八年级下学期英语教学课件:Unit 1《Past and Present》Reading I(牛津译林版)

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1、Unit 1 Past and present Reading (I),Yangzhou has turned into a new modern city.,Yangzhou used to be very old and small.,Yangzhou has changed a lot over the years.,Changes also cause many problems.,Lead-in,water pollution The river was polluted.,The factory put the waste into the river,realize the pr

2、oblems,improve the situation,The river is much cleaner. The air is much fresher.,/i/,/a/,/u/,take action to ,/u:/,know,get married,As Chinese famous poet Li Bai once wrote, “Go to Yangzhou in March, in the mist of the flowers of spring.” The spring in Yangzhou is so beautiful to make it the best sea

3、son to pay a visit. It is also the best season for young people to get married.,My hometownYangzhou,It has turned into a new modern city.,Read the title. Work in pairs and predict (预测) the changes in Sunshine Town.,Pre-readingPrediction,It has changed a lot over the years.,What about Sunshine Town?,

4、If you are a reporter, what questions will you ask about the changes in Sunshine Town?,Questions like: Has the city changed a lot over the years? Whats the population of your city? ,Reading (I) Times have changed,an interviewer,Mr Chen,Read and answer,How many questions does the interviewer ask? Wha

5、t are they?,Interview:,Do you know Sunshine Town very well, Mr Chen? Have you ever moved house? Has the town changed a lot over the years? Was pollution a problem then? Do you think life is better now?,While-reading,Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4,Mr Chens life.,Skimming,Parts,Main ideas,Changes in Suns

6、hine Town,Mr Chens feelings about the changes,Pollution in Sunshine Town,( lines 16 ),( lines 711 ),( lines 1216 ),( lines 1723 ),Read the interview quickly and divide it into 4 parts.,Past,Present,small restaurants and small shops,a post office,a new park a new theatre a large shopping mall,a cinem

7、a,Changes in Sunshine Town (lines 7-11),Scanning,Compare,The pollution was a problem because the _used to _ its waste into the river. Later the government _ the problem and took action to _ the situation. Now the river in Sunshine Town is _ _.,Pollution in Sunshine Town (lines 12-16) Try to fill in

8、the blanks,factory,improve,much,realized,put,cleaner,Scanning,terrible,cleaner,Mr Chens feelings (lines 17-23),Scanning,In some ways:,However:,Retell,Its really nice to ,It has become impossible feel lonely from time to time,Its good to ,Anyway:,I live all alone but I never feel lonely,Read after th

9、e tape loudly,While-reaing,Read in roles,restaurants,had/have,theatre,problem,waste,realized,improve,better,lonely,play,Task-based reading,Practice in pairs. One is a reporter from the TV Station, and the other is a local person.,Post-reading,Make up a new dialogue.Try to ask at least five questions

10、 about the topic.,Topic,Changes in our hometown.,Have an interview,house,transport,Changes,environment,life,population,Do you think life in our hometown is better now?,Group discussion,but feel lonely still much pollution too much traffic,easier more colourful more meaningful,Group discussion,Every coin has two sides. Give more advice on how to improve our city.,1. Listen to the tape after class and read the passage more fluently. 2. Write an article about the changes in our hometown according to the discussion.,Homework,Try our best to build our city,Thanks,


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