高中英语课件 选修7 Module 1《 Basketball》

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《高中英语课件 选修7 Module 1《 Basketball》》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语课件 选修7 Module 1《 Basketball》(83页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、考题在线 (2010青岛市高三期中练习) 改革开放三十年来,我国发生了翻天覆地的变化,请你举出你家中的一两件喜事(如购新车、升学等)和国内发生的一两件大事(如奥运会的成功举办、“神七”发射成功等),以此来表达你的喜悦和自豪之情,并谈谈你的感想。 注意:1.可以用你熟悉的其他事例,可适当增加细节,以使文章连贯、完整; 2.词数在120150之间。 _,佳作诵读,.高频单词点击 (用所给单词的适当形式填空) 1Mary _(deserve) to win this contest because she is the best among them. 答案:deserves 2The secret

2、ary has left, so you must _(appoint) a new one as soon as possible. 答案:appoint,3When the dog attacked me, I _(defend) myself with a stick. 答案:defended 4I must _(apology);I was wrong. 答案:apologise 5The cut on his forehead was _(bleed) again. 答案:bleeding 6_(complicate) problems are not easy to solve.

3、答案:Complicated,7He _(attend) the important conference the other day. 答案:attended 8_(base) on the story,he wrote a novel. 答案:Based 9Further information can be _(obtain) from our head office. 答案:obtained 10This coat comes in _(vary) colors. 答案:various,.重点短语回顾 1在历史上 2 平均为 3 对粗鲁 4 吸引某人的注意 5 占有 6 以为基础,in

4、 the history of,with an average of,be rude to,draw sb.s attention to,take possession of,be based on,.常用句式必备 1But there is no doubt that he deserves the title“outstanding player of his generation” 信息提取 there is no doubt that “毫无疑问”。 例句仿写毫无疑问他一定会来。 hell come.,There is no doubt that,2To do this ,he tol

5、d Yao to be more aggressive and, if necessary, to be rude to his teammates. 信息提取 if necessary 为 if it is necessary 的省略。 例句仿写如果有必要的话,我将带上3000元。 ,Ill take 3,000 yuan on me.,If necessary,3Im not quite used to it yet. 信息提取 be used to 表示“习惯于;适应于”。 例句仿写他已经习惯了做艰苦的工作。 He working hard.,has been used to,4破解疑难

6、句,.交际用语必背 1 when I saw Yao Ming play basketball for the first time. 我第一次看到姚明打篮球时,我感到吃惊。 2Our team lost the match. 我们队输了比赛所以我们很失望。,so we were very disappointed,I was amazed,3Im looking forward to .盼尽早函复。 4 at the end of the game. 在比赛最后两队都筋疲力竭了。,receiving your reply as soon,as possible,Both teams were

7、 exhausted,1,defend v防守,防护,防卫,防御,辩护,(1)defend sb./sth.(from/against.) 保卫某人/某物(免遭) (3)defender n 防卫者;辩护者,(2),defence n. 防卫,防守;辩护 come to sb.s defence 帮助(保护)某人 in defence 为了保卫;辩护,She had to defend herself against the guard dog. 她不得不防备那条看门狗。 What points can be raised _ this argument? 有什么论点能够提出来为这个说法辩护呢

8、? Several people witnessed the attack, but no one . 有好几个人目睹了这次袭击事件,但是没人站出来帮助她。,in defence of,came to,her defence,1Many people in the region believe that one should eat garlic(大蒜) every day to _disease. AdefendBprotect Cguard Dprevent 解析:句意:这个地区的很多人相信每天吃大蒜会防止疾病。 prevent 防止,阻碍,阻止,符合句意。 defend 防卫;prote

9、ct 保护;guard 警戒,警卫。 答案:D,2,hold v拿,握;保持;占据;阻止; 容纳;举行n.抓,握,We always hold together in times of crisis. 我们在危难中总是团结一致。 This room can fifty people. 这个房间可以容纳五十人。,hold,(2)take/catch/get hold of 抓住;得到,(1),hold to坚持(原则,方向);紧握 hold on to 紧紧抓住;守住,保住,We must the principles of justice. 我们必须坚持正义的原则。 He held on to

10、 the rope,and slipped down the cliff slowly. 他紧紧抓住绳索,慢慢向悬崖下滑去。,hold to,2(2010湖北黄冈中学一模)There was a big hole in the road which_ the traffic. Atook upBbrought back Ckept back Dheld up 解析:句意:公路上有一个大坑,阻断了交通。hold up 阻碍或延误;take up 占时间、空间,从事;bring back 拿回来,使回忆起来,使恢复;keep back 落在后面,阻止,隐瞒,扣留。 答案:D,3,attend vt

11、. 上(学);照顾;护理;出席;参加,attend school/classes上学/课 attend a meeting/conference/lecture 出席会议/听演讲 attend church 去教堂 attend to 专心,注意;接待,招待 be attended by 由陪同;由照料 attend on 照顾;照料,He did not come here in order to attend the meeting. 他来这里绝不是要参加会议的。 He insisted that we (should) . 他坚持要我们参加这次讲座。 Since I am busy,wo

12、uld you the matter for me? 因为我忙,你能代我处理这件事吗? Jane has been her sick mother for years. Jane多年来一直在照料她那有病的母亲。,attend the lecture,attend to,attending on,(1)attend 指出席会议、参加仪式和婚礼、上学、听报告、听演讲等。 (2)join 多指加入组织、团体、党派等,有作为其中一员的含义。join sb.表示和某人一起参加某活动。 (3)join in 指参加某项游戏、活动、讨论等,in 为介词或副词,常用于 join sb. in(doing) s

13、th.的结构。,attend,join,join in,take part in,(4)take part in 多指参加和参与群众性的活动、运动、会议及战争等,含有以主人翁的态度加入其中并发挥一定作用的意思。,以练促记 用join/join in/take part in填空 He the army in 1945 and the Party the next year. 在1945年他参军,第二年入的党。 Lets and give them a warm welcome. 让我们一同给他们一个热烈的欢迎。 He will a chess match next week. 下周他将参加国际

14、象棋比赛。,joined,joined,join in,take part in,3How do you like the regulations of our school? The regulations are strict with the students and they require that students_at least 90 percent of the lectures. Awill attendBwill take part in Cshould attend Dshould take part in 解析:require 接从句时,从句应用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用

15、(should)动词原形。“听课”应用attend。take part in 指参加某一活动、运动等。 答案:C,4,deserve v应得;值得 Congratulations again on your promotion.You deserve it. 再度恭喜你高升。你是得之无愧的。 Dont let him get round you! He doesnt _ . 不要让他说服你,他不值得你帮助。,deserve your,help,deserve to do 值得做;应该做 deserve doingdeserve to be done 值得(被)做 deserve attention/consideration 值得注意/考虑 get what you deserve 罪有应得,You deserve to be happy for all the good things you do. 你做的这些好事定会给你带来幸福。 I think they.I think they .我想他们值得庆贺。,deserve to be congratulated,deserve congratulating,4(2010河南省确山高一期末)After all the harm she has done,she _whatever she


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