冀教版九年级英语上册 UNIT 2 Great People 一课一练(基础)(含答案)

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1、UNIT 2Great PeopleLesson 7What Is the Meaning of Life?1. _ n. 意义;意思2. _ n. 对话;对白3. _adj. 获得成功的;有成就的4. _ adj. 缺少的;丢失的5. _v. & n. 调查6. _ n. 邻居1. meaning_(v. )2. successful_(n. )_(v. )3. missing_(v. )1. _深思;沉思2. _在方面成功;顺利完成3. _对友好4. _写下,记下1. 历史课结束后,李明坐在教室里,陷入了沉思。After the history class, Li Ming sits in

2、 the classroom,_ _ _. 2. 我们怎样才能在生活中成功?And how can we _ _ _?3. 我不确定如何回答它们,但我觉得我们应该尽我们最大的努力去过幸福快乐的生活。Im not sure _ _answer them, but I think we should _ _ _ to live a good and happy life. 4. 我爸爸总说我们应该对他人友好。My dad always says that we should _ _ _ _. 5. 好像缺少点什么。It _ _something is _. 6. 让我们把这些问题写下来吧,然后调查

3、我们的父母、朋友和邻居的想法。Lets_these questions_and then survey our parents, friends and neighbours about their thoughts. Lesson 8A Universe of Thought1. _ v. 解决;解答2. _ n. 先锋;先驱3. universe n. _4. lifetime n. _5. theory n. _6. relativity n. _7. Switzerland _8. nuclear adj. _9. weapon n. _10. conclusion n. _11. f

4、alse adj. _1. conclusion_(v. )2. false _(反义词)1. _继续2. _在领域3. _(婉辞)逝世4. _向学习5. _因而著名6. _停止做某事7. _放弃8. _犯错误1. 艾伯特爱因斯坦是上个世纪才智出众的人之一。Albert Einstein was _ _ _ _ _ of the last century. 2. 爱因斯坦因他的相对论而闻名遐迩。Einstein _ _ _ _ his Theory of Relativity. 3. 他毕业后,继续在瑞士研究物理学。_ he finished school, he _ _ _ _ physic

5、s in Switzerland. 4. 在他去世前,他签署了他的最后一封信。He signed his last letter _ he _ _. 5. 重要的事情是不要停止问问题。The important thing is not to _ _. 6. 一个从不犯错误的人从来都没有尝试任何新事物。Anyone_ has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. Lesson 9Chinas Most Famous “Farmer”1. _ n. 采用;引进;推行2. _ n. 领导者;领袖3. _v. 出产;生产4. peanu

6、t n. _5. hybrid adj. _ n. _6. variety n. _7. production n. _8. super adj. _1. introduction_(v. )2. leader_(v. )3. production_(v. )1. _从那时开始2. _同一起3. _和一样4. _从事于;致力于5. _想出;提出6. _因为;由于1. 在梦里他种植了一种新型的水稻,这种新型水稻的稻粒和花生粒一样大。In the dream, he grew a new type of rice that was _ _ _ a peanut. 2. 在20世纪60年代,从大学农

7、业系毕业几年后,他提出了杂交水稻的想法。_ _ _,a few years after he finished his studies in agriculture at university, he _ _ _an idea for hybrid rice. 3. 从那时起,他就花大量时间来研究和开发新品种。_ _,he _ _ much of his time researching and developing new varieties. 4. 1973年,和其他科学家一起,他成功研发出了杂交水稻。 In 1973, _ _ other scientists, he _ _develo

8、ping hybrid rice. 5. 因为这个原因,他作为“杂交水稻之父”而出名。For this, he _ _ _ the“Father of Hybrid Rice”. Lesson 10Touch the World1. _n. 作家2. _ adj. 失明的;瞎的3. _adj. 失聪的;聋的4. _n. 疾病5. _n. 能力6. _ n. 进步;进展7. _ n. 社区;社会8. planetary adj. _9. educator n. _10. greatly adv. _1. writer_(v. )2. illness_(adj. )3. educator _(v.

9、 )4. ability_(adj. )5. greatly _(adj. )6. planetary_(n. ) 1. _取得很大进步2. _听说3. _起初;开始4. _在岁时1. 海伦凯勒著名的作家和教育家,昨天逝世,享年88岁。Helen Keller, the wellknown writer and educator, died yesterday _ _ _ _88. 2. 在她失去视觉和听觉后,她变得难以相处,并且很暴躁。After she lost her _ _ _ _ _, she became difficult and wild. 3. 随着海伦逐渐长大,她取得了很大

10、进步并学会了读书。As Helen grew older, she _ _ _ _ _ and learned to read. 4. 她竭尽全力来帮助社区里的其他失聪者或盲人。She _ _ _ _help others in the community who were deaf or blind. 5. 她尽力让自己的生活没有遗憾。She tried to live her life _ _ _. Lesson 11To China,with Love1. _v. 仍然是;保持不变2. _adj. 医学的;医疗的3. _adj. & adv. 最坏的(地);最糟的(地)4. _n. 环境;条件;状态,状况5. _ n. 政府6. _n. 决定7. graduate v. _8. antiprefix _9. aid n. _10. operate v. _1. decision_(v. )2. worst_(比较级)_(原级)3. graduate_(n. )4. operate_(n. )1. _ 仍在使用2. _


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