(山东 天津专用)高考英语复习方略 素能提升演练 Module 6 外研版必修4

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1、(山东 天津专用)2013版高考英语复习方略 素能提升演练 Module 6 外研版必修4(山东 天津专用)2013版高考英语复习方略 Module 6 外研版必修4. 单词拼写1. The animal is mild, and never _(袭击) tourists or other animals. 2. There was enough evidence _ (表明)that the man was guilty. 3. Teens are good at _ (适应) to the changing environment. 4. He was being very _ (神秘的,

2、诡秘的) about where he was going. 5. If we continue to destroy the habitats of some rare animals, they will be endangered and become _ (绝种的). 6. The company has made a new _ (财富) even in the present declining economy. 7. He is a well-respected teacher and has won a good _ (名誉,声望) for all he has done fo

3、r the kids. 8. It was really _ (慷慨的)of him to pay for both of us. 9. Some people are really _ (怀疑的) about what they have read in the newspaper. 10. The quiet village, as the police claimed in the morning paper, was an _ (不可能的) setting for such a crime. . 语法和词汇知识1. If we dont take some measures to pr

4、otect this kind of plant, it will _ soon. A. die out B. die downC. die from D. die of2. Many people firmly believe that the housing prices will keep going up in the coming year. However, the experts seem _ about it. A. curious B. sceptical C. critical D. special3. 2012潍坊模拟Some experts have estimated

5、 that there will be a good harvest of wheat in North China this summer _ the good weather. A. in spite of B. apart from C. due to D. regardless of 4. You know what situation I am in now, so Ill_ . Can you lend me some money?A. take it easyB. come straight to the point C. mind your own businessD. tak

6、e it seriously5. With the new evidence accumulated, the case_ it was his stepfather who killed the boy cruelly. A. brought to light B. came to light C. threw light on D. saw the light 6. Constant coughs, running nose and back pain are often the _ of seasonal flu. A. reputations B. symptomsC. signs D

7、. symbols 7. Where is Lucy?I cant say where she is, but she _ have gone to meet her classmates at the school gate. A. can B. should C. must D. may8. The police were trying to cage the monkey escaping from the zoo when it suddenly _them and ran off again. A. attracted B. attachedC. attacked D. attend

8、ed 9. 2012济南模拟The panic buying of salt reminds us that it is necessary to keep _in an emergency. A. quiet B. calm C. silent D. still10. Bobs lectures _ a fairly wide range and I couldnt sum up what he said in a few sentences. A. covered B. conveyedC. considered D. commanded11. Cao Caos tomb is repor

9、ted _ in Anyang, Henan Province, which attracts nationwide attention. A. being found B. to be foundC. having been found D. to have been found12. 2012济宁模拟The latest survey _ that the global economy is declining due to many factors. A. predicts B. indicatesC. instructs D. means 13. After his wifes dea

10、th, the man kept himself completely _ from the rest of the world,making no contact with anyone. A. cut off B. set offC. put off D. paid off 14. 2012南京模拟 _ the local authorities paid more attention to the safety of the children, more than 20 lives _ in Gansu ProvinceA. Should; would not be claimedB.

11、Had; would not have been claimedC. Should; would not be costD. Had; would not have been cost15. As there are no chances to find a well-paid job in the countryside, many young people are flooding into big cities to seek their _. A. money B. earningC. salary D. fortune . 完形填空I have been ill and in a l

12、ot of pain for quite some time. So my trips away from home have been 1 . Two weeks ago, I decided to go to the local 2 for some fresh produce. As I 3 out of my driveway, I cried aloud in the car, “Please help me to show 4 to others today. ”I drove to the market, and as I drove up, I saw an elderly m

13、an get his wife 5 into their car, and then go around the car to the 6 side. They were in a disabled parking spot, and as I had a disabled plate, I 7 for that close spot. And I waited and waited and waited, by now not so 8 . Cars pulling up behind me honked their horns(按喇叭), even though I had my ligh

14、t flashing to 9 I was waiting for that spot. Finally, I saw this man 10 up his cellphone and make a call. Two more minutes went by before he 11 his phone. My patience had reached its point of no 12 . “Will you just move your car?” I 13 at the top of my lungs inside my car. However, the windows were 14 and he didnt hear me. It was another 15 before his cars reversing lights (倒车灯)came on. By the tim


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