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1、,why?,Because Zhou enlai is my most admired people,no els . He is confident 、brave selfless and charismatic . He did lots of things for our country , we should keep him in our hearts .,He was born in Huaian of Jiangsu province in 1898 . The land of his ancestors is Shaoxing of Zhejiang province . He

2、 is one of the memmber of our fist n leaders group . He has a large number of honor . He did so many things for the country and people but never asked for return . He was deeply impressed by the people.,Handsome and Talented.,He was appointed director of the Political Department of the huangfu army

3、school . He was only twenty-six years old , very young .,Outstanding Diplomat,He is wealthy in knowledge . When he faced a difficult problem , he always was able to answer and solve it . He attended a lot of international meetings .He solved many difficult problems for new China and Chinese . Foreig

4、n diplomats said Zhou Enlai was the most difficult to deal with . And he won the sincere respect of foreign diplomats .,Premier Zhou in the eyes of Foreign leaders,Too many leaders gave a high evaluation of Premier Zhou . Soviet premier Kosygin in meeting with Daisaku Ikeda, President of the Soka As

5、sociation, said: you tell Premier Zhou, Premier Zhou is a very smart people, as long as he lived a day, we will not attack, also could not attack.,Former British Foreign Secretary Eden of said to American reporters: you will know that sooner or later, Zhou Enlai is not a ordinary people.” The Soviet

6、 Union former foreign minister Molotov said to Western journalists: You think I am hard to deal with, then you are waiting to deal with Zhou Enlai He loved peace . The leader of India Association of China and India said:If the leaders of the world can be more like Premier Zhou, there is hope for wor

7、ld peace,Jacquelines wife Kennedy said: the world I worship only one person, that is, Zhou Enlai Mrs. Sihanouk Princess Monique also said: Zhou Enlai is my only idol! From these we can see that he is very popular with women .,Former president of Indonesia Sukarno said: Chairman Mao is lucky to have

8、Zhou Enlai such a prime minister, if I have Zhou Enlai such a prime minister would be good There are still many many examples and funny stories about Zhou Enlai .,Polite,Former Secretary General of the United Nations said a widespread sentence after the meeting with Premier Zhou in Beijing in 1955 :

9、“Compared with Zhou Enlai, we are a savage.”,Fashion,Look at his gesture , I think it is very fashional .It means “victory” . Even now many girls like to show this gesture when they take a photograth . They maybe think it is lovely , but in my words , it is foolish except Mr. Zhou show this .,Intell

10、igent,He was very intelligent . He was able to deal with a thing by the best appropriate way . He wouldnt let someone be embarrassed . For example , one time his assistant wrote a brief introduction for foreign , but its Mr. Zhou only used one sentence : Chinese Liangshanbo and Zhuyingtai is Western

11、 Romeo and Juliet,He and his wife,Zhou Enlai only had one wife in his life . He didnt have a son or a daughter . But from the picture , I can see their happiness on their faces .,When he died,When he died , there were many country leaders mourned the death of Zhou Enlai . The United Nations flown the United Nations Flag at half-mast to expressed sadness . I think we must remember and respct him .,THank you,


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