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1、REVISIONUnit1Unit6,Unit 1,一、重点词汇 听、说、读、写描述人的体貌特征及性格特点的形容词:tall,short,strong,old,young,thin,kind,smart,active,strict,funny,quiet等,并能在交际中运用。,二、重要句型 听、说、读、写以下句型,能够运用这些句型询问并介绍学校里老师的情况。 (1)WhosyourEnglishteacher? MrWang (2)Whatshelike? Heistallandstrong Whatsshelike? Sheisfunny (3)Isshequiet? No,sheisntS

2、heisveryactive Isshestrict? Yes,heis,butheisverykind,三、语言要点 (1)but的意思为“但是”,表示转折。 (2)Whatshelike?句中like为介词,意思为“像”,整句意思为“他人怎么样?” Ilikehim句中like为动词,意思为“喜欢”,整句意思为“我喜欢他”。,Unit2MyDaysoftheWeek,一、重点词汇 听、说、读、写单词:Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday;词组:dohomework,watchTV,readbooks等,并能在交际中

3、运用。,二、重要句型 听、说、读、写以下句型,简单描述一周内的学习课程及个人周末的安排: (1)Whatdayisittoday? ItsWednesday (2)WhatdoyouhaveonThursdays? WehaveEnglish,math,andscienceonThursdays (3)WhatdoyoudoonSaturdays? IwatchTVonSaturdaysWhataboutyou? Idomyhomework,三、语言要点 (1)注意单词Tuesday和Thursday发音与书写的区别。 (2)Whatdayisittoday?这一句型表示今天星期几。还可以用句

4、型Whatdayistoday?来表示。 (3)“做家庭作业”译为dohomework或dooneshomework均可。,Unit3Whatsyourfavouritefood?,一、重点词汇 听、说、读、写有关食物的单词和描述味道的词语:tomato,fish,potato,eggplant,tofu,grape,greenbeans,fruit,sweet,tasty,fresh,sour,salty等,并能在实际情景中运用。,二、重要句型 听、说、读、写以下句型,能够运用这些句型询问三餐所吃的食物,回答最喜欢或最不喜欢的食物,并说明原因。 (1)Whatdoyouhaveforlunc

5、honMondays? (2)Whatsyourfavouritefruit? IdlikeapplesbestBecausetheyaresweet.,三、语言要点 (1)正确区别以下两句的不同含义: “Whatwouldyoulikeforlunch?”and“Whatdoyouhaveforlunch?” (2)了解名词的单复数形式。,Unit4Whatcanyoudo?,一、重点词汇 听、说、读、写表达家务劳动的短语:cookthemeals,waterthe flowers,sweepthefloor,cleanthebedroom,setthetable,makethebed,wa

6、shtheclothes,dothedishes,useacomputer等,并能在交际中使用。,二、重要句型 听、说、读、写以下句型,并能够运用这些句型介绍自己做家务的情况。 (1)Whatcanyoudo? Icancookthemeals. (2)Canyoumakethebed? Yes,Ican.No,Icant.,三、语言要点 (1)OK,justdoit. (2)Idliketohaveatry.,Unit5Mynewroom,一、重点词汇 听、说、读、写描述家具陈设的名称的单词:curtain,closet,mirror,bedroom,kitchen,bathroom,短语:

7、trashbin,endtable,livingroom;以及表示方位的介词:in,on,under,near,behind,over等。,二、重要句型 听、说、读、写以下句型,能够运用这些句型简单描述家具陈设的名称、数量及位置等。 (1)Therearetwobedrooms,akitchen,abathroom,andalivingroom. (2)Thereisamirror,abedandabigcloset. (3)Theclosetisnearthetable. (4)Manyclothesareinthecloset. (5)Thetrashbinisbehindthedoor.

8、,三、语言要点 Therebe句型的就近原则。,Unit6Inthenaturepark,一、重点词汇 听、说、读、写描述自然公园和村庄的词汇:grass,flower,river,lake,forest,path,park,building,bridge,house,road,tree等,并能在交际中运用。,二、重要句型 听、说、读、写以下句型,并能够运用这些句型询问自然公园及村庄的基本情况并作答。 (1)Isthereaforestinthepark? Yes,thereis.No,thereisnt. (2)Arethereanypandasinthemountain? Yes,ther

9、eare.No,therearent.,一.Fill in the blanks填入所缺字母,完成单词。(10分) 1.河流r _ v _ r 2.树 tr _ _ 3.森林 f _ r _ s _ t 4.花 fl _ _ er 5.房子 h _ _ se 6.建筑物bu _ _ ding 7.公园 p _ _ k 8.公路 r _ _ d 9.桥 bri _ _ e 10. 小路_ _ _ _ 二用所给的词填空,组成与汉语意思相符的词组。(9分) holiday nature tall blue home clean wash sky air 1.自然公园 _ park 2.高楼 _ bu

10、ildings 3.假期照片_ _ 4.在家里at_ 5. 蓝天_ _ 6. 清新的空气 _ _,三、Write sentences连词组句。(10分) 1.there, Is, river, farm, the, a, in _? 2.There, many, flowers, in are, lake, the _. 3.any, in, the, Are, there, dogs, forest _? 4.many, There, bridges, my, are, in, village _?,四、Fill in the blanks根据汉语完成句子 1、河里有一条鱼。 There i

11、s a in the . 2、村庄里有片森林吗?不,没有 there a in the village? No,there isnt. 3、床上有一本书吗?不,没有。 Is there a book on the bed? No, _. 4、城市里有许多长的桥吗? Are there long _ in the city? Yes, _.,五、Choose选择填空。(6分) ( )1._ a flower in the house? A. Is there B. Are there C. There is D. There are ( )2.Is there a cloud in the sk

12、y? -_ . A. No, there arent B. Yes, there are C. Yes, there is D. No, there is ( ) 3.Are there any fish in the river? -_ . A. No, there isnt. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there are. D. No, there are.,( ) 4._ two flowers on the desk? A. Is B. Am C. Are D. Are there ( )5.The bridge is the river. A. in B. on C. over D. in front of ( )6.There are tall buildings in the village. A. any B. an C. many D. a,Goodbye,



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