冀教版九年级英语上册 UNIT 4 Stories and Poems一课一练(基础)(含答案)

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1、UNIT 4Stories and PoemsLesson 19A Story or a Poem?1. _ v. 比较2. _n. 章节;段落3. _conj. 虽然,尽管;不过,然而4. _ adj. 胖的;厚的 n. 脂肪;肥肉5. _ adv. 出声地;大声地6. limit v. _7. format n. _8. rhyme n. & v. _9. effort n. _1. although_(同义词)2. fat_(反义词)3. aloud_(adj. )1. _和相比较2. _太多3. _想出;提出4. _考虑;想起1. 布莱恩,你已经完成你的英语家庭作业了吗?_you fi

2、nished your English homework _,Brian?2. 我还没决定写哪一个呢。I havent decided _ _ _write yet. 3. 和诗比起来,故事通常有较长的章节。_ _ poems,stories usually have longer passages. 4. 但是,写故事不像你写诗那样受限制。But a story doesnt limit you _ a poem _. 5. 虽然诗歌用词较少,但写起来不总是容易的。_ a poem has fewer words,its not always easier to write. 6. 如果你考

3、虑它,想出合适的词会花很长的时间。If you think about it,it can take a long time to _ _ _ the right words. Lesson 20Say It in Five1. _n. (诗)行;路线2. _n. 正文;文字材料3. _adj. 单一的,单独的4. _ n. 屏幕;荧光屏5. _ v. 陈述;说明6. _v. 表达7. poet n. _8. hum v. _9. stretch v. _10. liquid adj. & n. _11. noun n. _12. adjective n. _1. _一定数量的2. _在19世

4、纪3. _五行诗4. _总之,简言之1. 每一行都有固定数量的单词。Each line has _ _ _ _ words. 2. 这类诗总是谈论单一的主题。This kind of poem always talks about _ _ _. 3. 我们再看另外两首诗作为例子。Lets look at _ _ poems as examples. 4. 下面是你自己写五行诗的方法。Here is how you can write your own _ _. 5. 用一个词说明诗歌的主题。_ _ _,state the topic of your poem. 6. 这种风格是一位美国诗人于1

5、9世纪创造的。This style was _ _ _ _ _ by an American poet. Lesson 21The Fable of the Woodcutter1. _adj. & n. 银(的)2. fable n. _3. woodcutter n. _4. axe n. _5. dive v. _6. admit v. _7. policy n. _dive_(过去式)_(过去分词)1. _ 谋生2. _跳入中3. _再一次4. _带回;还回1. 他只有一把斧头,他需要用它来维持生活。He had only one axe,and he needed it to _ _

6、 _. 2. 精灵跳入湖中并带回一把金斧头。The spirit _ _ the lake and _ _ a gold axe. 3. 因为他很诚实,他向精灵实话实说这不是他的斧头。Because he was honest,he _ _ the spirit that it wasnt his axe. 4. 精灵对伐木工的诚实如此满意,以至于她把另外两把斧头作为礼物送给了这位伐木工。The spirit was _ _ _the woodcutters honesty _ she gave him the other two axes as presents. 5. 诚为上策。Hones

7、ty truly is the best_. 6. 一天当他正在湖边砍柴时,他的斧头掉进了水里。One day, when _ _ _ _ beside a lake,he lost his axe in the water. esson 22The Giant ()1. _ adj. 大声的;喧哗的2. _n. 板;木板3. _adj. 醒着的4. _ n. 音乐家;乐师5. _ adv. 也许;可能6. frightened adj. _1. loud_(adv. )2. awake_(v. )3. perhaps_(近义词)1. _从前2. _逃跑3. _不再;不复4. _走过;经过5.

8、 _充满6. _大声地1. 从前有一个美丽的大花园。_ _ _ _,there was a large,lovely garden. 2. 花园的树上落满了唱歌的鸟儿。Its trees _ _ _singing birds. 3. 他们都跑开了,不敢回来。They_ _ and dared not come back. 4. 这些可怜的孩子们再也没有玩的地方了。The poor children _ _ had a place to play. 5. 当他通过窗户看到他冰冻的、白色的花园时感到很难过。He felt sad as he _ _ the window at his frozen

9、,white garden. 6. 他认为这肯定是国王的乐师们路过。He thought it must be the kings musicians _ _. Lesson 23The Giant()1. _v. 敲;敲打;碰撞2. _ v. 张开;扩展3. _n. 脖子4. peek v. _5. softly adv. _6. scene n. _7. crawl v. _8. selfish adj. _9. wicked adj. _1. softly_(adj. )2. spread_(过去式)_(过去分词)1. _拆除;击倒;撞到2. _立刻3. _盛开;怒放4. _伸出;伸开5

10、. _自从;从起;自以后6. _作出决定7. _自言自语8. _使某人惊讶的是9. _关心,在乎10. _和一起1. 巨人作出了决定,并走出去到了他的花园。The giant _ _ _ and went out to his garden. 2. 当孩子们看到巨人时,他们很害怕以至于都跑了,花园又变成冬天了。When the children saw the giant,they were _ _ _ they all ran away,and the garden turned to winter again. 3. 树马上就开花了。At once the tree _ _ _ _. 4. 当其他孩子们看到巨人不再邪恶,他们跑了回来。When the other children saw the giant was _ _wicked,they came running back. 5. 从那时起,巨人的花园就成了孩子们的游乐场。_ _then, the giants garden has been a childrens playground. Lesson 24Writing a Poem1.



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