Unit 3 Book II.ppt

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1、Unit 3 Book II,The First Lesson: Testing your ears The Second Lesson: Opening your mouth The Third Lesson: Section A The Fourth Lesson: Section C,The First Lesson,Testing your ears,Teaching Objective:,This part is designed to build the students ability in listening.,Task One: Tell the students the f

2、ollowing two short stories in English and ask some students to tell the stories in Chinese. A Girl Just Like Mother,No matter which girls he brought home, the young man found disapproval from his mother. A friend gave him advice: “Find a girl just like your mother- then, shes bound to like her.” So

3、the young man searched and searched, and finally found the girl.,“So,” asked the friend, “What happened?” “Nothing”, said the young man. “My father hates her! ”,A Picture,A rich American went to Paris and bought a picture from a French artist. The American thought the picture was very fine because h

4、e paid a lot of money for it. But when he came to his hotel and wanted to hang the picture up on the wall, he could not tell which was the top and which was the bottom of the picture . He turned the painting this way and that, but still could not decide which was the top and which was the bottom.,So

5、 he thought of a plan. He hung the painting in the dining-room and invited the painter of the picture to dinner. When the painter came, the American said nothing to him about the picture. They went into the dining-room to have dinner. Then the painter began to eat his soup. He looked at the picture

6、several times. When he began to eat his fish he put on his glasses and looked at the picture again. Before he began to eat his fruit, he got up and walked over to the picture in order to look at it closely.,At last, when he began to drink his coffee, he found that the picture was upside down. “Why,

7、my friend,” he said ,“my picture is upside down. ” “ Indeed ! Why did it take you so long to find that out ?” said his friend,“ You painted it, didnt you ?”,Task Two: Get the students to listen to the song and fill in the blanks, using the words they hear.,The Gods Will Lift You,Magnificent dream Sa

8、y you will follow it Magnificent dream Say you will honour it Magnificent dream If you touch me with invisible fingers If you hold me Then Ill go higher, faster I will be stronger Then the Gods will lift you so far above the ground,Then the Gods will hold you up if you dont look down If I go running

9、 up the hill if I want to then I will if I go higher, faster if I am stronger Down to the land and see then the spirit will survive And the heart is pure Then the city comes alive Then the Gods will lift you high Then the Gods will lift you high,上天鼓舞着你 宏伟的梦想预示着你将美梦成真 预示着你将实现载誉而归的崇高梦想 如果你用无形的手指触摸我,如果

10、你托起我 我将奔跃得更快、更高、更强 上天会一直鼓舞着你超越地平线,如果你不再回头 上天会一直激励你一飞冲天 如果我要跨越高山 如果我更强壮 我将奔跃得更快更高 降临陆地潜入海洋,精神将超脱心灵会纯净 城市也变得充满活力 那时上天将鼓舞着你高飞 上天将鼓舞着你向着更高冲刺,Task Three: Get the students to listen to four short conversations about peoples jobs. Number the pictures according to the sequence in which they hear them. The s

11、hort conversations will be spoken twice.,Conversation 1,W: Your college life will come to an end in several months, George. What would you like to do after graduation ? M: I want to be a doctor.,Conversation 2,W: What does your uncle do ? M: He works in a factory. He is a laborer.,Conversation 3,W:

12、What does your brother do ? M: Hes a window cleaner. He cleans the windows of tall office buildings.,Conversation 4,W: What does your father do ? M: Hes the manager of a big supermarket. Hes rather busy and always comes home very late.,Task Four : Get the students to hear a passage. The passage is p

13、rinted in the text book with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be spoken three times. During the second reading, they are required to fill in the five blanks with the words or phrases they hear. The third reading is for them to check their answers.,Mr. Smith lived in the countryside, b

14、ut worked in the downtown of a big city. So five days a week he went to work _by train_ every morning and came home the same way. One morning, he was reading his newspaper on the train when a man sitting behind him, who Mr. Smith had never met before, spoke to him. The man said, “Youre not leading a

15、 very _interesting_ life, are you ?,You get on the same train at the same station at the same time every morning, and you always sit in the same seat and _read_ the same newspaper,” Mr. Smith put his paper down, _turned around_ , and said to the man angrily, “How do you know all that about me ?” “Be

16、cause Im always sitting in this seat _behind_ you,” the man answered.,The Second Lesson,Opening Your Mouth,Teaching Objective :,This part is designed to build the students ability in speaking.,Task One : This task presents the expressions of describing things or people.,Play the recording and ask the students to read after it . Ask the students to list more expressions of describing things or people. Ask the students to c


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