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1、丘比特,阿波罗和达芙妮,组长:吴佳玲 组员:安雯 张晓燕 宋会敏,BGM:月桂女神(S.H.E),丘比特、阿波罗与达芙妮的恩怨,小爱神丘比特,丘比特(Cupid),丘比特(拉丁语:Cupid)罗马神话中的小爱神,他的形象大多是即将步入青年的美少年(或一个手拿弓箭的调皮的小男孩),尽管有时他被蒙着眼睛,但没有任何人或神,包括朱庇特在内,能逃避他的恶作剧。他的金箭射入人心会促进爱情走向婚姻,他的铅箭射入人心会使相爱的人产生憎恶,以分手而告终。他有一对闪闪发光的金色翅膀,带着弓箭漫游,经常无目的地瞎射。他恶作剧地射出令人震颤的神箭,唤起爱的激情。给自然界带来生机,授予万物繁衍的能力。这位可爱而又淘气

2、的小精灵有两种神箭:促成爱情走向婚姻的金头神箭和中止爱情使之分手的铅头神箭。,Cupid (Latin: Cupid) in Roman mythology cupids, his image is about to enter the most young beautiful boy (or a bow and arrow in hand naughty little boy), though sometimes he was blindfolded, no human or divine, including Jupiter, including, to escape his mischi

3、ef. Golden Arrow launched into his heart would love to promote marriage, he shot lead into the heart will produce people who love hate to break up in the end. He has a pair of gleaming golden wings, with bows and arrows roam, often aimlessly blind shot. He shot a mischievous thrilling sky, evoking t

4、he passion of love. Bring life to nature, the ability to multiply all grant. The lovely, naughty elf, there are two sky: love led to marriage and the suspension of the gold tipped arrows to make love to break up the lead head sky.,Mother:Aphrodite,Father:Hephaistos,Son: Cupid,阿波罗(Apollo),阿波罗(Apollo)

5、,阿波罗是古希腊神话中的光明之神,为奥林匹斯十二神之一,是众神之王宙斯与暗夜女神勒托的儿子,阿尔忒弥斯的孪生兄弟。 阿波罗被视为司掌之神,主管光、预言、医药、畜牧、音乐等,同时他也是希腊神话中的花美男之一,九头身的完美身段,超高的音乐才华。让他受到了众多女神的欢迎。但因为触怒小厄洛斯,导致爱情的失败。在荷马史诗中,宙斯、雅典娜和阿波罗被描述为奥林匹斯神话中某种统一体,尽管阿波罗一旦来到奥林匹斯山则使诸神心惊胆战,而阿波罗的威慑和雄武,又同他的典雅和俊美相契合。 是人类的保护神、光明之神、预言之神、迁徙和航海者的保护神、医神以及消灾弥难之神。,Apollo was the ancient Gre

6、ek mythology, the god of light, one of Olympus twelve Olympian gods, is the son of Zeus, king of the gods and goddess of the night Leto, Artemiss twin brother. Apollo is considered the Secretary palm of God, in charge of the light, prophecy, medicine, animal husbandry, music, etc., but he is also on

7、e of Greek mythology handsome flowers, perfect body figure nine, high musical talent. Let him by many goddess welcome. But because it angered small Eros, lead to the failure of love. In Homer, Zeus, Athena and Apollo are described as some kind of mythical Olympus unity, although Apollo once came to

8、Mount Olympus, the gods so frightened, and Apollo and deterrence Xiongwu, and with his elegant and handsome fit. Human protection of God, the god of light, God of Prophecy, migration and Voyager protection of God, the god of medicine and God Difficulty Mi misfortunes.,Mother: Leto,Father: Zeus,Siste

9、r: Artemis,Brother: Apollo,达芙妮(Daphne),月桂女神叫做达芙妮,她是希腊诸神中最美的女神之一。,most beautiful,他们的故事,有一次,阿波罗看到小爱神丘比特正拿着弓箭玩。他毫不客气地警告丘比特说:“喂!弓箭是很危险的东西,小孩子不要随便拿来玩。”原来小爱神丘比特有两支十分特别的箭:凡是被他用那支黄金制成的利箭射到的人,心中会立刻燃起恋爱的热情;要是被另外一支铅做的钝箭射到的人,就会十分厌恶爱情。 On one occasion, Apollo saw a small Cupid is holding a bow and arrow to play.

10、 He bluntly warned Cupid said: ! Hey bow and arrow is a very dangerous thing, not just the children used to play. The original small Cupid has two very special arrows: all that is made with the support of his gold the lever hitting the hearts of those who will immediately ignite enthusiasm for love;

11、 and if by another one made of lead shot to blunt people will be very disgusted love.,丘比特被阿波罗这么一说,心里很不服气。他趁着阿波罗不注意的时候,“嗖”的一声把爱情之箭射向阿波罗,阿波罗心中立刻燃起了爱情的火焰。正巧这时,来了一名叫达芙妮的美丽少女。调皮的丘比特把那支铅制的钝箭射向达芙妮,被射中的达芙妮,立刻就变得十分厌恶爱情。 Cupid was Apollo say, was not convinced. Pay attention when he took advantage of Apollo,

12、whoosh sound to the arrows of love Apollo Apollo hearts kindled the flame of love immediately. In this case happened to Daphne beautiful girl. Naughty Cupid put the branch leaden blunt arrows to Daphne, was shot in Daphne, immediately became very disgusted love.,这时候被爱情之箭射中的阿波罗已经深深地爱上了达芙妮,于是他立刻对达芙妮表达

13、自己的爱慕之情。可是达芙妮却很不高兴的说:“走开!我讨厌爱情!离我远一点!”说着就像羚羊似的往山谷里飞奔而去。可是阿波罗对于追求达芙妮并不灰心,他拿着竖琴,弹奏出优美的曲子。不论谁听到阿波罗的琴声,都会情不自禁的走到他面前聆听他的演奏。躲在深山里的达芙妮也听到了这优美的琴声,也不知不觉地陶醉了。她早已经被琴声迷住了,走向了阿波罗。,This is when they were shot love the Apollo has been deeply in love with Daphne, Daphne and he immediately express their affection. B

14、ut Daphne is very happy to say: Go away I hate love away from me! Then just like antelope galloped away into the valley. But the pursuit of Apollo Daphne was not discouraged, he took the harp, playing a beautiful song. Whoever heard of Apollo music, can not help but walk in front of him listening to

15、 his playing. Hiding in the mountains of Daphne also heard the beautiful music, unwittingly intoxicated. She had already been captivated by the piano, to the Apollo.,躲在一块大石头后面弹着竖琴的阿波罗立刻跳了出来,走上前要拥抱达芙妮。达芙妮看到阿波罗,拔腿就跑。阿波罗在后面苦苦追赶,尽管阿波罗在后面不停的对达芙妮呼喊,达芙妮仍然当作没听到,继续向前飞奔。不过达芙妮跑的再快,也跑不过阿波罗。跑了好一阵子,达芙妮已经跑的筋疲力尽,上气

16、不接下气。,Hiding behind a big rock playing the harp and Apollo immediately jumped out, walked up to embrace Daphne. Apollo saw Daphne, ran. Apollo, struggling to catch up in the back, although Apollo kept on shouting behind Daphne, Daphne still deemed not to hear, continue to gallop forward. But Daphne running again soon, but also runs the Apollo. Ran for a while, Daphne has been running exhausted, out of breath.,最后,她倒在地上,眼看着阿波罗就要追上了,达芙妮急得大叫:“救命啊!救命啊!”这时候,河神听见了达芙妮的求救声,立刻用神力把她变成了一



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