《金版新学案》山东省高考英语 Module 5 Cloning总复习 外研版选修6

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1、选修6Module 5Cloning.单项填空1(2011长沙模拟)The couple are at the same age,but_,the husband looks much older than his wife.Ain additionBin realityCin contrast Din detail2I didnt mean_anything,but those apples looked so good that I couldnt resist_one.Ato eat;trying Bto eat;to tryCeating;trying Deating;to try3H

2、ow about your journey to Mount Emei?Everything was wonderful except that our car_twice on the way.Aslowed down Bbroke downCgot down Dput down4Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have_.So am IThey seemed very happy together when I last saw them.Abroken up Bfinished upCdivided up Dclosed up5The doc

3、tor thought that Jenny might_from having the opportunity to discuss her worries with someone outside the family.Again BgatherCbenefit Dearn6_writing the article,the author forgot that he had a meeting to attend.AAbsorbed in BAbsorbing atCTo absorb in DHaving absorbed by7Doctors did what they could t

4、o cure the patient_his special disease.Afor BofCwith Don8Look at the cake Ive made!If only I_the instructions!Afollowed Bwould followChad followed Dshould follow9Jenny said she was_by the programme in the TV,so she turned it off.Adisgusted BattractedCdisgusting Dattracting10The children should learn

5、 to_their parents_the close friends of their,which is also the expectation of the parents.Aregard;with Btreat;asCconsider;for Dthink;of11Nobody dared to save the little child in the house because the fire_,but I went in.Agot out of control Bgot over controlCbecame in control Dwas under control12A bo

6、y named Tom_you all day,and each time he says he has something urgent to tell you.Oh,Ill call him back soon.Aphones Bhad phonedChas been phoning Dphoned13While_the matter,the students got very excited in the class.Adiscussing BdiscussedCwere discussing Dbeing discussed14Our system needs to be_enough

7、 to cater for the different needs of people.Abeneficial BcompulsoryCflexible Dcomplex15I failed in the exam again.How I wish I_my parents advice to study hard.Atook BtakeCwould take Dhad taken.阅读理解(2011长沙模拟)The United States is one of the few countries in the world that has an official day on which

8、fathers are honored by their children.On the third Sunday in June,fathers all across the United States are given presents,treated to dinner or otherwise made to feel special.However,the idea for creating a day for children to honor their fathers began in Spokane,Washington.A woman by the name of Son

9、ora Smart Dodd thought of the idea for Fathers Day while listening to a Mothers Day sermon in 1909.Having been raised by her father,Henry Jackson Smart,after her mother died,Sonora wanted her father to know how special he was to her.It was her father that made all the parental sacrifices and was,in

10、the eyes of his daughter,a selfless and loving man.Sonoras father was born in June,so she chose to hold the first Fathers Day celebration in Spokane,Washington on the 19th of June,1910.In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge declared the third Sunday in June as Fathers Day.Roses are the Fathers Day flower

11、s:red to be worn for a living father and white if the father has died.When children cant visit their fathers or take them out to dinner,they send a greeting card.Traditionally,fathers prefer greeting cards that are not too sentimental.Most greeting cards are too special so fathers laugh when they op

12、en them.Some give heartfelt thanks for being there whenever the child needs Dad.1The United States is special in Fathers Day because_.Amany people celebrate the dayBonly America celebrates the dayCAmerica makes it an official dayDall men are honored in America2At first,Fathers Day was fixed on June

13、19th because_.ASonora honored her father on her fathers birthdayBSonoras birthday was June 19thCit was decided by the President at that timeDher mother died on June 19th3How many years has passed before Fathers Day became an official day since the Fathers Day was celebrated?A4 B10C14 D244According t

14、o the passage,on Fathers Day,_.Apeople will wear the same flowers to honor their fathersBonly daughters wear red flowers to honor their fathersCchildren must go home to honor their fathersDfathers are often honored in different ways5According to the passage,we can infer that Henry Jackson Smart_.Awa

15、s very kind to anyoneBdid a lot for his daughterCwas the first father honored in 1924Dalways helped others by giving money(2011南昌调研)At first,the earths surface layer (层) was made up of huge blocks of hard,solid rocks.Then slowly,there rocks broke up into smaller and smaller pieces.Finally stones,pebbles (砾石) a


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