Tom? They are behind you. 3._ do you go to schoo

12、l? I go to school from Monday to Friday. 4._ has a beautiful flower? John has a beautiful flower. 5._ are they? They are my parents. 6._ is my mother? She is in the living room. 7._ are you going? We are going to the bakery(面包坊). 8._ do Jim and Wendy play ball? They play ball in the afternoon. 9._ d

13、oes he job? He jobs in the park. 10._ are you from? Im from Changchun city.,19,就画线部分提问 1.He is my father. 2.They are under the tree. 3.Lily swims in the swimming pool.(游泳池) 4.Superman flies in the sky. 5.Alan likes to play with Bill. 6.Joes father plays football every weekend. 7.The supermarket is n

14、ear the school. 8.The notebook is on the table. 9.The flowers are in the flower pot(花盆). 10.I put the gold fish(金鱼) into the fish tank(鱼缸). 11.Themonkey sleeps at night.,20,s所有格的构成方法 一般情况(包括单数名词和不带词尾-s的复数名词)加 -s: childrens books 儿童图书 todays paper 今天的报纸 (2) 带词尾-s的复数名词只加省字撇 : girls school 女子学校 the Smi

15、ths car 史密斯家的小汽车 (3) 用and连接的并列名词的所有格要分两种情况,即表示各自的所有关系时,要分别在并列名词后加-s,表示共同的所有关系时,只在最后一个名词后加-s: Toms and Jims rooms 汤姆和吉姆(各自)的房间 Tom and Jims room 汤姆和吉姆(共同)的房间,21,用名词所有格表示处所 肉铺叫a butchers but shop ,但通常略写为 a butchers 。 类似情况下的shop, house, office都可以省略: a tailors teil裁缝铺 a hairdressers b:b理发店 a doctors诊所 my sisters我姐姐的家 stationers sten文具店 Tonys托尼的家,22,祈使句 祈使句主要用于提出请求,发出邀请,给予指示、忠告或警告,也可发出命令等。 2祈使句的特点是:一般不出现主语(you),有时为了指明向谁请求或命令,也可以说出主语;动词原形开头;否定式一律在动词前面加 dont。,23,一、英语祈使句的谓语总是用动词原形。 如: Be quiet!别说话! Have a good time. 愿你玩得痛快。 二、肯定祈使句如何变成否定祈使句 祈使句否定式的构成方法是在动词原形前加dont: Dont be late ag



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