MPA专业英语考试说明与复习资料(修改版,请勿外传) 2017年冬

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《MPA专业英语考试说明与复习资料(修改版,请勿外传) 2017年冬》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《MPA专业英语考试说明与复习资料(修改版,请勿外传) 2017年冬(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、MPA专业英语考试说明与复习资料(2017-2018第一学期)(仅供参考,请勿外传)第一部分:关于考试(1) 考试时间与地点2018年1月13日 18:00-20:00 济南大学西校区 4教413(二)题型、分值与说明:Part1:Translate the following professional expressions into Chinese ( 20) 这部分有15个专业术语或词组Part 2:Translate the following professional expressions into English(20)这部分有15个中文专业术语,切记多练习,不要漏字母Part

2、3: Reading comprehension. ( 20)这部分为2段课外阅读理解,10道选择题,为国家英语考试四级水平。Part 4:Translate the following sentences into Chinese(20)这部分内容有5段英文,其中4段为教材中的段落,1段为课外。直译或意译均可,一定要翻译出核心要义与关键术语,尽量做到信、雅、达。Part 5: Directions. For this part,you are allowed to write an essay based on the subject ( ). You should write at lea

3、st 100 words but no more than l50 words. (20)这部分会从以下4个主题中出1个主题,请各位提前练习英文和背诵万能句型。Good Government ;The Responsibility of the GovernmentGovernance of Corruption;How to control traffic jams第二部分:复习资料第二章With decades of hard work, socialism with Chinese characteristics has crossed the threshold into a new

4、era. This is a new historic juncture in Chinas development.This new era will be an era of building on past successes to further advance our cause, and of continuing in a new historical context to strive for the success of socialism with Chinese characteristics.It will be an era of securing a decisiv

5、e victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and of moving on to all-out efforts to build a great modern socialist country.经过长期努力,中国特色社会主义进入了新时代,这是我国发展新的历史方位。这个新时代,是承前启后、继往开来、在新的历史条件下继续夺取中国特色社会主义伟大胜利的时代,是决胜全面建成小康社会、进而全面建设社会主义现代化强国的时代。 It makes clear that the principal contr

6、adiction facing Chinese society in the new era is that between unbalanced and inadequate development and the peoples ever-growing needs for a better life. We must therefore continue commitment to our people-centered philosophy of development, and work to promote well-rounded human development and co

7、mmon prosperity for everyone.It makes clear that the overall plan for building socialism with Chinese characteristics is the five-sphere integrated plan, and the overall strategy is the four-pronged comprehensive strategy. It highlights the importance of fostering stronger confidence in the path, th

8、eory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics.It makes clear that the overall goal of deepening reform in every field is to improve and develop the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and modernize Chinas system and capacity for governance. 明确新时代我国社会主要矛盾是人民日益增长的美好生

9、活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾,必须坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,不断促进人的全面发展、全体人民共同富裕。明确中国特色社会主义事业总体布局是“五位一体”、战略布局是“四个全面”,强调坚定道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信。明确全面深化改革总目标是完善和发展中国特色社会主义制度、推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。It makes clear that the defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the leadership of the Communist Party of China; the gr

10、eatest strength of the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the leadership of the Communist Party of China; the Party is the highest force for political leadership. The Thought sets forth the general requirements for Party building in the new era and underlines the importance of polit

11、ical work in Party building. 明确中国特色社会主义最本质的特征是中国共产党领导,中国特色社会主义制度的最大优势是中国共产党领导,党是最高政治领导力量,提出新时代党的建设总要求,突出政治建设在党的建设中的重要地位。第三章公共行为 public activity 市场化 marketize 私有部门 private sector 调控 regulate 公共管理Public Administration(management)自由市场模式 model of the free market 公共政策public policy 市场机制market mechanism 市场

12、失灵market failure 法律法规law and order 国防national defence 医疗卫生hospitals and health care 社会福利服务welfare services 公共交通public transport 私人物品 private goods 公共物品 public goods 非排他性 non-excludable 政府供应/政府援助 government provision/assistance武装部队armed force 健康保险health insurance风险评估assess the risk 政府参与 government in

13、volvement外部性 externality 市场交易 market transaction 溢出效应spill-over effect政府管制(调控)government regulation 自然垄断 natural monopoly 私有化 privatization 信息不完美 imperfect information信息不对称 asymmetric information 道德危机 moral hazard 制定法律基础 establishing a foundation of law 保护弱势群体protecting the vulnerable 集体冲突的决议与调整the

14、resolution and adjustment of group conflicts自由放任经济时代 the time of laissez-faire economics基本制度 basic institution 财产权 property right 合同的执行 the enforcement of contract 追求正义 in pursuance of justice政府监管government monitor 控制工资 control over wages贫困 poverty 失业 unemployment 预算 budget 货币政策 monetary policyAltho

15、ugh the sale of goods and services is the basis of a capitalist society, there are some circumstances where markets may not provide all the goods and services that are desired, or may do so in ways which adversely affect the society as a whole.The market mechanism alone cannot perform all economic functions; public policy is needed to guide, correct, and supplement it in certain respects.尽管资本主义社会以产品和服务销售为基础,但在某一些情况下,市场不能提供人们所需要的所有产品与服务,或者说即便市场能提供所有的产品与服务,也必然会给社会带来消极影响。市场机制本身不可能发挥所有的经济功能,在某些方面,公共政策需要引导、修正和补充市场经济。Market failure is one way in which government action can be justified. Some


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