冀教版九年级英语上册 UNIT 6 Movies and Theatre 一课一练(基础)(含答案)

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1、UNIT 6Movies and TheatreLesson 31A Movie or a Play1. _ v. 导演;指导;指示2. _ n. 背景;背景资料3. _ n. 任务;工作4. _ n. 导演;院长;校长;主任;负责人5. involve v. _6. script n. _7. costume n. _1. direct_(n. )2. task_(近义词)1. _参加;涉及;卷入2. _ 分配;划分;分割3. _的答案4. _做研究;做调查5. _不同种类的6. _对感兴趣1. 你们大多数人已经在剧院看过电影或戏剧,但你们曾经参与过制作电影或戏剧吗?Most of you

2、have seen movies or plays in a theatre, but have you ever _ _ _ _ a movie or a play?2. 你们认为制作电影或戏剧需要什么?What _ _ _ is needed to make a movie or a play?3. 需要写一个好的剧本。A good script needs to_ _. 4. 做一些调查,决定你们将做什么,然后分配任务。_ _ _, decide what you will make,then_ _ the tasks. 5. 我不知道那些问题的答案。I dont know _ _ _

3、any of those questions. Lesson 32Moving Pictures1. _ n. 法国2. _ n. 几个人(事物);两个人(事物)3. _n. 行动;活动;作用4. effect n. _5. titanic adj. _6. prefer v. _7. fiction n. _8. comedy n. _9. popcorn n. _1. France_(n. 法语)2. action_(v. )3. effect_(v. )4. titanic_(近义词)1. _对有影响2. _一些,几个;一对3. _ 动作影片4. _科幻;科幻小说 5. _放映;上演6.

4、 _和不同1. 简直不敢相信电影仅有100多年的历史。_ _ _ believe movies are just over 100 years old. 2. 但是像互联网或其他类似的技术一样,电影对我们影响如此巨大。But like the Internet or other similar technologies,movies have _ _ _ _ _ _ us. 3. 你知道那些最早的电影拍摄时只有几个人在摄影机前表演吗?Do you know that for those first movies ,only _ _ _ people would act in front of

5、the camera?4. 喜剧使人们笑和感到开心。Comedies _ _ _ and feel happy. 5. 我听说功夫恐龙上映了。 I hear Kung Fu Dinosaur _ _. Lesson 33The Fisherman and the Goldfish()1. _ n. 妻子2. _adj. & n. 灰色(的)3. _ v. 结婚;嫁;娶4. _pron. 无论什么;不管什么5. _pron. 我们的6. goldfish n. _7. net n. _8. God n. _1. wife_(复数)2. ours_(形容词性物主代词)1. _过着贫穷的生活2. _

6、从跳出来3. _继续做某事4. _想要1. 我和我的妻子生活贫困。My wife and I _ _ _ _. 2. 他收回他的网并打开。He pulls out his net and _ _ _. 3. 它说会给我我想要的任何东西。It said it could give me _ _ _ _. 4. 你要了什么?What did you _ _?5. 我怎么嫁了一个这么傻的人!How did I _ such a fool!6. 在背景中能听到海浪的声音。Waves _ _ _ in the background. Lesson 34The Fisherman and the Gold

7、fish ()1. _n. 海岸;海滨2. _n. 手提包3. _ n. 卫兵;看守4. _n. 女王;王后5. _ prep. 在中间;被所围绕6. _ v. 为服务7. _ adj. 疯的;发怒的8. servant n. _9. crash v. _mad_(近义词)1. _灯(熄灭)2. _在海岸上3. _意外地4. _最后;最终1. 妻子正在环顾新房子。The wife is _ _ the new house. 2. 你真傻!_ _ you are!3. 灯灭了。The lights _ _. 4. 我还能为你做什么,渔夫先生?_ _ can I do for you,Mr. Fi

8、sherman?5. 请问你能把我的妻子变成有钱的贵妇人吗?_ _ _ make my wife a rich lady?6. 妻子正穿着漂亮的新衣服坐在仆人和卫兵中间。The wife is wearing beautiful new clothes and sitting _ servants and guards. Lesson 35Theatres Are Fun!1. _adj. 好看的;英俊的2. playwright n. _3. tragedy n. _4. teahouse n. _tragedy _(反义词)1. _为了,以便2. _在某人去的路上3. _同时4. _迫不及

9、待做某事5. _看起来像6. _某一天1. 我在回家的路上看到了新功夫恐龙电影的大海报。I saw a big poster for the new Kung Fu Dinosaur movie _ _ _ home. 2. 为了制作这个戏剧,做了一些调查。Some research was done _ _ _ make the play. 3. 我们了解了一些好的戏剧和著名的剧作家!We _ _ some good plays and famous playwrights!4. 它们全世界闻名。They are _ _ around the world. 5. 曹禺的雷雨和老舍的茶馆在舞台

10、上已经上演很多年了并且如今仍在上演。Cao Yus Thunderstorm and Lao Shes Teahouse have been_ _ for many yearsand still are today. 6. 但是在北京我们确实有一个老舍茶馆。But we _ _ a Lao She Teahouse in Beijing. Lesson 36Making Plays Is Fun_ n. 女演员actress_(对应词)1. _上演2. _的一小部分3. _集中于;聚焦于4. _对满意1. 今天我们完成了我们关于电影和戏剧的两周的学习。Today we finished our _ _of movies and plays. 2. 当我们开始这些课时,我所知道的就是看电影和戏剧很有趣。When we began these lessons,_ _ _ _ _movies and plays are fun to watch. 3. 制作一部电影或上演一个戏剧需要


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