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1、PEP小学英语四年级上册,Unit1 My Classroom,B Read and write,Lets do,Lets review,Look! I have a new classroom. It is _. I see . The _is near the _. The _is.,Memory challenge,-Where is? -Its in/on/under.,Look and say,-Whats in Sarah and Zhang Pengs classroom? -.,Read and tick(V) or cross(X),Tips:Read ,find and c

2、ircle the key words. (读句子,看图,圈出关键词。),1. Where is the green book? It is under the teachers desk.,2. Where is the kite? It is near the window.,3. Where is the picture? It is near the kite.,4. Where is the blue pencil box? It is on the floor.,Read and tick(V) or cross(X),1. Where is the green book? It

3、is under the teachers desk.,2. Where is the kite? It is near the window.,3. Where is the picture? It is near the kite.,4. Where is the blue pencil box? It is on the floor.,(x),(v),(x),(v),on,bag,Tips : Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. ( 注意语音、语调。),Listen and imitate. (听音仿读。),-What

4、about their (他们的) classroom? -.,Its messy.,Lets say,A.clean,B.messy,Its messy.,Its messy.,-What about Zhang Pengs study(书房)? Whats in it?,Look and say,-One window,one desk,one computer .,Look, choose and write,-Where is the?,desk,chair,window,window desk chair floor wall door,Tips: 书写字母时,注意字母的书写格式和笔

5、顺;书写单词时,注意字母之间的距离要适中;句子中,单词与单词之间要留出一两个字母的距离。,-What about Zhang Pengs study? -.,Lets say,Its messy,too.,My dream classroom(梦想教室),Its nice and clean. The board is near the shelf(书架) .Many books are on the shelf. Many desks are near the chairs.,Lets say,-What about your dream classroom? -.,Where is the _? Its in/on/under the_.,Ask and write,window,desk,chair,floor,wall,door,-What about your dream classroom? -.,Keep our room tidy and clean! Make our room beautiful. (保持房间整洁、干净),Homework,Listen to the tape and imitate. 2.Make a mini book(教室、客厅、书房等) and talk about it.,


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