七年级英语英语教学课件:Unit 7《How much are these socks》(第1课时)Section A(1a-1c)(人教新目标版上册)

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七年级英语英语教学课件:Unit 7《How much are these socks》(第1课时)Section A(1a-1c)(人教新目标版上册)_第1页
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《七年级英语英语教学课件:Unit 7《How much are these socks》(第1课时)Section A(1a-1c)(人教新目标版上册)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语英语教学课件:Unit 7《How much are these socks》(第1课时)Section A(1a-1c)(人教新目标版上册)(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7How much are these socks?,第一课时Section A (1a1c),dollar可数名词,意为“美元”。dollar是美国、加拿大等国的货币单位,符号为$。中国货币的基本单位是“yuan”,符号为¥,没有复数形式。 如:3 dollars 三美元 3 yuan 三元 如果物品是成双成对的或由两部分组成时,通常是以复数的形式出现。 如:trousers裤子,shorts短裤,socks袜子,shoes鞋子,glasses眼镜。 当用它们作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,其前不能用a,this等修饰单数名词的冠词和代词,但它们和a pair of .(一双,条,副

2、)连用作主语时,谓语动词根据pair的数来变化。 如:The trousers are white.这裤子是白色的。 The pair of trousers is white.这条裤子是白色的。,How much is this Tshirt?这件T恤衫多少钱? Its seven dollars.7美元。 How much可以用来询问价钱。若询问的东西是不可数名词或可数名词的单数时,谓语动词用单数;当所询问的东西是可数名词复数时,谓语动词用复数。 How much还可以用来询问不可数名词的数量。 【拓展】询问商品价格的句型还有:Whats the price of主语?的价格是多少? 如:

3、How much is this skirt?Whats the price of this skirt?这件衬衣多少钱?,一、根据图片提示完成下列句子。 ,1题图) ,2题图) ,3题图) ,4题图) ,5题图) 1Are these _ yours? No,they arent. Theyre Toms. 2What color is her_? 3Is this your_? 4Where are my_? Theyre on the bed. 5How much is this_? 50 dollars.,shoes,skirt,Tshirt,socks,sweater,二、单项选择。

4、 ( )6.How much _ the trousers? _ twenty dollars. Ais;ItsBare;ItsCare;Theyre ( )7._ the socks $2? Yes,they _. AAre;do BIs;is CAre;are ( )8.My Tshirt _ white and my trousers _ yellow. Ais;is Bare;is Cis;are ( )9.One hat is six dollars,so two hats are _ dollars. Aeleven Btwelve Cthirteen,C,C,C,B,三、从方框中

5、选择下列句子的正确应答语。 ( )10.What color is the sweater? ( )11.How much is the skirt? ( )12.Do you like yellow? ( )13.Are these your socks? ( )14.How much are these shirts? ANo,I dont. BIts yellow. CIts $30. DTheyre $30. EYes,they are.,B,C,A,E,D,四、对下列句子的画线部分提问。 15These are my_socks _ 16I like white_sweaters _ you like? 17My bag is yellow_and_black _ is _ bag? 18The blue skirt is 20_dollars _ is the blue skirt?,What are these?,What do,What color,your,How much,


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